Sandbox Celestial

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Conkerkid11, May 2, 2009.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Celestial is a medium sized asymmetrical map located in the crypt of Sandbox. Celestial features two very different bases, one for the attackers, and one for the defenders. Located in front of the attackers base is a bridge structure that stretches across the middle of the map. There are two ways to reach the bridge, and one secret path that you will learn about later in the post. The two ramps leading up are on opposite sides of the map, and sadly, are only accessible from the attacker side. On the bridge located at opposite ends are the rocket launcher, and the sniper rifle. Tied in to the bridge you will find a beam like structure with a man cannon giving you a quick boost towards the defender base. You will find this man cannon lift does not shoot you to a specific spot, but instead lands you at the steps of the defender base. This gives the attackers a quick path across the map, and the defenders an easy way to get the flag back to their side in a two-flag capture the flag match. ​

    The defender base is much more detailed, and might include a few more "advanced" features than the attacker base. But no worry, most of these are for the attacker's advantage rather than anything else. The first key feature you might notice is a replica of the man cannon lift at the attacker base, it's even located on the same side of the map! Don't let this lead you into thinking the defenders can just shoot across the map towards the attacker base just like the attackers man cannon lift does. No, this lift shoots you high into the air, and if performed correctly, should have you landing on the middle bridge structure. *Hint* *Hint* this was the secret way to get on the bridge. Next to the man cannon lift is the gateway to the defender base, the stairs. Follow the stairs up, take a left, and you're not even halfway there! Remember though, the defender base is very advanced and you don't have to take the long way up, located below the defender base is a corner tunnel with a man cannon lift that will bring you right to the flag, or bomb plant point. But that's not all! If you enter the corner tunnel lift, but don't go through the man cannon, turn around, walk straight into the wall, you will find yourself shooting up towards a secret brute shot spawn. Well, it's not really secret, but the man cannon is pretty difficult to see. The last feature of the defender base is right behind the sniper spawn. Grab the sniper, and perhaps a shotgun. Ride the lift up towards the top of the defender base, and jump off the edge behind the sniper spawn. You will find yourself on a tilted double wall. I call this area the chicken coop! You can easily exit the chicken coop by crouching and hopping down from the area. By the way, enemies won't be able to access it by any other way then the way you accessed it! I have found this place to be the best place for a sniper to be, because you have an excellent view of a portion of the map, and you can easily move a fiew paces towards the right for cover.​

    I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but there was no planning behind this map, and I completed it in two days. When I say I completed it in two days, I'm not counting the testing sessions, or the time it took to make changes. I'm counting the time it took to build the map layout. Celestial originally was just the red base. Nothing else but the left over items on the wall from the Sandbox stacked canvas, and a few geomerged boxes floating in the air for people to spawn. It wasn't even named Celestial, it was named Fun Camp 3. I know nobody is aware of what Fun Camp 3 is, so I won't even go there for now. But trust me, it was a miracle this map came out to be what it is, I am even amazed. It plays so evenly, and looks so unique you wouldn't even guess I didn't plan it out first.​

    After the disappearance of the Precursors race, the Forerunners came into power. But just a few years before they came into contact with The Flood on the planet G 617 g they came into contact with another species. The Forerunners came into contact first with the Angels. The guardians of a place called Heaven. The Forerunner transcripts describe something they labeled Heavens Gates. They are said to stretch on for miles. Miles and miles of bright golden gates protected by angels. Although the description in the transcripts were limited, humans have made out details such as "The gates protect from the demons." This soon had scientists worried, what if these demons came back? What if the Forerunner's disappearance was because of the demons?​

    A few years later the Government came up with the money for the journey to the Celestial age. With the required tools and equipment, scientists from around the world gathered and created a portal to Heaven. Upon arriving in Heaven, the demons awoke. A prophecy told them somebody labeled Master Chief would open the gates to the last remaining colony. They were correct... "Defeat the enemy that lies ahead."​

    I recommend playing with 6-10 players.
    Celestial plays with all default gametypes.

