Sandbox Deity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nosirrom Mij, May 4, 2009.

  1. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Atlas Submission Thread

    Deity 3D Walkthrough (Bungie Pro rendered film)

    The feud between Red Team and Blue Team has attracted the attention of a strange alien god. Fight Valiantly. He is watching.

    Overview Pics
    Southern Overview & Birdseye
    Western Overview
    Northern Overview & Birdseye
    Eastern Overview
    Satelite Overview & Weapon Placement (Deity Default)
    The Blood Wall
    The Citadel
    Red Spawn Zone & Objective (Flag and Bomb)
    Blue Spawn & Objective
    The War Path exterior, interior, & the backdoor.
    Bunkers' Roof & Exterior (mirrored)

    Additional Photos
    Hill Locations (In order of sequence)
    Hill 1
    Hill 2
    Hill 3
    Hill 4
    Hill 5

    Territory Locations

    Oddball Location

    Power Weapon Locations (Deity Default)
    The Ghost
    The Laser
    The Shotgun
    The Sniper Rifle

    Team Images
    Blue Team
    Red Team

    Weapon or Equipment and the # placed / Clip Size / Respawn Time (Deity Default)
    6 Battle Rifles / 2 / 30 Secs
    2 Covenant Carbines / 2 / 30 Secs
    2 Needlers / 2 / 30 Secs
    2 Plasma Pistols / na / 30 Secs
    4 Plasma Grenades / na / 30 Secs
    1 Sniper Rifles / 2 / 2 mins
    1 Spartan Laser / na / 2 mins
    2 Bubble Shields / na / 1 min
    1 Regenerator / na / 1 min
    1 Ghost / na / 3 min

    Recommended Gametypes
    Deity (Default)
    Slayer & Team Slayer
    Multi-Flag & One Flag
    King of the Hill
    Team King of the Hill
    Territories, Landgrab, & Flag Rally
    Assault, 1 Bomb, & Neutral Assault

    Deity SWAT
    SWAT Flag
    SWAT Magnums

    Deity Snipers
    Team Snipers
    Shotty Snipers
    Sniper Flag

    Download Deity v.3
    Download Deity SWAT
    Download Deity Snipers
    #1 Nosirrom Mij, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  2. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    looks nicely forged, although I don't see a real need for the laser, seeing as there's only one ghost. too bad I can't test it out for myself...
    i'd give it a 9/10!
    #2 Eculc, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  3. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
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    Just a quick thing about forgehub rules, the name of the forum post should just be the name of the map which is "Deity". I would recommend changing it asap. I did see this on Atlas a little while ago. I liked it a lot. The only thing that looks weird to me is the big platform leading to the sniper, but thats just me lol. As far as gameplay it looks like it works out great. I can see this map being good with just about every gametype which is hard to do IMO. Anyway I like it :) ill dl it when I get home.
  4. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    It looks very well done and perfectly forged, the bases look interesting too. But i do agree that there is little point for the spartan laser, maybe replace it with an overshield or another more useful power weapon, say rockets. But overall well done. 9.5/10
  5. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Thanks, but as far as I know once it's posted you can't change the title. If you can then I don't know how. Can a mod help me with this?
  6. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Moderators are the only one's who can change titles on the forums after the post, although you can change the title just for the thread, but it wont affect the title on the forum listing.
  7. Onionboy

    Onionboy Ancient
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  8. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    really nice map, i love the layout of the map. I really like the merging on "the citadel" I likethe way the collums look. It was really interesing with teh way taht the sniper is placed, i dont think iv seen anybody put it on a slope like that, usually horizontally on the wall or on the floor, u know. The flag locations are pretty cool, kidna seems that there is only one way to get to it though, so maybe change the location? i dont know. great job with the map though.
  9. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    seriously bro? NIFTY?

    anyways, the map looks great, with excellent aesthetic structures and a cool looking ramp and platform to boot that IS NOT RANDOMLY FLOATING IN THE AIR, the gameplay looks great and i can see why it would be good for oddball and swat, good job putting effort into your map as well as your post.

