I have made an airplane and a small airport while forging. the airport is very small and is at ground while plane is in the sky bubble well here it is http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=76830871 Airplane from the ground view. Airplane is the sky bubble view. The very small airport. The parking space for the very small airport. Inside the very small airport. Gate into the plane. The inside of the airplane. Enter the airplane or leave it and drivers seat of plane. The bathrooms. Looking outside the plane.
This is a good idea, but the last time I checked, the front of airplanes aren't square shaped. It could be neatened up a bit and the teleporter looks bad sitting in the front of the plane. I'm glad you put windows next to the seat. Also, I don't think I could see this for infection, so I don't think it would be a good idea to even bother making it for infection. You did an okay job.
this looks pretty cool, i just dont like the front of the ship and the teleporter which SVV33T SAUC3 mention before, apart from that this looks like an ascetic aircraft and good map, keep up the work
Interlocking, wedge-shaped pieces, etc. This could be a great idea for infection or VIP. Is it designed for that sort of gameplay?
Yeah, neaten up the front of the airplane, and you got yourself a gold aesthetic map. Great forging too, I like the windows on the plane.
good job, looks pretty good BUT i would say use a tad more merging and make the plane the right shape, and you would be in good shape.
Yea clean up the front of the airplane, and I think you will be ok….infection game type would be nice with this.4/5
You should make the airplane bigger, like a 747... or however big you want it to be; it is supposed to be in the future after all.
The idea is acutally really good... Reminds me of dead air on left for dead even though your never even on a plane... The inside of the plane is great and acutally makes me feel like im in an air plane... As for the out side... I feel it could use a little bi more detail.
Dude, this gave me an awesome idea...however, I don't have sandbox so I will tell it to you. Maybe rename it like snakes on a plane or something, an infection type game. Then raise the plane up some so you can add trap doors in the bottom, top, sides, etc... Then have the "Snakes" (Zombies) rain down onto the wings and nose of the plane and attempt to break in and kill the passengers. You could even go as far as to make it VIP (one-sided) and have Samuel L. Jackson (VIP) spawn inside the plane. lol. Oh, and you could have man cannons and grav lifts in front of the plane blasting stuff past the windows of the plane to make it look like the plane is flying forwards.
I like this idea, and the execution is good, but I have several things that you should work on. First, the plane is a bit squared, where real airplanes are rounded and smooth. Second, your pictures are in forge mode. This is normally okay for a few shots, like when ou show the layout, but it is nice to look at a map without the grid taking your attention away from the actual structures. Finally your pictures are a bit small. Try to make them a tad bigger for easy viewing and overall appeal. Good job, however. I would love to forge with you sometime. If you want to work on something, I'll help you out. 8.5/10
the front is a little wierd, and a little interlocking goes a long way. Just finish it up a bit, and then maybe if your up for it add some more aesthetics to it. Even though all that could be a little better, this map has great potential.
It would be insanely sweet if you built it underneath the death barrier so you can sky dive or some ****. x) Nonetheless, it's a really neat aesthetic map. The only thing that throws me off is the front of the plane as others have stated.
The outside of the plane looks terrible but the inside is very believable. The cockpit of the plane could be better if you merged and made it more rounded out. LOL at the airport and the long hall. It brings me memories of walking down the long hall going to the plane and waving goodbye to my dad. 4/5. it would be a 5/5 if you fixed the cockpit.
From what I can see, the tube to the airplane (on the ground) looks kind of messy. Fix that up and make the seats interlocked with the back of the seats. Maybe also make a seat for the captain, dashboard, ect. But it looks pretty cool. 3/5