Sandbox Opfor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by CrazyRaspberry, May 3, 2009.

  1. CrazyRaspberry

    CrazyRaspberry Ancient
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    ok guys im re-uploading this with pics so it can qualify any way this is the first map i made when mytic came out, i did it in about 30 minutes, use it on TS

    A view of the map.


    Both bases are stuffed with 2 hogs, 2 mongooses 1 hornet and 1 tank with tons of weapons


    Sniping spots!


    Every base has a hornet for airbourne attacks


    You can acess the higher grounds with the hornet


    A view from above, in this map there is 2 bases , 2 shanty houses, a big building you can climb and has 2 rooms (top and bottom)

    [​IMG] : Halo 3 File Details
  2. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I can see from pic 1, that you have a wall laying flat on the ground. People hate that. In the test games I've participated in, people hate it when they can't walk around smoothly. Sorry thats all I have to add, but I've noticed that'll seem to be a problem with this map. Is this a multi-team map? (More than two teams) I just noticed players of different colours, and you said its good for Team Slayer.
  3. Trigg

    Trigg Ancient
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    The map just looks very sloppily done. It looks like you put forth no effort whatsoever, but just rushed through.

    That being said^^^ I did download to check out the map to make sure i'm not missing the greatest gameplay ever (which does happen some times with maps that have poor asthetics) and it doesn't play very well at all, in fact it gets rather stale, as theres no cover in the middle.

    When you build a map, think about the different lines of fire, and the two teams are going to meet, and how you've build the map is going to affect the rules of engagement. For example: If the middle of your map is wide open, why would anyone wanna run out there? But, if you put a Rocket Launcher on a block in the middle, then you've created a fight for the rocket launcher. And what if to make it more interesting, you put the rocket launcher in the middle of a three way Y tube intersection. Now its a rush to the rocket launcher, and the room its in is easily spammable with grenades, making it a struggle to actually get in get the launcher and get out.

    These are just some things to think about when creating levels.

    Keep trying man, keep forging, you can and will get better I have faith :)
  4. CrazyRaspberry

    CrazyRaspberry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i made this map in 30 min and this is what i made when i first saw sandbox i was mostly lookin at all the cool stuff i could use, and yea there was not really that much effort put

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