    One-sided Assault is recommended. Try to keep the party size to about 8. Neutral and two-sided assault also works, but being an asymmetrical map, the defenders will always have a larger base. Celestial is set up for all types of Assault, so make your choice.
    Capture The Flag
    From playtests Celestial have proven to support both One-Sided Capture The Flag games, and Two-Sided Capture The Flag games. The attackers even beat the defenders 3-0 in the testing session. No team is overpowered on Celestial, even though the defenders have the height advantage.
    The zombies spawn in the attackers base, and the humans spawn in the defenders base. Being that the defenders base is really huge, I'm sure you will get a kick out of this gametype! Whether it's Save One Bullet, or Hide And Seek. I'm sure you are your party will have a fun time!
    Celestial's Juggernaut gametype plays out like Juggernaut on any other map. Celestial being a cloesd map, Ninjanaut plays out very well, and regular Juggernaut and Mad Dash are just as great!
    King of The Hill
    Celestial plays out best on Team King. But because the map is so closed in, the hills aren't to far apart. FFA would play out just as good, but with a few minor starting spawn issues depending on the player amount, so keep it to 5 players.
    The oddball is located in the middle of the map, and there is no way to get the oddball out of the map. With FFA I would try and keep the maximum amount of people at 6 or 7, but with teams it plays with the regular 6-10. I have found there to be no camping issues on the map, and there really isn't a supperior place to keep the Oddball.
    I recommend sticking with Team Slayer, because FFA might play out a bit odd. Keep your teammates close, work together. All that hardcore stuff you do in Matchmaking. The only issues in FFA are the starting points, but other than that, I have found no spawn issues or weapon issues in my FFA playtests.
    Celestial works with Territories, Land Grab, and Flag Rally. Playing best with Land Grab, due to it being Attackers VS Defenders. But regular Territories plays out just like any other map with superior height advantages.
    Celestial isn't set up for Rocket Race, however it does work with any other regular VIP game variant. ​

    10 Battle Rifles - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    You can either pick one of these up to pretend you're "Em' EL' Gee" Or you can pick one up and four-shot everybody who even glances at you. Celestial often brings out the Battle Rifle in everyone, and I'm sure that even if you are a hater of the Battle Rifle, you will catch yourself in a fire fight with one of these babies.
    2 Sniper Rifles - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    I just want to make this clear, because the defenders have a huge height advantage, I have placed a Sniper Rifle in the exact same spot as the one that spawns in symmetrical games, but instead of having 1 spare clip, it has 0. Remember, this Sniper Rifle lacking ammo is only in the defender base during asymmetrical games.
    4 SMGs - 45 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    When paired up with a Plasma Rifle, this pair can take out anybody from close range. Trust me, I picked up one of these and a Plasma Rifle every testing match and pulled off an instant three kills.
    4 Spikers - 45 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    When paired up with a Plasma Rifle, these can do whatever the SMG can do with the Plasma Rifle. But instead of firing bullets, this fires some unknown pokey object, and is very affective when you melee someone with it.
    2 Plasma Pistols - 30 Second Respawn
    The weapon that you didn't even know existed on the map. But trust me, a map isn't a map without a Plasma Pistol. When you're pinned against an object with a Ghost firing at your chest, you'll thank me.
    4 Plasma Rifles - 45 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    Pair the Plasma Rifle up with any other duel wieldable weapon and you'll dominate. 'Nuff said.
    2 Needlers - 90 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    "Deathtoll, the Needler *****! Doesn't go for the Battle Rifle, he goes straight for the Needler, 'cuz he's a Needler *****!" That's right Deathtoll, I made a shot at you. Now comment on my thread you lazy bastard. Just kidding, just kidding. Kiddies, this weapon pwns on this map. Needlers pwn on any map. Just take my word on it.
    2 Brute Shots - 60 Second Respawn- 2 Spare Clips
    A Brute Shot's a Brute Shot, amazing at long rang, and even better at close range. If you were to ask me, I would say "Give us back the Brute Shot from Halo 2! It had a one melee kill!" But no, they won't give it back. So now just like the Mauler you have to shoot the enemy once then melee. Sucks for me..
    2 Rocket Launchers - 120 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Although with such a small map you might think the Rocket Launcher would be to overpowered. Well you're very wrong. The Rocket Launcher will rarely be used, and when used, it only has two shots. Just enough to take out the Warthog, and in asymmetrical games, the Ghost.
    5 Covenant Carbines - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    The only weapon that is more "Em' EL' Gee" than the Battle Rifle. If you are a good shot, you can kill your enemy twice as fast with this than any Battle Rifle. The Covenant Carbine fires faster, and does more damage. Use the weapon that is catching on for everybody today! Trust me, I have seen so many people pick this up over the Battle Rifle on Celestial.
    2 Maulers - 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    If the Shotgun and Brute Shot aren't up, I recommend you put this in your back pocket. Don't ever pass up a close range weapon. You can't BR close range, and it will always turn into a beat down fest. Just be the better bad guy and bring a Mauler with you.
    4 Mongooses - 20 Second Respawn
    Yes, it's pronounced mongooses, not mongeese. They get you where you want to fast, but most of the time you just blow up and die. Yeah, I just copied that from Affliction and pasted it. What are you going to do about it!?
    2 Warthogs - 120 Second Respawn
    I would just like to let everybody know that the Warthog on the defenders side only spawns in symmetrical games. In asymmetrical games it's replaced with a ghost.
    2 Ghosts - 90 Second Respawn
    I would just like to let everybody know that there are two Ghosts Celestial, because of the one that replaces the Warthog in asymmetrical games on the defender side. The other is located under a ramp of the bridge in asymmetrical games.
    11 Frag Grenades & 10 Plasma Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    I bet everybody is happy I finaly created a map with both Frag Grenades and Plasma Grenades on it! Yay! Paired up with the tacticaly placed Fusion Coils on Celestial. You will be exploiting your enemy's moves half the time played.
    1 Bubble Shield - 60 Second Respawn
    Amazingly the Bubble Shield is mostly used to fend off defenders when carrying the flag across the map. I have found this to always be used at the defenders man cannon lift. How odd...
    1 Power Drain - 120 Second Respawn
    "Hey, I'm just one kill away from a Killing Frenzy!" *Power Drainer comes hurtling towards the ghost* *Plasma grenade lands on the front end of the ghost as the driver swears.* Awww... good times. Combined with a convieniently placed plasma grenade, you could destroy that pesky camper within no time!
    1 Trip Mine - 60 Second Respawn
    Causes the same thing to happen as the Power Drain, but with much more dramatic effect. The player doesn't see this one coming. It's all just a random explosion, with a flipped over Ghost of course.
    1 Regenerator - 60 Second Respawn
    Combine this with a shotgun and sniper rifle in the chicken coop I explained earlier, and you could be the most hated player in your party. With your +20 K/D spread, and that smug little smile on your face.​

