Sandbox Silhouette

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by ShaddoBlade, May 4, 2009.

  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Well, you know what they say. All great trilogies come in threes, third times a charm, save the best for last, etc. Finally completed, I give you my third and final racetrack:


    First Bank; First Tunnel

    S-Turn; Second Tunnel

    Second Tunnel; Major Hill

    Final Turn

    Minor Hill; Checkpoint Jump

    Thanks for checking it out! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.​

    Gametype: Any VIP racing variant.​

    #1 ShaddoBlade, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Last map? No way man, you just had a feature. Go Premium! You are now a racetrack legend in my eyes.

    I have never seen racetracks made as smooth as yours. Your creations are the ones that give such graceful ease that it almost feels that your mongoose is flying.

    Back Burner, Cherry Kiss and now...Silhouette. All heavenly racetracks and will surely never be forgotten by most of us. I just love all those three and it's sad to see that it is your last. Make another one, Mr. Racetrack Legend.
  3. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The name fits it well. This track has that smooth, long feel to it (enter ***** joke here), and its wavy, fine texture makes it feel so real. It does not have the turns or quite the challenge of back burner, but it has that fun, endless gameplay. Sorry to see its your last, great job 5/5
  4. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map i love the neat geo and merging its great to see maps of this level 5/5

    nothing to conplain about and v2 is trick to make better

  5. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Congrats on the feature for Back Burner, also this map looks insane as always. I'm not even going to comment on the merging, it's to hard to describe how neat and perfect every block is. I also love the looks of that tunnel you added, it adds a cool aesthetic to the map. I wonder if there is a such thing as a map pack feature, if so I think it should definitely be Back Burner, Cherry Kiss and Silhouette. Your by far one of the best race track builders I have seen. Good job keep up the good work.
    #5 oFatalAcex, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  6. Callum

    Callum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow the map name suits this track perfectly. Everything is in balance and lined up just right. I MEAN EVERYTHING IS SO STRAIT I swear it shouldnt be possible. I am sad to see you retire from rocking the racetrack world. I get how making these could get a little boaring and frustrating though. Still Im gonna hold my breath and hope for a come back tour. no rush maybe in your spare time this summer the urge might hit you again.
  7. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is no geomerging and you posted this twice. This is total spam... It's obvious that you are only boosting your post count. Don't do that.

    Sorry, that kind of stuff pisses me off and I'm sure Shaddo doesn't want it here either.
  8. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    My hat is off to you. Amazing job, nothing bad I can say about anything. Just wow. I remember when I saw this in the making and I was amazed now I am just stunned. I am glad to see another great track posted here and I cant wait to see more.
    Also look for my new track to come out in the next week or two. Thats just a little thing I had to add sorry.
    5/5 in all categories nice job!!
  9. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
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    This looks great. Me and my friends loved backburner. Ive never heard of cherry kiss so i clicked the link in ur signature and both of them go t backburner :/

    Anyway 15/5 and a download.

  10. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    NOOOOOOO! Not your last race map. You were supposed to become the next x Dream 76 x. Back Burner and Cherry Kiss are both amazing and this looks just as good. And this track has the hills that I love in racetracks. Why stop now though???
  11. revenger 514

    revenger 514 Ancient
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    this looks really smooth and i like the design of the track.

    and i like the waves in the track.

    the end where you jump over the bank turn is cool but my only question is if you can slow down and jump right onto the bank turn, resulting in cheating through the first part of the track.
  12. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    wow very nice once again looks extreemely smooth... I hope you made this one harder like back burner instead of like cherry kiss so it is possible for it to be competitive becuase it looks great lol... I can't believe this is your last track... what are you going to do now? oh and 5/5!

  13. Docter Jimmy

    Docter Jimmy Ancient
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    Man, that is impressive. Racing on it is incredibly smooth, everything looks beautiful... I really can't find any flaws in this map. It's a shame that it's your last race map, you're really good at making them. Definitely 5/5.

    Do you mind me asking what exactly your technique is for building it a racetrack like this? I've tried making things smooth and banked on this one map I've been working on, but how you get it so perfect seems impossible :p
  14. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I'll tell you one lol. The jump. You don't land it all the time. I tried several different combinations, but the man cannons worked best, and I just wanted to finish it...

    The grav lifts push you over the bank turn no matter what speed you hit them.

    Thanks to everyone for your comments. As to why this is my last track: I get bored forging. That's a huge factor. Also, my forging style limits my creativity, and I don't wanna make the same track over and over again. My three tracks are already pretty similar. I also wanted to quit while I'm ahead. I had a good, albeit limited, run. I enjoyed finishing these tracks, and have a blast racing them. I wouldn't want to continue just to fail epically at some point. I also enjoy playing other games and have just recently got back into some older games (BF:BC ftw) and am buying a new one later this week. Lastly, I am a simple racer at heart. Sure, it's a blast to finish the tracks, read the comments, gain popularity, and all that jazz, but my true love is driving around all of the beautiful tracks out there.
  15. Wraith_5

    Wraith_5 Ancient
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    Great Map, 5/5, my favorite part has to be the obelisk tunnel, i've never seen that before. Great work as always.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i was able to exploit this 6 times in a row by turning sharply to the right just before going through the grav-lifts - it would be very easy to fix by extending the right side Wedge Long a little past the end of the jump

    otherwise, it is an extremely well crafted race track
  17. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Well, maybe you can make a shorter race track with not as many hills and make it more focused on aesthetics to change things up a bit. Also, if you get bored in forge, I'm sure there are plenty of people who can make it fun for you. Being with people really helps. Trust me. I feel the same way in forge unless somebody is there having fun and doing random stuff.

    One of the reasons I want you to make at least one more race track is because it could be like a mario kart cup or something like that. 4 tracks, remember way back when.... I think it would be cool to have like a cup or some night that everyone gets scored on or something.

    Now to the map: I really like it and when I saw this yesterday I had no idea that was the day it came out :p ...The smoothe turns. What makes this really different is that it's longer than your other maps. Great job! If you do not decide to take up this offer, then good luck to you and you will be missed. :D
  18. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yet again, another great track from you shaddo. The turns are perfectly smooth and just seems amazing when driving it. The only thing I have to say is that the ending seems a bit weird with that drop, it seems a bit rough but still works pretty well. Also the map is cheatable, I'll tell you how on xbl. Anyways, great map. 4.8/5
  19. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
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    Very Sexy Map! 10/10! I played Battle Snipes on it today and had a blast. The track is really perfected and has no flaws! Continue your sexy race track making... I would love to see more of your maps that just make me drop my pants and grab a lotion.
  20. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    Congrats for the feature for back burner its a really nice map and this one is too. The start is perfect I like the drop that u made its a nice touch. The interlocking is good and everything looks even to me. The map is big and when u go off the finish line u go on that drop. The wood is even and smooth like everything else I will try this map out and nice job really.

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