Sandbox Sandstone

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by the blue shoe, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. the blue shoe

    the blue shoe Ancient
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    Sandstone V3

    Publish date: 4.24.09

    Authors: the blue shoe & the whyher

    Description: "Upon excavation of grid 005, the UNSC uncovered a chamber wired for destruction."

    From the start this map has evolved over many stages. From a rough draft, spawned from a love of early halo design. Into a melting pot of all our favorite design aspects. Sandstone has twin symmetric bases, flanked by asymmetric structures high and low. While blue and red base anchor the map, I find that there is a place for everyone. Do you like to snipe? Do you prefer close combat? Mid range battle rifle conflicts? Maybe you like to hold down the base on defense. There really is a lot of diversity in this map. A game type and niche for every player.

    Status: Version 1.0

    Items on map:

    Battle Rifle x8
    Carbine x4
    Needler x2
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Shotgun x2
    SMG x4
    Pistol x4
    Plasma pistol x2
    Plasma rifle x4
    Energy sword x1
    Plasma Grenade x8
    Spike Grenade x4
    Bubble Shield x2
    Regen x1
    Gravity lift x2
    Power drainer x1
    Over shield x1

    Game types:
    6-16 players
    All game types are set and ready to play.

    King of the hill
    Odd Ball
    Team Snipers















    Edit* Assault now fixed for all styles.
    Link to Atlas submission thread: : Atlas : Private Forum : Sandstone (Sandbox crypt) V3 update

    Thank you, the blue shoe & the whyher

    #1 the blue shoe, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Looks like a solid Teamslayer map. But i think from your pics that 2 ghosts might be a little overpowered. Say if one team gets both ghosts your screwed. this looks like a medium sized map. So idk if 2 ghosts would work well here.

    so im hoping you put them on NO~respawn.

    ill give you a 7.5/10
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    This reminds me a tad of Hang 'em High. Anyways, it looks par. Nothing more, nothing less. I can't point out spectacular interlock, whether it's aesthetically or genetically pleasing, nor if their happens to be any at all. But I love your layout, that's all that the map is balancing on for me. But it doesn look like it's plays greatly, terrific choice for sniper spawn by the way. I think this is decent map.
  4. the blue shoe

    the blue shoe Ancient
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    I will update this thread with some better pictures tonight. They looked good on my television, but now look flat and boring. Trust me this map is anything but. Please judge on your in game experience and not a quick scroll of this page. Any ideas to improve and fix this map will be taken seriously.

    edit: Video capture of game play coming tonight.

    Edit** Youtube game play video now available along with some better screens. (thank you whyher)
    #4 the blue shoe, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  5. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    WOW. Thats almost all I can say. This map is well forged and has fantastic sight lines. You have just the right amount of cover and everything. It looks like an acual multiplayer map made by Bungie! The ghosts look like a little much though. other than that its perfect. 9.5/10
  6. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah like i said earlier 2 ghosts might be a little dominant and ruin the fun. If you hurry go back and set them to no-respawn
  7. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    Wow this is very good acually i would say Excelent I think this map reminds me of Hang'em'High. Outstanding 10/10
  8. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    The video turned out really cool blue. Looks to be all done now! Thanks blackmagic and blackandbluetoo for the great review so far. Ghost seem to be a concern by readers, but with so much high ground, the ghost is easily and effectively countered.
  9. the blue shoe

    the blue shoe Ancient
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    Thank you for the feedback on the map. While building Sandstone sight lines were a top priority. Each position on the map has unique vantage points balanced with cover and vulnerability. The sides of map are two very different places, high up at purple allows an overview of the maps perimeter nut not the center floor. While the passage ways under the lower sniper spawn give plenty of cover.

    Anyway thank you again for the feedback and I hope you enjoy Sandstone.
  10. civilian

    civilian Ancient
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    Great job guys, It turned out really well. Ill be on wednesday to test with you guys and the guys in atlas for sure. The bases look very cool, and I like that when you are up at purple, you can see well but you cant dominate over the map, its very balanced. At first you wouldnt think so at all with a tower that high, but it is! Nice work!
  11. the blue shoe

    the blue shoe Ancient
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    If anyone would like to participate in some testing tonight. Hit up my GT : the blue shoe. Starting a 9:00pm PST I need to get some MM game type films for Atlas. Thank you to all who can make it.

    -the blue shoe
  12. Mo Murderous

    Mo Murderous Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love this map it is very well thought out. my only suggestion is to maybe put a portal or something so you can get to the very top faster. this map is a snipers dream. the bases are very well designed good job keep up the good work 4.5/5

    i forged in a portal up to the top where the power drain is above the rockets, and at least for king of the hill it plays better, because if the hill is at the top you can get there faster. i love this map
    #12 Mo Murderous, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  13. the blue shoe

    the blue shoe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, We thought about a teleport up top too. Instead we placed two neutral respawns. It is rare that you will spawn up top but it does happen. I will need to test the map with your suggestion in place.

    I just sent this over to Atlas for more ideas to make a better map. Thank you to all of you who's input has been taken seriously. I see a new version in the future once all your ideas have been tested.
  14. the blue shoe

    the blue shoe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Version 3 update:

    After input from this site as well as Atlas group this map has been changes in a few ways.

    Version 3 includes the following changes:

    -Man Cannon added to the catwalk
    -Lower sniper swapped locations with brute shot below
    -Two respawns up top purple relocated
    -Plasma rifle up top of purple replaced with dual magnums

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