Stairway Fort v2 Hey everyone, there's a new and improved version of Stairway Fort. The new version fixes the issues that people had to say, just to show, I bring you Stairway Fort 2. This map is perfect for One Bomb, One Flag, Slayer and TS. For an extra bonus, I made Stairway Fort 2 design just for infection, with cool filters and creepy landscape. I hope you all enjoy. Click here to download Stairway Fort. Click here to download the infection version, called Hauntway Fort. Weapons/Equipment/vehicles BRs 4X Neddler 1X Rocket Launcher X1 Sniper Rifle X1 Brute Shot X1 Grenades (Frag/Plasma) X8 X2 Plasma Rifles X2 Regenerator X1 Energy Drain X1 Bubble Shield X1 Trip Mine X1 Active Camo X1 Mongooses X2 Ghost X2 Turrents X2 Here are some "improved" screenshots of the "improved" map.
ineresting idea for a map, i dont kn how the game pla would work with(when playing team slayer) one team on top, just camping ang shooting with a higher advantage, but there are some good amount of pathways, so taht good for a little problem like that. i dotn exactly see the point of having ghost and mongooses...maybe take out the ghost? i dont know. seems small for some vehicles. but good job with the map, it might be a good map for oneflag and one bomb though, just not symmetrical gameplay.
YAY! a v2. This was what i was hoping for! I really like the minor tweaks that you made and how it looks good too. I have the first one qued up along with this one. 4.5/5
This looks like a very good map. You might want to interlock the wood bridges on the outside for a smoother transition, especially the ones near the top where it goes from angle to flat. Also you might want to include a weapons list next time.
This looks like a good map. I know you included a list of what weapons are on the map, but the point of a weapon list is to tell how many of each weapon is on the map. This looks good for asymetric games. But, take out the vehicles. This map is way too small for a ghost to do anything besides take up space and the mongoose would allways fall off the edge. This map reminds me of one of the Gears maps. I think it was Manor? I don't know. Good job with your map though.