Facility (Goldeneye)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buddhacrane, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Firstly, I hope it's ok I put that it's from Goldeneye in brackets otherwise people may just think I've made a map that I just happened to call Facility.

    My 2nd remake map and my 2nd non-puzzle map. This time I'm bringing back one of my favourite maps from Goldeneye.

    This map actually draws from elements of the original Goldeneye level, the N64 perfect dark remake and the Perfect Dark zero remake (Yes I've played all of them) plus some little additions for Halo3.

    2 weeks later I made this!

    NOTE: All these pics were taken from one game of regular slayer on this map and none of the kills or pictures were staged. Amazingly almost all of the rooms had a kill in them, which was handy.

    The main hallway (Always a warzone)

    The corridor around the back of the main hallway. (Below the bathroom)

    Connecting room between main hallway and the pillar room

    The room with the pillar + the long corridor connecting the 2 large rooms (Remember the body armor in the room at the back?)

    Big room on left of long corridor (the room that had all the silos)

    Big room on the right of the long corridor (Creative libertys taken in this room to make it more fun, no one ever used this room when I used to play this map on the N64)

    Room at the back of the main hallway

    The bathroom (A bit battered by this point in the pic)

    Vents above the bathroom! (You love it!)

    Some final, yet IMPORTANT, notes:

    There are 2 very different ways to play this map:

    1. Using the special Goldeneye FFA gametype I have provided: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18848996"]Here.[/URL]
    This is for those of you that remember the original and want to play this map exactly like the N64 version. You can barely jump, you don't have shields, there are no grenades, radar always shows your location even when standing still and you can't grab the turrets.

    2. Using any normal Halo 3 gametype e.g, Slayer.
    There are a bunch of extra shortucts and passageways that can be utilised with the ability to jump. There are extra Halo 3 weapons tucked away on ledges and passageways that you can now reach. You can also grab the turrets now. There are grenades on the map aswell. All these little map design tweaks help to open up the map and reduce bottlenecks that I found frustrating in the original.

    The two different gametypes make a surprisingly huge difference in how this map is played and I recommend you try both styles of play at least once. Die hard Goldeneye fans wil enjoy the Goldeneye FFA gametype and the change in gameplay. For those that have never played the original, this also plays as a very nice Halo 3 map with the subtle design changes that help to open up the gameplay.

    There are a variety of weapons on the map and after many playtests I believe they are well balanced. There are powerful weapons on the map such as shotguns and a rocket launcher but I have greatly reduced the ammo and increased the respawn times on those weapons so that they are not over-used, but help to break up the gameplay.

    Finally, I have also provided support for Team Slayer, KOTH, CTF and Odball. I have not properly tested these gametypes so I don't know how well they will play, but they are there. I do recommend KOTH though because I believe that should work quite well and be quite fun, I'm going to try and play that varient myself sometime soon. If anyone plays these varients and have any helpful suggestions I will take them into account and make alterations if nesseccary.

    Enough of this Essay!

    Here is the Map! Download
    Here is the Goldeneye Gametype! Download
  2. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    that looks pretty fun. ill give it a dl.
  3. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    hey, Glad to see someone else likes Goldeneye maps. I'm going to DL yours right now, i'll get back to you after i check it out. I don't want to pedal my map on your post, but i posted my remake of Facility about two weeks ago. I like the size and feel of yours better than mine, but i'm not too sure about some major differences that your map has compared to the original N64 version. I know you said you played perfect dark which i have never played, so maybe the version in that game was a little different than N64. Anyways, i'm gonna play yours and i'll post again to let you know what i think.
    Nice Job on the pictures and the post though!
  4. Kaitrix

    Kaitrix Ancient
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    I once downloaded another map that attempted to recreate Facility, but it wasnt that great. Ill give this one a try though, If i can remember, Ill post a review on Bungie.
  5. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    nintendo 64... those were the days. anyway it looks like a very well done remake of facility (my fav map) the only thing that looks a bit under done is the silo room but i suppose we have nothing round (but we have wire spools)
    anyways its preety good and i loved the vent above the bathroom.
  6. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    hey, as promised here i am again to tell you what i thought! ummm, anyways, it was awesome. Well done. There are definitely some differences but i could see gameplay being excellent. The small hallways and other shortcuts that you are allowed when playing with normal Halo 3 settings is cool. Everything is very precisely placed and neat. The back rooms (near the overshield) are not at all the way i envisioned them in my version, but they are unique and seem very playable. I'm going to go back to bungie and give the map 5/5, well done.

