Lost Tower 2.0 & KingOfTheTower Download Lost Tower 2.0 Download Gametype Lost Tower Created by Arbacca With special thanks to all testers, along with honorable mention to joeizal. Supported Gametypes: Angels 2.0 Map Description This map is basically a thin, giant tower. The simplicity of it all is what makes it amazing! Previous version has 1300+ downloads! Current version has 900+ downloads! Gameplay Humans - Have 100% speed, 200% gravity, a magnum and limited ammo. Zombies- Have 200% speed, 200% gravity, a sword and a plasma pistol. Gameplay is very balanced, and the zombie is not too fast, either. Story Long, man began to build a large tower, but God had a problem with this. For, it was not what they were building, but why. They built it because they believed they too were as powerful as God, if not more. So they continued this mass construction, and convinced themselves they were indeed Gods, and made this tower stretch into the heavens. God, being sickened by these actions, punished these men. The tower then became known as the Tower of Babel, because God punished them by giving each of them a different language. Since they could no longer communicate, building of the colossal was halted, and they all went their seperate ways and flourished. (This story can be found near the beginning of a Bible [I think...]) However, a few decades later, some of the men devised a decent communicating system, and they once again began to construct a tower. God made the choice to let them build it until the end, and there was much suffering. For as each level of the tower was mounted, a sacrifice would be made to the supposed glory of man, as another man would preach to the others. Finally, construction of the tower completed, man began their final sacrifice. But then one notices something falling out of the sky. He turns his back on it, thinking it's only a dead bird. Right as he turns, a sword slides through his chest, and the priest fires his primitive gun at the angel. Then another angel appears beside the priest, and everyone decides to run up into the tower, since they had nowhere else to go. After several minutes like this, someone begins to ask for ammo, but all forsake him, and hurl him down the center. Another notices that more and more angels appear, and every death another angel does. There is ammo along the way and at the top, along with a few primitive vehicles, but that won't last them long. Man will have his inevitable death.... Screenshots Tower View 1 Tower View 2 New 4-Killball Sun (Yes I realize there is already a sun) The "Eye" of the tower, redesigned to look more symmetrical and more, well, pretty. Brand new top level of the tower, with a surprise at the top! Falling off will result in either crying or happiness, depending where you land... (One player on a mongoose is not recommended) New checkpoint system for zombies, so they don't have to go all the way up the tower. (Before) New checkpoint system for zombies, so they don't have to go all the way up the tower. Mancannon spawns 45 seconds after game start. (After) Sender node taking zombies slightly more than halfway up the tower. Only weapons along the way, each BR has 2 clips, so share. Receiver Node is above this level. Preacher's podium. Altar (Hole removed ) Human Spawn (Everyone spawns facing the tower) Finally, a view from the top of the tower looking down. Changes from first version: -Addition of Mongoose platform and Mongeese -Addition of Rockets and Battle Rifles -Completely redesigned top floor; altar; "Eye" redone -Zombies now have 200% gravity, so no more flying up the stairs when you go up. -Addition of 4-Killball sun -Addition of Gloomy-FX Other stuff: Zombie spawns very high in the sky, at the end of the Obelisk Hall. By the time the mancannon appears, humans will be almost near the top. You heard me right, it takes that long to get to the top. Download Lost Tower 2.0 Download Gametype King Of The Tower Download Here Description: A modified version of Lost Tower, in which players spawn inside the Tower. It is completely closed and inescapable. It now plays with all variants of Slayer, King of the Hill, Oddball, and Juggernaut. There is also a center column going up to the top of the tower, allowing no falls. However, there are two-way nodes allowing access to and from the top and bottom of the tower. FX are removed. P.S.: I rated my own thread, and I already know I suck and am a n00b, so no need to start with comments like that!
Man I remember the first version and thought that was awesome. This is way cooler especially with the new fx you added. I'll definitely download this. I'm glad to see that hole removed. I'll have to check this out. 5/5 aesthetics
Wow this has come a long way since the first version! I really like all the changes to this, especially the addition of the checkpoint system and better spawn points. I still havent tested this final version so i really want to check out the top of the tower. This looks a lot smoother each and every time, but i think you finally perfected it. I can't wait to test it out. Inv me! Oh, and it looks fantastic!
Wow I'm very impressed at how cool this looks. It is a simple idea but its beautiful. Now if only I had some friends to play it with. I haven't played halo before the new maps for a long time.
I'm in love. ____________ Since I have to comment about the map, I guess I'll say some stuff... Well, this is a great idea. Nice job basing it off the Tower of Babel. The whole idea was executed very well, and I only could wish that you made it go up past the skybubble (There is a way, but I wish you had more objects). Just great job in all. I hope to see you make more.
Thanks everyone for the comments, I am still amazed at how many downloads this has gotten! I also now have a version for Slayer, Oddball, Juggernaut, and King of the Hill in my fileshare, and I will have a link up shortly. Keep them comments rolling in
Ah, you win. One of my first projects on Sandbox was creating a tower. I used the Babel reference and everything, but I never finished it. Even if I had, it wouldn't be anywhere near the beauty I see before me here. How much budget is left? I am still trying to get a good idea of what is possible in Sandbox and what is not.
I like winning There's not too much budget left (around 100$) but I believe you can only place about 3 more objects.
This map is really fun to play on. I think you should release the version we played with the oddball and king of the hill. It made for some good times =)
AMAZING. I remember I downloaded the first version, it was OK, the only fun thing was jumping off the top. This re-make is unbelievable, excellent job, especially with the inside of the tower, as well as the top with all the weapons. 10/5
The tower you are talking about is available at the bottom of the post. It's easy to miss, but it's there. Yes, though it would serve you better if you didn't. In fact, since gravity is 200%, I wouldn't even recommend walking near the edge, because when you fall, you won't be able to stop on any other floor than the bottom one.
Yes indeed good sir, this was already posted. However! That was my first version, this one is much better in all standards. It'd be great if you could offer some criticism on this one though.
I knew of this, but I didn't find out until v2 was well underway. Funny story about how I found out... But still, at least it somehow made it to that kind of public feature. It had to be SOMEWHAT good, right?¿
hey man wats up its Blue Mag1c 91.i dont no if you remember but i plkayed some conquest with you last night.map looks sweeet need to play this soon...send a friend request and ill ttest this map out wit ya.
wow! this is beautiful! i love the whole tower theme you really made a nice one! i really like it keep it up!
Thanks for the compliment, and I feel this is the perfect moment to say "That's what she said!" I doubt I'll come out with another tower, unless ppl offer some good ideas for another.
That took forever to climb when I was going up the tower. I fell when I hit the top... I just had an Idea, but I would design a handrail on the side of the slopes going up the tower. Just would make life a little bit easier when going up. This seems like the real: "The Tower Of Power" that everyone has wanted.
Wow, i initially thought that the last picture was an awesome looking hallway, only to read that it was a look down from the top . Awesome map though, the interlocking and aesthetics of this map are great. Also, well done on the story at the start. Linking it in with a story of the bible really gave it that touch of realisticness(if that's a word).