Ethics of Town infection

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by kilamanjara14izback, May 3, 2009.

  1. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    So I was thinking about Town infection maps and how each ones have there ups and downs so I was thinking about the up sides and the down sides to of them and how it could be improved. So let us start...

    Pros and Cons of close quartered buildings

    • If the buildings are to close it can be extremely hard for humans zombies depending on how many zombies there are. If the zombie count is 25%(which in my opinion is the standard count for zombies) it is hard because if it is 12:4 it is nearly impossible to cover all sides due to the fact of not being able to have a far enough distance to look at. It is also hard due to the fact of if it is a gametype that takes awhile to kill unless it is a headshot, headshots are hard as hell if they are coming from above which means about 2 humans killed if all 4 of the zombies work together and thats if 1/3 of the humans are looking above and the other 2/3 are looking in the front and behind. Then what happens is doing a redo and get about 2-3 more humans in about 3 minutes. Which means a quick game. T
    • For the Zombies it is difficult, if there is only 1 zombie, to have a chance to kill the humans if they are starting together. If the humans are spread apart the zombie can then pick off 1 or 2 humans which is a good amount of zombies to use strategy to beat the humans, however if the zombie is not familiar of the map or the humans spawn next to power weapons then this will not be so simple.
    • Effects for this kind of map are a horrible idea do to the fact that it is already dark enough and it is done not need to have it hard to see for a far distance(like gloomy) since you cannot see that far anyway.

    • The pros for humans are that it can really cause for some **** in your pants scary stuff. If the humans are in a building and the humans are starting to find that they are all running out of ammo and when everyone finds theirself out of ammo(which has happened to me and it is ****ing hilarious) so you have to attempt to either beat down all the zombies, which doesn't happen to often, or you have to all make a full out sprint for another building which since it is a close quartered town the next building isn't to far away then it is possible but if the doors are only made for having 1-2 people aloud at a time zombies have lunch time.
    • The zombies can have fun with this because if you have more then 1 person and you hear through the tv that the other team is running out of ammo.Next 1 person can go to another building close by and hide in a small corner that is hard to see.Then as the humans come sprinting in then you attack and most of the humans scream in terror through there mics.
    Best gametypes for close quartered maps
    • The best gametype(in my opened) for close quartered maps are 25% are zombies and the humans and zombies all spawn together in a close area.
    • The next best gametype is where there is 1 or 2 zombies and they spawn together, and the humans spawn seperately so they all have to work together to get towards each other and the zombies have a short period to pick the humans off
    Pros and cons of opened buildings


    • Since the buildings are opened that means the humans have a clear view and it is hard for zombies to get near the humans if they are bunkered down in a building with a few openings in it which leads to zombies leaving and then causes glitches in the game and rounds just keep restarting which causes humans to leave and then you find yourself with 4 people in your party that end up leaving since there is not enough people.
    • The zombies almost find it impossible to get a kill if there are more then 4 doubles boxes between each and building since there isn't any cover.

    • If the humans like the controlling game part where you don't completely fear for you life then this is your map, kind of like fat kid which I hate but somepeople do like this. If the zombies do have a high damage resistance then this could be used very effectively where as if the zombies drop from the top of the building then all the humans have to use major team work as so do the zombies have to, to win.
    • If there are effects on an open-ended map than this can be used very effectively because the gloomy can make it so humans can not see nearly as far unless they are in a higher point.
    Best gametypes for opened towns
    • There are 2 zombies that spawn together and all of the humans spawn in pairs around the map so they have to get together
    • The next best is 25% zombies and the zombies and humans all spawn together but make sure the humans are spawning as far away as possible from the most open area. For example, in a building in one of the corners.
    Code of conduct for all Town infection maps

