FSC RedNeck here to show you a strategy me and my friend discovered in Halo Wars. To have a succesful Vulture rush you will need to do everything in this exact order to get them in the least amount of time. If done right you should get a few vultures inside of 7 minutes. Okay, you will want to play as forge because he starts with Heavy Supply Pads. When you get in the game the first thing you will want to do is build a reactor and then a supply pad. Next, send your worthog out to collect supplys. You should do that until you get 500 supplys and build another reactor. Keep collecting supplys with your worthog until you have enouph money to buy another supply pad. Then buy the supply pad. With your last slot save up for an Air Pad and get that. From here save your money until you get between 600 and 700 supplys and recycle a reactor. with your 1200 supplys upgrade one reactor and waite until you get 500 supplys to build another Reactor. Save money and upgrade your other Reactor. (If you can garison troops inside of a Forunner Reactor, now is the time to do so) Now you have the ability to make Vultures but before you do, it would be smart to upgrade your station to fortress and build 2 more supply pads (as a rule of life says: You must spend money to make money) From here, build a vulture. Use this Vulture to take a neighboring base and build a bunch of supply pads and maybe a Field Armory on your new base. Then rapidly produce your Vultures until you have maxed your population. From here rush the enemy and win! A few tips: 1. It may be smart to build a barraks and make some spartans for protection (spartans can hyjack incoming vehicles to help) 2. It may be smart to attack and cryple your enemy when u get about 2 or 3 Vultures 3. Building up reactors and supply pads this way also dramatically strangthens your economy and would be smart to do this in other games even if you arent Vulture rushing. 4. If you dont want to build spartans try getting turrets up somewhere in that process for extra defence. or build both spartans and turrets. Thats all from me ~FSC RedNeck Special thanks to Archangel990 for helping to discover the stratigy May the Vultures be with you
That is really helpful. I am always trying to figure out the best economic methods for starting off, usually I build these in order: reactor, supply pad, heavy supply pad, 2nd supply pad, 3rd, 4th, reactor, air pad. But it always takes me too long. Then again I always play as Anders, and Hawk rush. But Vulture rushing sounds pretty good, although they take longer to make and cost more. I suppose its more practical if you have 2-3 air pads and can keep cranking out the Vultures...but then by the time you have 3 air pads, the game is probably into minute 13-15. Thanks for the guide!
no problem. during the time when ure waiting to get 600-700 supplys u can build whatever. like 2 airpads or a barraks. it really doesnt madder
Anders Reactor 2 hogs Supply Pad Gunner ^^^ That build order has already beaten you. Regret Temple Sell Hall Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse ^^^^ That build has already beaten you. Scouting has already beaten you. 10 Wolverines have already beaten you. 10 Vampires have already beaten you. Your title is also misleading. You are fast-teching, not rushing. Rushing also doesn't exist in Halo wars other then the Leader rush on small maps.
Ya vultures arent that good, id beat that strategy fast if i saw you building that stuff. The prophet alone can kill a vulture or two easily and with vampires its very easy.
How do you defend against warthogs rushes or leader rushes, leader rushes happen so much that it is better to try and build as many warthogs as possible first to defend.
lol, lets compare what's going on then. shall I? Your build order is Reactor>Supply Pad with nothing else. No scouting or additinal units. Mine is Reactor>Supply Pad with 2 Warthogs coming along and a Hog to scout you. So far, the situation is that I know what you're doing and you don't know what I'm doing. I see your going for a similiar build to me, so, I assume you're going to harass. Due to that, I continue my build by queing Gunner and a Gremlin. I now have 3 Hogs with Gunner attacking you. I will be attacking anything coming up. You'll probably build a Turret. This will put your strat back and this is where you're build comes to bite you in the ass. Since I see your doing the same to me. I thought you'd be spamming Hogs, hence the Gremlin. Turret dies or gets EMP'd by the Gremlin. I continue the attack. At the same time, I'm building up with more supply pads and a Reactor. You're finished. I double checke your build to see anything else and I see the Spartans. lol. That's the biggest waste of money ever against hogs. Your Spartan will never get close to my hogs or Gremlin. On another note, you clearly don't know anything about RTS as your tactic isn't a rush but a Fast-Tech. I think I already said that.
*sigh* first of all its reactor>supply pad>reactor>supply pad while collecting supplies with your hog. Turrets after the first supply pad is finished will end the discussion right there
Yes but you could lock your base and if you have vultures you are UNSC and I do believe UCSC has disruption bombs. By seven minutes the other player may have a bunch of wolverines though. Mix it up with land vehicles like cobras or scorpions to take out those wraiths. Rushes with single massed units are never as effective as an army with counters to all types of units.
Honestly is there really one beat all end all strategy to this game? You can counter just about anything your opponent sends your way before too much damage is done given the right resources. This is why this game is so great. We should make a Halo Wars thread for the discussion of battle strategies, their pros, cons, etc.
Did you know buildings coming up will be killed 3 times as fast by anything attacking it? And even if it comes up, the Gremlin will jut EMP it. Your turret was a waste of money. Also, I'll kill your hog as soon as I see it. Yes, there is one end all strat. It's the Anders Warthog+Gremlin strat against any other UNSC. Don't talk about what you don't know.
First of all the guy above us is right. Any rush strategy can be beaten with the proper resources and units. What u dont realize is that the second reactor and supply pad can waite long enough to get turrets up before your seemingly 'invincible' worthog sits in front of my base with no turret. Wanna challenge? and end this here?
a vulture rush although it sounds very powerful is too high a tech to rush with. I personally dont know how long it takes you to go straight to vultures but any experienced player will scout out your base and see your have no units and maybe a turret or two. If he scouts you he will capitalize on your lack of an army by attack you quickly and eliminating your reactors and economy costing you the game. A good technique i would suggest would be building alot of Hogs if your fighting UNSC or flamethrowers/marines if your fighting Covenant, then building an army of vultures to compliment your first army. It would help you defend against early rushes and they wouldn't necessarily be able to guess that your going vultures if your attack with hog and/or flamethrowers.
Any rush, except the Regret rush on Chasms and the Anders Warthog+Gremlin rush on any map. First, I never said my Warthogs were invincible. Second, what you don't realise is that with enough maybe 5 Warthogs, none of your Turrets will come up. Not to mention that if they do come up, my Gremlins will just make them useless as they won't be able to shoot at my Warthogs. I can get my Warthog to your base in the first 30 seconds of the game to scout. Are you going to build your turret then? That will put you pretty far back. So far back that I'll laugh at you and let you turtle up even more while I boom. Then, it's my superior tech versus your base. You might get one Vulture out but when you do, I'll start building Wolverines. Now, you're Vultures are useless. Your one main problem is that you have no early game. None. In an RTS, your strat has to have an early game and a mid game. Those two, you have to have. Your strat focuses on getting to late game as fast as possible. That will lose you the game.
I thought I heard someone say that the Anders Warthog+Gremlin strategy was beatable......hold on lemme go check my source real quick. EDIT: Nevermind, the strategy I was thinking of has been proven false.
Yea, but what if we are talking 2 v2 or 3 v 3. Your gremlin rush could easily be stopped if allies from your enemies aid him. Then while his two allies defend him he focuses on Vultures, in 7 minutes he will have them...
Rofl by the time you have the vulture out, the covenant would probaly have a scarb and last time I checked scarb>vulture.