    Version 1.1
    • Removed every vehicle besides the ghost that spawns in asymmetrical gametypes​
    • Changed the location of the sniper rifle on the defender side during symmetrical gametypes​
    • Changed the location of the shotgun during asymmetrical gametypes​
    • Fixed the defender man cannon lift so that it shoots you farther​
    • Fixed some spawns that were facing the wall​
    • Fixed the lift underneath the defender base to work more often​
    • Patched a hole on the top of the defender base​
    • Tweaked some spawn points to be facing different directions​
    • Updated the chicken coop to be lower to the ground and more flat​
    • Patched a hole in the chicken coop​







    I would like to thank all my friends whom I randomly invited to play Celestial! I would like to thank the Forgehub Tester Guild with giving me the correct amount of players to test the map for the final time! For giving me the excellent criticism; Mainly Moltenslowa, ROFLninja, and USNSEABEE555. They provided me with the criticism I needed. And without them, Celestial wouldn't be what it is today!​

    Thanks for reading my 4th amazing thread! This took me 5 hours! Sad face, I'm going for lower times! Not higher times! ​

    Once again if you missed it up top.​

    #1 Conkerkid11, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Looks good. I saw this in the testers guild and it looked like a lot of fun. Can you explain to me how to make the buttons instead of boring blue here buttons? Thankx. Nice interlocking. I don't really understand the layout completely since i haven't played it but it certainly looks good.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    It would seem that crypt would be a little too small to fit Warthogs into gameplay.
    There are a lot of explosives also... would make gameplay hectic because grenades are usually used a ton, putting fusion coils everywhere makes the map a giant bomb.
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I have been sitting here, looking at this thread for awhile now. Wondering why my map is at 3 stars, and why the first two posts don't really have anything to do with my map. Everybody I played Celestial with enjoyed it, I ran six testing sessions on it, and every problem that was faced has been fixed. I mean, what the hell guys, if the warthogs were a problem, I would have removed them. But they weren't a problem. There aren't that many fusion coils on the map, and they spawn after fourty-five seconds so it doesn't matter. I would need at least fifty fusion coils to make this map a giant bomb Mikelp, you're being a little dramatic there.

