FORLORN by UndoingChales with help from K Hood1 Description: In the midst of war, tranquility could always be found at this telecommunications facility, until the Spartans moved in. Layout: Designed to have the same basic design as Ascension, Forlorn has the large base (Headquarters) at one side, and the sniper tower (Outpost) at the other side. The banshee platform (Ghost) is on the side, but a ghost replaces the banshee. On the same side is the mancannon/rocket platform (Slingshot) and at the opposite side of these are the sniper platform (Putter), and the shotgun cave (Tunnel). In the very center is the square ditch (Bowl) holding invisibility cloak. Gameplay: This fast paced map brings back gameplay from Halo 2 as an ever famous map is recreated and tweaked, Ascension. The map is playable with Team Slayer and is best with br's to start with. The guns on the map are very important as is the power-ups. To get the battle started, a invisibility cloak is centered for a standoff in the middle. Also an overshield shield lies on the bridge leading from Ghost to Headquarters. The sniper is found at Putter, the rocket is found at Slingshot, and the shotgun is found at Tunnel. Another gametype to play with this is the Halo CE gametype. Strategy: If starting on Outpost, rush rockets, sniper, and invisibility cloak. If starting on Headquarters rush Overshield, shotgun, invisibility cloak, and top platform of Headquarters. Pictures: Outpost Sniper Coverage Putter/Sniper Spawn Outpost Overview: Slingshot/Rocket Spawn: Headquarters: Back of Headquarters: Top of Headquarters: Side of Headquarters: Tunnel: Passageway from Tunnel to Putter: Ghost: Passageway from Ghost to Headquarters: Ghost Action: Dish sideview: Dish Bird's Eye View: Invisibility Cloak vs. Overshield Sniped!: Slingshot!: Overview: Please DL before making comments about the gameplay! ENJOY! Download
this remake is not to good because there was a banshee the middle part is round and other then that the tower isn't very good either cause theres nothing to prevent you from falling of the tower and the place that leads to the bridge that leads to the banshee isn't curved by that i meant its not rounded off other then those things its ok. 3/5
Read the description next time, it is based off of ascension, not a remake. Also this "3/5" what am I taking a test? No so how about you play the map and try to tell me it's bad
Sweet map, I like the idea of using some of Ascensions design to help make. I also like the added touch of a ghost on the map instead of the banshee that used to be on the map, and I'm not sure if the other map had it or not, but the camo on top of the middle platform is a nice bonus to the map. Hope to see more!
Pretty alright remake. Looks like it took alot of time and effor. Good job. : ) If you make a V2, use different kinds of items when coming to interlocking to make a perfect recreation of Acension. Again, good job.
Looks really nice man it captures the style of Ascension but plays way different, the ghost is nice since its an anti grav the incline in middle won't affect it too much. Good job man keep up the maps.
Your a retard. Posting a map on what we know now as you proxy. FAIL. Your banned, and we don't want you here.
Stop spamming this thread, I have reported it. If u want to provide constructive criticism than go ahead