    If you wanna collaborate on any other 007 remakes i'd be down for working with you, you did good work and stayed true to original design.

    PS Kaitrix, the version of facility you played was probably the one by Afrosauce. It was poorly planned and had no interlocking and no attention to walls being straight, but at least he tried. . . . .
  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thanks for all the comments and reviews. I really enjoy reading them.

    I've played all the versions of Facility I've seen on ForgeHub now and I'm still pleased with my efforts. Here are some replies to some of your comments.

    The Silo Room: It is indeed different than the original. What I have attempted to do is create many miniture "silos" rather than 3 large ones, the overall gameplay effect is similar but I feel it suites Halo 3's gameplay better. Same with the other large room, neither of those large rooms got used much when I used to play them and I wanted to make them more acessible, hence the shortcuts as well. The second large room definately draws more from Perfect Dark, which had an upper walkway at the back of the room.

    The Shortcuts: Yes there are a number of shortcuts and passageways that differ greatly from the original but I truly believe they help the map and not hinder it. It opens up alternate routes to rooms and weapons that otherwise create rather frustrating bottlenecks. The shortcuts were based on observations from the original N64 versions as well as playtests of this map, rooms that were unused, areas that were over-concentrated in firefights and rooms that were over-camped were all things I looked at when creating those shortcuts and I really think it helps balance out the map.

    If you really don't like the shortcuts and the changes I made, that's what the Goldeneye gametype is for. You cannot reach any of the shortcuts with the Goldeneye gametype and it all just feels alot more like the original.

    As I've said in my first post. Depending on the gametype you use, you get a very different experience. I hope that my map can appeal to both the Goldeneye fans (Using the gametype) and people that just enjoy a good slayer map (Using a regular slayer gametype).

    Anyway, enjoy the map.
  8. Deetroid

    Deetroid Ancient
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    i'll try this out as soon as i get home.
  9. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Cool, lemme know what you think of it. Did you play the original on Goldeneye or Perfect Dark at all?
  10. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Classic goldeneye, so fun. good job, did you ever paly XIII, I love that game to, not everyone did?
  11. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback.

    I did play XIII and I quite enjoyed it, bit of a random question though...
  12. b3ware

    b3ware Ancient
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    Brilliant idea! Im gonna download right now!
  13. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    i just remembered this map for 007! this was my favorite one... i never would of thought of this. thank you u are my hero and u have gotten my download
  14. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thanks. The first thing I thought when I got foundry was "What cool maps can I remake!". Top of my list was Turf and second on the list was Facility, Bunker might be next.

    Actually I lied, the first thing I thought when I got foundry was to make fiendish puzzle maps, which is my main forging skill.
  15. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    ah finally somebody brought back a goldeneye classic, great job 5/5
  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Come on guys keep the feedback coming. I promise you that even though this is a remake it is still a good slayer map for anyone that has not played the original.
  17. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    ok if the fasle sentance is true then the first sentance is false which means the second sentence isnt true but because the second sentance isnt true dosent me the first one is so i got u figured out
  18. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    oh man buddhcrane ive play all your puzzle maps your a legend in my eyes. I will definetly d/l this map and play never expected you to make slayer maps but i bet they will be awesome.
  19. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Yeah I just do puzzle maps and remakes.

    I've dabbled at an infection map but I made it so tactical that barely any of my testers ever understood it, lol, so I never released it. I sometimes have fun playing it with the few people that do understand the tactics.
  20. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    well id gladly like to test any of your maps ... im still trying to beat hell on earth without looking at your walkthrough. (im stuck at the part with the grav lift.. no hints plz) I took a quick fly through on facility and it is looking very good i will have to get some more people to play it tho

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