    • Every floor of a building should have atleast 2, preferably 3, ways to get into it.
    • Weapons should never respawn or have very long time to respawn, I prefer no respawn at all because it makes it more life like.
    • Have the humans spread out but not to far away. Probably about 2 humans together in each building or each floor.
    • Have the zombies spawn in about 2-3 buildings to prevent camping.
    • Make UNSC weapons only.
    • Do not have these following weapons
    1. Rocketlauncher
    2. Machine gun turret
    3. Flame thrower
    4. Missile pod
    5. Spartan laser
    6. And any other weapons that aren't UNSC
    • In each building do not have more then 1 battle rifle.
    • The zombies should be killable by headshot for sure and about 2-4 bodyshots so it takes more skill for humans.
    • No more than 200% speed on zombies.
    • This one is really just a tip, if there is a map using gloomy effect and you want lights to be stronger, add the juicy, it increases the light effects.
    Finishing words

    Make sure the map has a mixture of both close quartered and open-ended maps because then if you have to move to a building in the close quartered map it can be very easy to get move from building to building but having a few humans picked off but when the ammo is running out you have to go to far away building which desires major teamwork for humans which means a very epic event of humans all in a circle looking outward moving over to the lonely building. Make sure the close quartered buildings do not have a lot of weapons in them but a fairly large amount of weapons in the open buildings because humans deserve the prize if they make it in there.

    If there is anything that y'all thing should be added or anything that I messed up on wordage because I am kinda out of it right now plz tell me in the comments.
    #1 kilamanjara14izback, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  2. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Its a good start to a guide. Clean up your sentences, maybe add some pictures to show what you're talking about.
    As for your points, I agree with most of them, though you should probably add what sort of gametypes would go best with close-quartered and long-range urban maps.
    The do-not-use weapon list is good. Even though rockets and flamethrowers can be used effectively in infection maps, I doubt most people will be able to place them effectively. You might also add the sniper rifle to the list. The problem I have with the list is the condemnation of non-human weapons. Generally, people won't place plasma or beam rifles, but carbines are sometimes better than battle rifles. Carbines have smaller clips, forcing players to watch their shots more.
    This is more of a "Beginner's Guide to Urban Infection" than a comprehensive discussion, but it is helpful. As I said before, add pictures and clean up your word structure (Read your sentences out loud. If you have to take a breath in the middle of it, they're too long) then you'll have a very handy guide.
  3. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    I did clean up some of my sentences. I may add some pictures to show how close a close quartered map is and how far a opened up town's buildings are away from each other. In addition I added some gametype's that best suit each of them considering the spawns.
  4. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Nice job. Hopefully this will lead to better quality urban maps.
  5. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    One can only hope...
  6. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    I like you guide as it helps players create urban maps which are my favorite. I do suggest cleaning up some of your guide to create a more formal apperance. Pictures also help in order to help visualize what your talking about.

    About your post on what weapons should be placed: I agree about the part of only UNSC weapons excluding the rocket and laser. The machine gun turret could be used in some circumstances if it's only usable if broken off. I also find that having some brute weapons such as the spiker, mauler, spike grenade and firebomb are close enough to human weapons that they can be used.
  7. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    I was just saying not to add those because if you wanna have the most relistic town infection map. You can put whatever weapons you would like, this is just to help guide you to a very well gameplayed map.
  8. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    This is a genius idea! In fact so genius that I was actually planning on making one of these guides as well. I had just did a forge-through of another zombie town styled map the other day and its first impressions it seemed really good. Until I did a check on the insides of the buildings and that was when I saw the other(terrible)side of this map. First of all, it had no weapons except for 4 hard to access buildings and even then they were not those usual weapon placements(eg:1 or 2 normal relatively powerful weapons), they were armories! The weapons were thrown together in a pile and they were all on spawn time 10!

    I really hope that this guide helps the community to make zombie-town maps that are both aesthetically pleasing as well as great to play on.

    PS: If you need some pictures of good zombie town style maps, I can you find some
  9. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    That would be great if you could, I am in progress of making my own zombie town right now and I will put it in one of the example places when it is finished. Thanks for the good comment.

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