    Fail replies are fail.
  5. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    God your posts are so detailed, it's kind of scary. I really like all the tricks that are on this map, The cannons are really original. I'm going ot edit this post into a review later today, but there are a little to many fusion coils IMO i don't really see the point of the ones on the wall.

    I rated the map 5/5 to counteract the retard that rated it 3/5
    Sorry to say this, but the story is pretty fail :p
  6. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    hey conker, glad that you finaly posted this.

    the map was great on 1 sided objective games, and the layout was well thought over, even though it was made with no plan. the vehicles sometimes did not work with the cover that conker is so good at working into his maps, but it worked out, and the mancannon lifts were a helluva lot of fun to go off of, especialy with vehicles, and incorperated into the gameplay a " do I go to the mancannon or go up the middle with friendly cover" type of strategy, which worked out very well in 1 sided CTF and Assault games.

    excellent job conker, a model for all Crypt maps to come, 5/5
    #6 R0FLninja, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  7. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I would like to inform everybody, that there aren't even that many fusion coils. Just please, stop posting comments telling me there are to many fusion coils, and that the map will suck with grenades and fusion coils. Just stop, please. I have tested this six times at least, and if you ask anybody that tested if there were to many fusion coils, they would say "NO!"
  8. ReiKo

    ReiKo Ancient
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    From play-testing this the other night, I think it's a really cool map, but gameplay was compromised due to aesthetics. Blue side seemed to be at a distinct disadvantage, with red side having the high ground with a few power weapons lying around from the get-go.

    I'm not sure if you solved this already, but this post is based on the version I played with you guys.
  9. Mattra Machine

    Mattra Machine Ancient
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    nice job on the geo-merging. i wish you would have merged something into the rocket platform on the ground. it looks odd with the gaps. i really like the mancannons the lead to the middle. throwing the flag into them is really usefull too. also, i'm not so sure about that small area where you have to crouch to get out. it feels kinda like your trapped. i don't think i would go there in a game. good job overall though. i rated 4/5
  10. A L0T

    A L0T Ancient
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    fantastic job. FINALLY! a map that's side based but not symmetrical. each side has its individuality but somehow no side has a distinct advantage. i thought the man cannons were really dumb at first, but then me and my friend (mattra machine) popped in a ctf game and realized how amazing they were for that gametype. there are a couple things that were seamless, but then again, it is forging with bungie's objects. i'd go further, but i've said enough. 4.5/5. again...fantastic job
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I'm not sure what part of that you wanted me to change. So no, I did not change anything but the Sniper Rifle on the defenders side, and both Rocket Launchers. The gameplay seemed even to me, I don't know. I guess it's your opinion.

    For the last fiew posts, screw you guys. Really, you are what I hate. I know I go off on a lot of people in my own threads, but really guys! I mean, you had to go and do the one thing I hate!

    Want to know what I hate? I hate people who rate maps from no gameplay experience. I hate people who grade down maps and don't say why. I hate people who rate maps in the decimals. Quit doing what I hate and you'll stay on my good side. Neither of you gave a reason to rate this lower than a 5.
  12. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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    I LOVE THIS! every thing seems to be put right in place like a puzzle. it seems ur are one of the creative one! XD really it looks fun i will edit this post for better feedback when I play on it. =D
  13. A L0T

    A L0T Ancient
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    i couldn't agree more. you don't get the experience by looking at the pictures. they are there just to let you know what you're ABOUT to experience. the pictures in this map were only intriguing. that's it. so once i played a couple gametypes on the map with some friends i got the true experience. and as stated before, the experience was great. keep forging.
  14. Moltenslowa

    Moltenslowa Ancient
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    That said, I enjoyed all the fusion coils on the map. They were helpful for when you snipe a fusion coil, it blows up and kills the flag carrier.

    (also, I rated this map a 1. LAWL LAWL LAWL)
    5/5, because someone actually took my input.
    #14 Moltenslowa, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    See guys, that's my point exactly. Of course, I take input that makes sense everybody. So far most of the input I have recieved on my other maps like Affliction and Castle Crashers have been things like "Just make the bases bigger." And "Change the bases and middle cover." This is stupid input, that is more well put as "Change your entire map." When you tell me to change my map in such a large dose, I'm going to reject your input.

