Back Burner

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Vicious Vice, May 4, 2009.


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  1. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Back Burner
    By: ShaddoBlade

    Recommended Racers: 2-8
    Recommended Gametypes: Racetracks, Battle Tracks

    You can hear your Mongoose revving, see the course stretching out in front like a giant, coiled snake and you've got this alarming burning sensation. Where are you? Well, you’re probably about to race on Back Burner, one of the newest racetracks to be released. This serpentine track has numerous banked turns and hairpin corners, all compactly built into a small area. Although it doesn't have any particular aesthetic theme, Back Burner is expertly crafted and as smooth as snakeskin. The course is also perfect for battling it out on the back of your mongoose using the battletracks variant. With so many twists and turns in a small area there are bound to be unique angles of attack. Like many courses being made these days it is not the easiest to race on - blind corners, sweeping turns and sudden drops will keep even the most experienced racers on their toes. But competition aside this map is just plain fun to race on and even players who aren't fans of racing should give it a shot. What more can be said? Get out there are set some new lap records. Oh, and get that burning sensation checked out. It can't be good for you.

  2. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    First and this was one of the first really good sandbox race tracks. So glad it was featured! The twists, turns, and smoothness just make this map blind my eyes!
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This racetrack proved to all of us that it is one of the best in the category.
    When I first drove my mongoose in here, I was amazed at how smooth and continuous my driving was.

    Definitely deserved it. Congrats, Shaddo.
  4. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    yeeeeeeehaw finally! This is definitely the best Race map ever in my opinion. I kind of waited for this all the time. I think I already played like 100 games on it :p.

    It is fast. It is fun. It never gets boring. You can easily overtake others if you are a good driver. It is smooth.
    *Dizzy sound*

    And now, since I have xbl live gold back, I can play a bit more on the best Race map evar.

    And now for the more serious part. After collecting a lot of experiences on this map, I can say that it is almost perfect. The path the track is going is perfect for battle snipes, You have the right amount of "cover" and enough places to shoot/be shot. There are curves, long, straight parts. Only the last curve makes me think every time: Did he use all objects? (Its a bit too tight.)
  5. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    It's an amazing track really, and it set the bar for all sandbox race maps to come. It showed what you can do on sandbox with a race maps. With all the twists and turns and speed, you'll never get tired of this one. Definitely deserved this, congratulations.
  6. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    really nice design and aesthetics, although a bit simple (if you laid it flat)
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Congrats on the feature Shadoo. You earned it.. Great interlocking and unpredictable twists & turns. I like this and Cherry Kiss as well. Great work. How is your new track coming? I am working on a new track in the skybubble. I just wish I had more time to forge like I use to, lol.. Nice job.
  8. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    this is definitely one of the most epic sandbox race maps. totally smooth, totally twisty, totally epic! it reminds me of getting flushed down a toilet or being in a hurricane or something like that. something crazy.
    awesome map and congrats on the feature!
    #8 Lemons Reloaded, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    definately one of the more innovative tracks and it's really smoth. congrats shaddo and thank you for giving us a great track, now if we could only get cherry kiss featured...
  10. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Wow, this is great. Looks like a pretty difficult track. I'm glad to see more race maps being featured now, because we need more variety on the front page.
  11. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    One of the best sandbox maps out there. Not just racetracks but overall best. The map is smooth and a lot of fun to drive on. And don't worry, cherry kiss will be coming soon. Heres hoping for a new Premium. Great map Shaddo!

  12. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Took long enough. I absolutely love this track and it has stayed on my hard drive since Day 1. Awesome track. Cherry Kiss... feature na0!
  13. kingstick07

    kingstick07 Ancient
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    nothing against your map, but if this gets featured then The Doog better be, i gave this 4.5 out of 5, too easy
  14. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Wow this racetrack looks awesome. one of the more astectically pleasing tracks i have seen in a while. All the amazingly forged twists and turns that are (or so they look) very smooth. I REALLY hope to see more from you soon.

    gratz on the feature.
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    The variant that I have is different to this one. I think the pictures are a bit out of date.

    But this track is amazing to play on and easy to drive on too. I love dropping a tripmine and then a minute later hearing: "VIP killed!" "Double kill!"

    Amazing track, definitely worthy of the feature
  16. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    YES FINALLY i play on this map all the time with my friends by far the best race track ever made on forgehub congrats on the feature that was long overdue
  17. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Congratulations. I've been waiting for this feature ever since the first time I played this map. I can say that this is the best battlesnipes racetrack I have ever played. The sight lines are perfect, the forging (obviously) is perfect, the difficulty is in that perfect spot, not too hard, but if one's not careful, they can fall off or mess up. I love driving on this track; its flow is amazing. Very smooth transitions. And I must say that I am one of the better drivers out there. Especially on Back Burner. That track is perfect for me.
  18. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Yes the doog is a fun map and is very creative (actually I had that same idea for the blasting up thing :p ) but these racetracks aren't about difficulty. They are about RACING. You probably haven't downloaded RACETRACKS (gametype) yet, but this is a truly awesome map. Sure, it's not the best aesthetic racetrack I have seen, but it is cool.

    Personally I enjoy aesthetic/themed racetracks rather than plain ones like these, so I'll give it a 4.5/5. I still have to give you props for the time you must have spent on this map.
  19. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    This map is not only smooth
    It not only looks good
    it is also fun, there are some curves on here that are very fun drive your mongoose over. Nice Track.
  20. Lordace6

    Lordace6 Ancient
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    I had fun on this map, the roads are smooth and the overall look of it isn't an eyesore. My friend and I played the map and had a blast.

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