I have been making a map and this is the first map I am truely dedicated to. I want to eliminate 2 thing from it that I can't seem to do. 1. I want all bumps to be gone. There is always a little over or under making a bump. I brace everything using guides but still do not get a 100% smoothness part. I am floating items so setting them on the floor won't work. 2. The items give off a flicker that annoys peoples eyes. How do I stop it? I think it is gone then S&Q when I reload the map it comes back. I think it is a matter of flatness. I know it is possible because that guy with the race tracks being all supper smooth. I just want some help. (I understand all interocking and terms do not give me a link to forging 101)
Its impossible to have completely no bumps ON SANDBOX ( WOOPS ). As for flicker, I think it might be due to unlimited budget, but I know it doesn't happen during a custom game. Its just a spaz of objects with the lighting.
the flicker of an object is actually not because of unlimited budget, but ironically because your objest is not straight and perfect with the other one so the parts of both peices sort of fight for the view when movement is occuring near them. They both aren't flat and they both want to be on top, so they spaz out. And the 100% flat floors is near impossibility. THis can only be done by bungie putting a tool to edit object height without picking it up, which isn't happening. sorry But the other thing u can fix. I hope i helped.
Try using man cannons to float things instead of S&Q. It is impossible for absolutely no bumps. Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. As for flickering, you can brace it, make sure it is not interlocked by making the other objects not spawn and tap A twice on it. It should barely move and fix the flickering.
100% flat floors is more achievable on Sandbox without interlocking. Just use upside down double blocks. What type of map is it?
Since you're using save and quit method each time you save then quit, then reload the map, your objects if twisted on their axis from their original position, will have moved a little. That's what causes that flickering even if it looks ok before S&Q.
A good way that works best on Foundry is. Place your box (Or float were u desire), Then spawn another next to it that is flush(use guides to help), set one to not spawn and start a new round, on the side of the box where the nonspawned box is place 2 walls next to eachother and delete the one touching the box, now move the box so it is right up against the wall. delete the wall and spawn your box. If done right it should be 100% seemless.
This is for Sandbox.....Foundry is easy.... Anyway, do NOT use S&Q method, that is where the misshapes happen most, use mancannons.
There seems to be a common misconception with the "flickering" in earlier posts. When that happenes, the objects are so perfectly interlocked that the game can't decide which surface goes on top. As for the op, either precorrect the tilt by tilting the double walls the opposite way, or use EpicFishFingers's idea.
Indeed, "flickering" surfaces are surfaces that have been so perfectly interlocked that the game can't decide which face to display over the other. It's indicative of an amazingly smooth and precise interlock, even if it does annoy the eyes. In terms of gameplay, "flickering" is actually good. Now, for the perfectly smooth floors (like the ones seen in most good racetracks), the way it's achieved is actually by "banking" objects between one another: set two objects, then place weapon holders (or some other small immovable object) at three points, such that they define the plain that the intermediary object will cover. Set the first two objects to not spawn at start, then start a new round. Place your intermediary object (third object) in such a way that it rests against all three small objects you placed before. Float it somehow (save and quit, a buddy with a wall corner to hold it up when you drop it, non-host lag glitch, etc.), and when you make the first two objects spawn, you should have a relatively smooth banked surface. Granted, that does nothing for floors, but you might be able to make it work.
On Sandbox the reason no objects can be perfectly interlocked, is because the objects themselves aren't perfect. That goes with Foundry to. Objects in forge are never perfect and when interlocked will have a bump. There is no way to prevent this, and I recommend just bracing them, and then placing the object against the braces. Nothing further..
Thanks for all the help! it is just that the tin cups I am using as grass are flickering and there are still bumps. I like things that say they are perfect when they flicker (makes me feel good). anyway how do you do the man cannon way? do you place man cannons beneath to push up and wait for it to stop moving or S&Q?
There are till bumps in the racetracks, you just don't notice them because you are driving a mongoose over them not walking over them.