Sandbox Dereliction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rex Thunder, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    This map looks really good, I played this map on the first one alot, lets hope the game play doesn't disappoint me. Overall this map looks like an accurate remake. Definitely downloading this map later and play testing it, keep up the good work bro.
  2. squirrelboy900

    squirrelboy900 Ancient
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    this kind of reminds me of assembly
  3. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    That's the center piece with four walkways protruding symmetrically.

    Great work on the forge OP.
  4. regulargonzales

    regulargonzales Ancient
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    Another excellent map as a result of sandbox. Very well made and it plays like a gem on multi-team!
  5. Fearsome Engine

    Fearsome Engine Ancient
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    Quick Review

    Hi Rex, like others here I was a big fan of this map in Halo Ce and Halo 2 so I thought that I would check out your remake. I've only had a chance to play around on forge but I thought you might like to here my thoughts:

    First Impressions

    When I spawned and walked around this map for the first time I was immediately at home. You have done well to capture the essence of both originals. The top level is particularly familiar; the two overlapping walkways with the central pillars and overshield instantly draw your eye. The same can be said for the central structure on the ground level although this is less familiar. In general the map in neatly made and logically laid out - although the latter should be obvious being that your map is a remake.

    Escaping the Map

    It seems others have had issues with escaping the map particularly on your first version; so I'll address this first. I have your latest version in which you have tried to fix some of this issues. However some of your fixes are quite easy to bypass. There are also one or two escape points you may have missed:

    1. At the top of the red shotgun ramp there is an open area where you have tried to place single walls to prevent people escaping. If you stand on facing the outside of the map you can jump onto the left-most "broken column" then "edge-jump" to the left-most "small stone column". You have placed a single wall above this point to prevent escape but it is actually quite easy to jump to the left of this wall and escape the map. I suggest moving the single wall to block this or removing the "small stone column."

    2. Just before the red shotgun ramp there is a small "safety spawn" with two spawn points. If you stand on these points looking towards the middle of the map then turn right you will see a "block, angled". It is quite simple to perform a grenade jump over the top of this to escape the map. I suggest block this hole with something.

    3. There are several small columns on the map can be reached using simple grenade jumps. From there is is relatively easy to escape the map. These are:

    "Small stone column" directly at the top of red shotgun ramp.
    "Small stone column" nest to the Active Camo.
    All four colored columns next to both teleporters on the top floor.

    As you can see there are 4 different point to escape here so each may require a different fix.

    4. The final escape is potentially the easiest to fix. At the top of blue shotgun ramp there is a "block, large" which can be used to jump directly to the "small stone column" in front of it. From here one can jump onto a small ledge on the corner on the block structure to the left. From there you can jump up and out of the level. To fix this simply align the blocks to remove the ledge.

    That's as many as I found in my short play-through. Most should be fixable quite quickly.


    As I said before your map is neat and well laid out. In addition your structures are mostly well forged. I particularly like the central structure on the ground floor. Your choice of objects means that the firefight around the central structure takes on different sight lines depending on the height of the combatants.

    The areas where the brute shot and needler are placed provide little cover for spartans trying to acquire these weapons. I'm not sure what this area was like in the originals. Might I suggest moving these weapons to the large empty areas that go round the back of the map at the bottom of both shotgun ramps. There is little in these areas either but at least there is cover there. This would also allow these weapons to be acquired independently of the fight for rockets.

    You have two instances of z-fighting that I can see: where two or more textures fight against each other.

    1. At the boundary between two of the "huge blocks" on the top floor near the overshield.

    2. Underneath the "small stone column" mentioned in escape no. 1 above; there are several pieces in the floor here that are fighting it out.

    Your weapons are placed sensibly and use reasonable respawn times. I did notice that your run-time max for BRs was set to 15; I'm not sure if you could fit that many people on the map anyway so you maybe able to get some cash back by lowering this.


    Your spawns have also been well implemented. You have done well to leave plenty of pace for those that spawn in clusters and to place spawns in intelligent areas. My only suggestion is: You have two spawns near colored columns on the ground floor, near the open space at the bottom of the shotgun ramps. In both cases - on each side of the map - the spawns are facing so that spawning players are running away from the battlerifle that is right next to them when they spawn. Also both these spawns face a blank wall, although this is some distance away there is no obvious method of orientation with these spawns. You may decide to fix this by moving the spawns up onto the "block, large" behind them, thus providing a elevated spawn on the ground floor.

    Your spawn zones seem sensible although some of your spawn points around your starting points are set to team rather than neutral. I believe that this prevents players from switching spawn zones, or if they do switch these particular spawns would not be eligible for either team. I believe that you don't need to set specific spawns as the spawn zones you have placed will do that job for you.

    I had a look at your set up for Flag too, unfortunately you have mixed up your span zones here. You have the attackers spawn zone over the defenders starting spawn. I didn't check any further but you may want to review the rest of your zones to make sure that them are the right ones for the right team.


    In conclusion, I found your map to be very neatly and logically put together with sensible weapons and spawns. The overall feel of the map is nostalgic and accurate to what I think you were trying to achieve. In my opinion it has the potential to be a top notch map with a few minor changes and some solid work on preventing escapees.

    I hope that you have found this review constructive. It is my very first on Forgehub - although I have been reading these forums for a long time.
    #25 Fearsome Engine, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  6. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    The map looks great, but just 2 cons IMO. 1. The rocket launcher looks extremely hard to get, and if you are a rocket fan like my self, you will be guarding that thing like it is the holy grail. Not that much cover when you grab it as well.

    2. The camo seems out of place, especially if there is only 1 on the map, and that close to only 1 side of the map/bases. But I never played the original Derelict or Desolation, so I guess that is how the originals maps went.
  7. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
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    Very well thought out review. Thanks, I appreciate the time it took for you to do that. I actually haven't touched the map in over a month, so I may need to get back on and address some of these issues. I must have missed a few map break points. Although- I must add- the play is so hectic when you have at least 4-5 people on here- there is absolutely no time to jump out of the map. That said, I would like to prevent it if possible. (Tough though because my budget is completely out- except for some reason is kept allowing me to use single walls- hence the floating ones.)...

    I definitely need to fix the CTF spawn zones- as I thought I had those set cleanly- but never tested it so obviously missed that. (I set those up in a hurry for the sake of others- as I rarely play that mode on this map).

    All said though- I hope you continue to review maps this way- as it's very helpful and constructive to mapmakers who spend countless hours trying to put together enjoyable maps. So thanks again!
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I hate to tell you my friend but this map is very very breakable, i like it alot its a great remake, but as i said i could get out really easily.

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