Foundry Metanoia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Chubbly911, May 2, 2009.

  1. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    " Metanoia is shaking the world... it can teach you... and reprogram you..."

    Hello, and welcome to my new map Metanoia made on Foundry. This map took me about 30 hours to make dating back to about 2 months ago. Im not the fastest forger so thats why it took me such a long time to make this map. I hope in the future i can keep on making more maps for you guys to enjoy! Anyways there isnt much of a story behind this map. The only storyline behind this map is that nobody thought i was a good map maker so i decided to prove them wrong to make this map. I decided to name my map Metanoia because the song by MGMT inspired me. I began this map about two months ago to. I probably could have finished it earlier if i wasnt grounded but whatever. A key fact about Metanoia is that every single unmovable item on the map is either geomerged or interlocked so youll never see an unmovable object ungeomerged or uninterlocked. This map is also money glitched and uses the gametypes slayer, king of the hill, and oddball. Im looking forward in the future to possibly making an assault and capture the flag version of Metanoia. So now that your done reading this stupid introduction enjoy some screenshots. BTW the dl link is above.

    Metanoia Pics

















    There you go! Enjoy, and if you have ANY questions just pm me! The DL link is above also!
  2. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    This looks VERY well forged. The layout seems just amazing. This will probably be one of the few foundry maps I will download (mainly trying to download sandbox maps now) but this one absolutely looks good and hopefully plays excellent. Wow, this took you only 30 hours to make??
  3. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    do i smell a feature? this map has all the looks of being featured, amazing geomerging, just overall great forging, and the gameplay looks pretty good too
  4. V

    V Ancient
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    Woah... this is breathtaking. Your forging looks spot on and this has easily merited a download from me. How did this seriously take you around 30 hours lol? You're definitely not a slow forger. Once I get some games on it I'll come back with a better review. Oh and nice musical tastes as well, MGMT is an awesome group.
  5. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    lol thanks i thought i was the only person who liked MGMT.
  6. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    that center structure is the best center structure i have ever seen and the aesthetics are amazing and the map is well filled in andd at the same time open enough for the ghost
  7. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    do u mean the center structure with the bridges or the one with overshields?
  8. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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    im not going to lie i would rather play this over a sandbox map anyday! NICE JOB! one thing... did you just run out of items and have to use the doors? if not please change them! XD over all 9/10
  9. Project

    Project Ancient
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    wow this is a 30 min masterpiece. It's so well thought out and brought together. Ur forging techniques r incredible. The athestics r unseen. Now about the gameplay, the slayer game was adredilane taking most the fighting took place near the overshield, I guess that's just because that was kinda the meeting part. Overall I'm ready to see a feature
  10. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    This map is godly. I can see a feature for you on this. It is map superbly and all of the interlocking and geomerging is beautiful. I was playing this the other day and I loved it. The ghost doesn't have a lot of room to move around, but oh well, you have one of the best Foundry maps ever. Congrats, nice job. But...


    I'll show you how so you can fix it, Chubbly911.

    1.Spawn. Duh

    2.Get up to rocket area

    3. Jump up to awesome slanted bridge cover like so-

    4. Crouch-Jump over the B-sign to the Double-box.

    5. Walk up the double-box.

    6. Jump onto the ceiling railing and walk across it like so-

    7. Run off edge out of map.

    8.Horray, you are out of the map!!!

    I suggest you fix this before too many find out. But this map is still wonderful. 5/5. Keep forgin'!

    #10 PRS, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  11. XxOblivion77

    XxOblivion77 Ancient
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    Awesome map, dude. Excellent merging job, gonna give it a quick look in forge.
  12. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    After a 1v1 game against you yourself, I can say that this map has great aesthetics, but is lacking in some other areas. The weapon/vehicle placement and spawn time are odd, two bubble shields nearly beside each other, Ghost on a 30 second respawn, 2 Snipers on 60 second respawn that aren't far from each other and lots of stickies. If you ask me, the Ghost doesn't really fit this map because there is not much room to maneuver, and without it, you can remove/lessen the heavy weapon counters. Also, there was the odd spawn problem, but other than that, it was quiet enjoyable. Keep it up.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention the issue I had with the dumpsters to the middle area, I think ramps of some sort would be much better used there because ramps are favorable to jumps so you can fight as you gain the high ground.
    #12 Speed-e-cake, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  13. Project

    Project Ancient
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    Wow dude that was really messed up what you did

    if you were going to show him than you should have done it in private chat, now everyone is going to see it and there going to critsize it. It was nice to find how to break it but not to show it to the community.
  14. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    its ok project. people will have to do this to help me out. but thanks for telling me.
  15. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Somebody said you can't make maps? Punch them in the face, right now.

    Anyway, I am definately going to give this an thorough playtest and, aside from the complex way out of the map, I can see this being very fun to play!
  16. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well this looks good, but gameplay matters more. Someone mentioned this should be featured but they apparently didnt play on here.

    These issues need to be taken care of. Those respawn rates are bad, you dont want sniper spawning every minute and a ghost at 30 sec? It almost spawns before it blows up! Yes, looks good but gameplay should be good too.

    Layout looks cool, but im picky about ramps being steep, but it looks real good. Take care of those gameplay issues and this would be a great map.
  17. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Woah, there is so much geo-merging and merging I have no clue what's going on in the pictures, but that seems a hella fun. Excellent forging, this map looks great and the center structure looks amazing. Excellent job.
  18. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    Nice man. I downloaded this map, and forged around on it. As I was flying around I noticed all the cleaness of the map. This map definately has alot of potential to it. Ireally like the abstract structures that you have on each side. I think this map has a very good chance of getting featured.
  19. glowingdj

    glowingdj Ancient
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    this is a great map i would give this a 10/10 but you can get out of the map. so fix it and i will give u a good comments and a good rating.

    -Pce Glowingdj-
  20. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ill definately make a v2 after im allowed back on my xbox. Ill change everything that needs changed.

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