HALO 3: ODST - Last Game?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jameslieb1, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Halo 3-odst is the last Halo game from bungie unless microsoft asks bungie to do so. - That's exactly what I said for starters.

    Bungie is an independent developer microsoft released them a long while
    ago - My apologies that I was not aware of this.

    Why would Ensemble which is being shut down make a FPS when there games are primarily RTS hence halo wars!! - It was a generic speculation you moron. The point was overall that the series should just be left sit after ODST in my opinion.

    Yes its possible since bungie is independent and can do whatever they want now.But whoever is the head of bungie said they could if they wanted but theyll probably only release games on 360. - Good for them as per prior I was not aware Bungie had been released. So sorry my intellect isn't nearly as vast as yours. / sarcasm.

    So for the time being stfu and get your facts straight - you should take your own advise and shut up, then, stop jumping to conclusions of peoples opinions and statements, and take about three chill pills.
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    you need to take 4 chill pills your post sounded serious as mine did.

    apology accepted for your unawareness of bungies status as a developer
  3. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    My apologies as well for being an ass there, but your post was rather offensive (not in the means that I took personal offense) and so I automatically responded by taking the defensive position.
  4. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    yes, ODST is the last Halo game that bungie will make. Sad face :( but, what ppl don't know is PRoject X is very permeable. I bet you Project X is Bungie rendition to revive Marathon, when the story ended with Durandal telling you to wake up. Master Chief waking up ut of the cryo freeze pod... huh? Makes sense, right? They based Halo 3 on Marathon, but Marathon hadn't been finished, nor has Halo 3. They both were trilogys and had major importance over marathon symbols and the number 7. A lot of conspiracy theories float among the two games, and it would be epic and awesome if bungie remade Marathon meet up with Halo. And don't worry, Marathon had forge and will probably continue to have forge.
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    SPOILER ALERT: When you beat the game on legendary cortana is telling master chief to wake up. I think bungie just likes to hide parts of previous games. No relation. What is this project X you speak of?
  6. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Project X isn't the name of Bungie's undercover project (I think) but it's what bungie is working on since halo 1. Suprisingly, Halo has been planned out to be another one of Bungie's trilogy and will leave into another game (maybe another trilogy, idk) They try to set up a good storyline to diffuse halo into smoothly, and Project X is that game.
  7. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Yes the Legendary Difficulty halo 3 ending leaves the door WIDE open for a sequel.

    look it up on youtube if you havent seen it.
  8. Vanyel37

    Vanyel37 Ancient
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    As shown in GameInformer, the former head of bungie stated that the protaganist in the Marathon Series is the same as the Master Chief. Marathon is in the halo universe about 250 years after halo 3, thus showing the reason why the master chief was cyrogenically frozen. Even though master chiefs armor is mark 6 by HUMAN standards, by forerunner standards it is mark 2, thus showing the reference to the mark 4 cyborg in marathon.

    Just wanted to put that out there.

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