    4.65/5 excellent forging
    #9 R0FLninja, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  10. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    I like the big bridge thing in the air where it all connects. The bases look really cool also I can't wait to play test this map hopefully it plays as good as it looks. Keep on forging, can't wait to see more from you.
  11. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I must say this looks quite interesting. It has some kick a** forging. My ONLY issue from the pics is that it seems that the walkways have a lack of cover. What do i know though, i haven't played it. Keep up the good work. 4.5/5
  12. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Excellent map Jim, as you know I've played this a bunch of times in various Custom nights, and I also saw it while you were at the finishing stages of forging it.
    I remember when we had an absolutely epic game of Two-Flag that lasted the whole 10 minutes and we only just lost because Furry completely evaded us!

    Amazing map mate, when I first saw it I thought it looked like the average Symmetrical map, but when we played on it,
    I realised it played so much better than the generic maps you see posted quite often.
  13. DFS Faust

    DFS Faust Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This Looks amazing. Great Layout!
    Very Original! i like how you interlocked the colored columns with the obelisks
    i will probably use that some time.
    i would suggest like a man cannon under the sniper ramp thing for another way up. i would also add some more like tiny boxes around the map for a better swat map.
    and maybe some more equipment around the map would improve gameplay.
    I see some parts on the ramps to sniper and the bases
    that might cause some bumpiness but other than that it is very well forged.
    9 out of 10.
    a V2 would be awesome. i hope you get around to one.
  14. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Great looking map. After doing a forge through I found one spot on the red base that could be a significant advantage in a sniper game. From the top base platform you can jump to a small lip on the left stone platform. Doing this allows you to get to the very top where the man cannons are. I dont think it was intended as I checked for the same on the blue base and could not repeat this. Other than that this map is extremely well made and I look forward to getting some games on here.
    #14 RunTime83, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  15. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    Wow, so many kind words. It's feels nice to know my hard work is appreciated. So much feedback too, I don't know where to begin.

    Damn dude, you have a really good eye. I am aware of that spot, I'm just not sure if I want to fix it or adjust the blue side so they can get up there too. Regardless, good eye.

    I had to be selective about what to put down. This map ran up the budget mighty quick. As far as the bumpiness goes, I painstakingly adjusted every piece so that there is virtually no bumpiness. After all, if somethings worth doing it's worth doing right. :)

    Also, I may do a more custom friendly version of the map, but right now Deity is meant for matchmaking, or Atlas rather.

    Fancy seeing you here. ;)

    Yeah, Furry ran like Forrest Gump. MultiFlag is great on this ma, and so far has been a crowd favorite. Although, Snipers played really really well. much better than SWAT actually.

    By the way, to anyone that is interested, there are test vids in my file share.

    I know what your saying, but trust me, you don't want to give the sniper too much cover.

    ...boy I really fubarred the coding in that post. :p
    #15 Nosirrom Mij, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  16. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Excellent map, Jim. The pathways and their unique structure really makes this different from all of the "ground floor clones" on Sandbox with just another layout.
  17. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    wow i love the design of the map!! it plays rather well to! at least all of the games ive played! :)
  18. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    First off, aresome name

    Great map with smooth interlocking, great playability, and works with my favorite gametype, SWAT.
    so it is definately worth a DL and a try
  19. Kiwinator 777

    Kiwinator 777 Ancient
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    Nice post, was very helpful in helping me imagine the gameplsy more than just looking at the pictures! And it seems you took your time on this, cause from the pictures I saw no fatal flaws in your interlocking. I'd give this a 9.5/10 I might come back to update you once I've played it!
  20. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    There's one thing I forgot to mention. The Deity, which is the makeshift eye I forged on top of each objective base, is designed to have a 3D feel to it. In gameplay when you look up at the eye, it gives off the illusion that the eye is following you.

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