
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frag Man, May 4, 2009.

  1. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    No, this is not a "tell your dream" thread. Rather, tell the perspective your dream is usually about.

    Example: My dreams take place in third person, and include a lot of theater material such as: comedy, mystery, and ****ed up ****. Most of them have to do with basements.
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    My dreams usually require me in a sense of horror, but it's subtle. My dreams seem to repeat themselves to. My top two repetitive dreams are

    1. I'm in my car and I just filled up on gas and my gas pedal is stuck on 25 mph and I need to constantly drive around my block until my gas runs out, there's also heavy traffic so I need to drive up on tree lawns sometimes.

    2. My aunt from California comes to stay with us in Ohio and she is cooking dinner that night. I walk into the house and my oldest dog is walking around skinned limping towards me and wants me to pet her. And every time I do she yelps so I can't help her in anyway except keep telling her she's a good dog.
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I usually have third person dreams too... They usually end up being about someone I knew died the previous day and that I live without them...
  4. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    First person consisting of various things I think of during the day/week/month complied into one journey.

    I dream almost everyday (or at least remember) and I ****ing love it.
  5. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    First person, usually about my crap days at school.
  6. threeforthee

    threeforthee Ancient
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    My dreams are weird, they are in first person, sorta. I'm me , but I can see me. Also they are mostly scary when asleep, but when awake they are funny.
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Everyone in my dreams is trying to kill me.
  8. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    My Dreams, are very complex. Too complex sometimes.

    I onced dreamed about The 10th Dimension, and how it is every possible infinity ever squished into a single point, and there are interlude sections where I am on a strange island...

    I also had a dream once that was Rush's 2112, except I was the guy who finds the guitar...It was cool...

    And sometimes, I just dream about sleep. It's odd really, but I guess that's why my Cardinal Vice is Sloth.
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Mine vary a lot, i go from first person to third person. Sometimes there about sex, when im not getting it usually. Other times there about me and my freind and our band, many times its dry humor, one time Ozzy Osbourn came in and my friend was like oh yea Ozzy is here and i was like wtf omg ozzy and he was all nonchalant about it. lol
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    My dreams, and I guess everyone's for that matter, are indescribable. I mean... I can tell you what they are about but putting them into words is inadequate to say the least. I love dreaming, it's an amazing part of my life. It's always 1st person. I've been having a lot of flying dreams lately. Not like superman flying but with the aid of some machine. Usually a helicopter but once I was just holding on to a Wyle E Coyote rocket. There's also usually some crazy ass amusement park I'm in.
  11. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Oddly, I haven't had a dream for a few months. Sad I know. When I do have a dream, they're normally very vivid, and express something that I think about oftenly. I once had a dream where I had to shoot terrorists (cod4 gets me again..) and then go into leroy jenkin's (self explanatory) hummer and fly out the windshield into the grass that was actually water. If I don't have a comedic dream, normally its something very revealing or odd. One dream I remember having was being the last man on earth. Creeped me out, really. My dreams are always in first person, however.
  12. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    It sucks to be you then.

    My dreams are, well, you may not believe me, but I get dejavu when I'm a sleep. I see things that are going to happen in the future while i'm asleep, a few days later I'd be like "OMFG I was here before!, I remember having a dream about this before!" Quite strange really, but it can happen in pretty much any place. I hope I'm not a psychic, they're weird.
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    In my dreams, I've been seeing the past, the present, and the future, since I was a child.

    Though, these envisioning dreams are seldom, and only come in at extremely insignificant moments. They are a plague to my sleep. They continuously intervene with surreal dreams, which I love, due to them being out-of-this-world, and typically more epic then your favorite Action/Drama flick.

    It's been inexplicable...These dreams of mine...I've been battling (uncontrollably) whether or not I'm going to see the future; the present; the past; or my personal favorite, anything.
  14. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Anyone ever try to get a lucid dream? A lucid dream is basically when you realize that you are dreaming and then you can control the dream. It is a lot harder then you would think it would be. I'm sure you can google it for more info. Anyways, recently I've been trying it and I realized I was dreaming twice, but both times I haven't been able to do anything after because both times I woke up right away.

    I'm sure that I dream every night, but usually dreams are hard to remember and I if I remember any at all it would be the one I was dreaming before I woke up. Many times my dreams relate to things that have recently gone on in my life but sometimes they are just really crazy, random stuff. Those are the fun ones.
    #14 the other dark, May 6, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  15. Billt Joe

    Billt Joe Ancient
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    my dreams are always in third person. which is kinda stange, why would dreams be in third person?

    and I wish I could know my dreams were happening more often (not lucid dreaming) so then I could try to lucid dream which would be uber awesome :squirrel_rocking:
  16. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    it's always the first perosn for me
    and its always me
    except once where i was a girl who is like the total opposite of me at a train station looking in the mirror for some reason...
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I've had some weird dreams but I don't usually dream unless i'm exhausted. So I don't get to dream very often.

    Some of the ones I almost always remember are:
    1. When I was talking to God. It was just empty, just white space everywhere and me and God where just chillin' in some white beach chairs. And we just talked.

    Obviously I was just talking to my own subconscious, but the idea was cool.

    2. Me/Someone dying.

    3. Or my just standing/lying/sitting and not doing something else. Just, frozen.

    My dreams aren't very viviv. And every once in a while I do get a pretty vivid epic dream, but that's once in a blue moon.
  18. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    When I do dream, which is not that often, it's generally a normal day with one wacky variable. The last dream I can remember, it was perfectly normal except everyone was wearing a silly hat. **** like that.
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    In my dreams, Im usually seeing in first person... and they usually revolve around things that have happened recently mixed with thoughts that i usually bury in my subconscious and hide from the world. Additionally, theres alot of times when it involves me standing up to someone and defending someone i care about. Not like superhero style or anything, but its all hidden aggression i have from things i see in my life that i dont act upon.
  20. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    My dreams alternate a lot, sometimes it's first person sometimes third person and sometimes like a RTS game view, or from afar. I have dreams with meaning or random dreams that seem very realistic. I sometimes draw a scene in my dream if I remember it. I also have dreams that repeat once in awhile.

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