    People have lately been telling me I can't take criticism. Well if you ask everybody who typed up reviews on this map, I did go back in and change everything reasonable to change. Celestial is as perfect as it's going to get. But that's not saying the weapons and vehicles don't need a switch. Or perhaps the spawns. But take into consideration that I'm not going to rid Celestial of an item necessary for the gameplay.
  16. ReiKo

    ReiKo Ancient
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    When playing on red side, I found myself racking up kills without having to leave the elevated platform. When playing on blue side, I'd find myself mindlessly running across the ground level of the map unable to take out those above because they have the high-point advantage from everywhere on the map.

    Of course, there are exceptions when the odd straggler makes it into red base and takes them out with a shotgun or whatever. But these situations happened rarely whilst testing, at least to my knowledge.

    But there was that one time where a ghost was clowning around in red base, that was pretty funny.
  17. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    The only thing that confuses me about all this criticism I'm recieving is the fact that you say the defenders are overpowered, when it was the attackers whom won every match. If it were up to me, I would make the attackers less powerful, and the defenders more powerful. What about the defenders is overpowered? The high ground can't be the most of it, because the attackers have a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher at hand, with although less of a height advantage, it is still simple to take out the attackers. Why wasn't this problem faced in Utah Mambo? Because it isn't a problem. The defenders are meant to be powerful. Because they are defenders.

    You got the part when I said the defender base is supposed to be heaven's gates right? Well there's your problem.

    Sorry to put you down or anything. But since when did original construction have anything to do with gameplay? You can't be serious about your scoring either. 3.5/5 for non-original construction!? I understand you joined a few months ago (Although that should be plenty of time to not make stupid mistakes like this). But learn to set down a decent review.
    #17 Conkerkid11, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  18. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I see you got this back on te first page of the competitive maps, it only has 900 views?

    this map deserves a lot more than that, i tested it with the TG and 1 sided CTF on this is awesome.

    even though i have already posted my score on this thread i will post it again: 5/5
  19. Whero Michael

    Whero Michael Ancient
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    Damn Conkerkid why is it that every map you make, you release while you're on your period? you have to scream and cry at every person who doesn't say something nice about your map.

    Not every map you make will be great
    I downloaded Castle Conquest and liked it a lot, so I was kinda expecting a little more from this map, but i can't really tell what the theme is here, theres supposed to be two sails on something for each base? I felt like the ground was pretty open, and at times it seemed like the Red Side had more of a chance to defend than Blue Side (do you bang or jk) other than that though the gameplay was surprisingly smooth. the only thing is that it was..bland. just wasnt very fun

    Capture the Flag, my fav gametype was all I played on this, and I'll say that it looks like a lot of time was put into this, and consideration was given for objective games, so CTF flow was good, it just seemed like flag runs were open and, idk the map was really open.

    What i DID like about this map though was how did the mancannons. very cool, hopefully youll do something like that with your next map
    (and if you reply to me can you try to wear a tampon or something, please)
  20. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Yes, I am over-dramatic most of the time. But come on! There was a time when Forge Hub was more than looking at the pictures and rating the map in decimal points. There was a time when people didn't rate maps in every damn post! You don't have to rate the map. And most of the time, people will like it more if you don't rate their map, at least until you play.

    I flipped out on this guy because he said "It would seem." Although every test I have done on Celestial didn't just "seem", it "fealt" like there was just enough fusion coils. I also flipped out on the next three or so posts that said they think, not know, but think that there were to many fusion coils.

    Shall we go on?

    You are pretty lucky I didn't tear this post up to bits. I tried to stay away from it. And I still will. Although it does everything I hate. No reasonable rating. Rating in decimals. Giving criticism about something that doesn't matter because he looked at the pictures.

    Oh wait, I didn't see that I trashed it later. Nevermind that one.

    You see, it's the fact that all my map threads tend to lure people in that can't type out criticism. That rate maps badly for no good reason. That rate maps in the decimals. Although this happens in other map threads to, I have found there to be no criticism that I have actually used to fix my map in this thread, or any other one of my map threads. Most of the fixing goes in during the testing, and just recently I was helped with a few broken spawn points that I just might fix if anybody finds it necessary.

    Please, go on trashing me on being pissy all the time. But it's the fact that honest forgers like me go on making maps, and making threads for them here and on other websites. When at the same time there are people like you who go around trashing them for no good reason at all. Maps just don't get the attention they used to anymore on Forge Hub because of all these people posting map threads with no pictures, and once again, people like you have flooded these forums tearing maps to pieces just because of pictures.

    Edit: Everybody please look past my pissyness. Look forward to the future! A YouTube video of the map is being uploaded now! How sweet!
    #20 Conkerkid11, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009

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