I've been trying to geomerge some blue and red columns into the ground in the sandbox crypt for my Bull Dome DLXv3, but I can't figure out how. I've tried what I can understand from the Forging 101 tutorials, but I can only do it on foundry for some reason. Thanks, drummerguy360
I've seen geomerging in the crypt so I know it's possible, I just can't figure it out. I'll ask some people who made these maps.
Well, that's called being uninformed. Since I don't want to bump what's considered old news... I'll just post a link. One of these days I'll get around to including pictures in the guide. With Doors to Geomerge Without Doors to Geomerge - On sandbox specifically
I know how to gemoerge, as per replies to introduction threads that I have made, and been commended for. However, as far as I was aware geomerging in the crypt resulted in the geomerged objects bumping back out. But thank you for assuming what information I was aware of.
hey this is what you do! say you want to merge a double block so what you do is you brace it with sender nodes. if you want to geo merge down than put nodes on top if not put weapon holders on top. put a respawn point on top for geo merging down then put the respawn time to at least 45 and respawn at first no. then use a column (i prefer either blue or red column) than u stack walls until how low you want it. after put the column on top of the wall then delete the walls,and the block will respawn. then you should hold the object and save and quit and there you go!
Ethrock: I believe this is caused when you try to save/quit an object when it's blue dot is outside of the map. However, I can offer this advice. If you are good at it or have enough time and commitment to accomplish this, try bracing the hell out of the columns and then try to geomerge them without the save and quit method. It may be difficult, and you may have to use mancannons to force the columns against your braces, but I can tell you from experience that this works. I hope this helped you, and good luck on your map.