I like the approach you took with the stock. The effects and colors are very good, but it seems like one thing you lack. On the right side of the sig, the black area does not fit very well. I would suggest making it something like the bottom left corner. Tell me how that goes, if you do it.
Really nice stock that you worked with. I really like what you did with the colors and lighting. Also you sharpened it very well, it looks like you didn't do it too much or not enough. Personally, I would not have added a border to this, but borders are usually bases on opinions. Nice job
I don't really like the stock, but the idea of the stock is good with the soldiers and guitar guy. For the signature I am giving it a 3.5/5, the text is poor, try experimenting with text and make it more than just a default font, really play around with that stuff, it makes a signature even more aesthetically pleasing.
So you're taking 1.5 points off because the text is "poor?" If you chose to take so much off at least explain in full detail...
the sig is definetly not deserving of much more, the reason this one is kind of hard to cnc is because you overblurred it. it makes for hard criticism when its hard to tell whats going on you know?
I was attempting to get an answer from hells requiem himself because it was he who rated it 3.5 initially, but yours is fine too... And I do disagree with your opinion. I, along with many others, believe that the amount of blurring I put into this sig is superb and only benefits its looks. Also, I don't think that the sharpening and blurring I contributed to the sig makes it tougher to criticize but easier to be pleased by the depth. I'm not cocky, I'm right.
First off, I think the stock is pretty cool. I personally like the border, and the text is OK. I agree with Kitsune, though, you made it way too blurry. The right arm just looks bad because it is so blurry and the brightness is odd in that particular area anyway. The smudging looks a little odd along the neck of the guitar because it (the smudging) isn't very straight, which looks weird when you smudge something that is perfectly straight. Also, just as a personal statement, I think it would have looked better if you had left more fire visible. Overall, I would say a 3/5 because of the over-blurring and odd smudging.
You basically copied Kitsune's post except made yourself sound more stupid. Firstly, Quagmire is right, I honestly believe that the blurring is 90% perfect and I think you're just saying that because Kitsune, who's a pretty well known sigmaker, said that. Then when you started talking about the smudging you made no sense, mostly because I didn't even click on the smudge tool throughout the whole proccess of this sig and, therefore, didn't use it. Lastly, with more of the fire visible it may have made the sig look as retarded as your last post, and that's pretty god dam retarded.
There is definite smudging or distortion on the neck of the guitar, whether you used the actual smudge tool or not. If you look at the stock, the neck of the guitar is perfectly straight. If you look at you sig, there are out-of-place squiggly lines going from the hand and up the neck of the guitar, which I assume are supposed to be strings. The strings should be straight. And yes, the right arm looks pretty terrible because it is blurred too much. The amount of blurring on that portion of the sig is inconsistent with the rest of the sig, which makes it look weird. Also, upon further consideration, the right ear/horn of the character is over-blurred as well. As previously stated, the additional fire is a personal opinion; I believe that a little bit more fire, right around the top border, would make the sig better.
I lol'd. haha. Superb? No, I do believe you're cocky. The brushing over his eyes makes it look strange, you should have left the original there. The very left is ok, however it is the sharpest point of the tag but is far away from the focal, due to you blurring the focal too much. Your text needs work, try working with something that blends with the tag. Example, don't use 'stringy' text as it doesn't suit. Try giving your text meaning sometime.