i just wanted to know how many of you have those great games where you get killing sprees, triples, doubles and even, killtaculars/ exterminations etc.? Feel free to share your stories here. And remeber, no spamming or rude comments!
I Laser'ed a guy as he was going up the yellow lift on construct. It was random charge up and "oh look!, Theres a guy" and I fired and hit him. He must have been like wtf just happened.
I got a triple kill over my team mates head in Blackout SWAT. I was scared that I might have shot him on accident. I didn't. Props for me!
Actually I just saved the video yesterday, I went to laser a fellow from snipe window on Last resort while he was on catwalk, just as the laser finished charging his buddy spawned behind him, handing me a double kill. Poor begger probably just saw red as he spawned.
I killed about 7 zombies all after me in one battle. It's on my file share. Sadly there were 8 zombies after me though...
I received the "Two For One" achievement on "Lone Wolves" by somehow firing a SPARTAN LASER I found on the ground at a SPARTAN-II on the other side of the map while another SPARTAN-II, much closer, fell off a building and somehow fell right into my line of fire. I have gotten at least two "Exterminations" four-or-over "Overkills" and such, and many kinds of sprees. Most of which by the Energy Sword.
I almost got an overkill in Team Snipers yesterday. I was riding a triple, then Connor stole my last kill. Sadface.
i got a killtacular on mythic swat, i killed their whole team, and spawn killed another one , got 2 hard achievements in a row
Perfection on SWAT; I had 14 kills with about 5 seconds to go. I turn the corner and see two enemies running my way. With 1 second second left, I kill one a couple milliseconds before I'm killed by the other one. But guess what? Time ran out precisely after I got the kill, therefore not counting my death as an actual death. This left me with me with 15 kills and 0 deaths. Oh and yesterday, I was playing some Battle Snipes on some Sandbox racing map, and I got a double headshot kill while on the back of the mongoose with one bullet. 'Twas pretty epic.
Perfection medal on the Pit in a 2v3 i had i think like 42 kills out of 50 and never died, i almost lost in in the last second but i got a triple to end the game and was like yes omg finally perfection. Oh and i had a nice killtrocity on Tundra the other day, its in the crypt it was swat but still i raped their whole team pretty bad.
Great stories. I have several. I no-scoped someone across Standoff. In SWAT, I got a Killtrocity. I got a snipe then a 2 for 1 no-scope from BR3 to S2 on Blackout.
lol I once killed a guy from across Sandbox with one rocket from the rocket pod. He was standing on top of his base, and was in the middle. I got an overkill in fiesta today, with a beam rifle.
at COMMANDERMATT's TGIF last night I got an overkill extermination with one shot of a tank.... I was happy, you can ask GoodWhaleSushi.
Triple 3-for-1 lazer kill. ACROSS standoff. Not just 3 guys huddled up together, ACROSS the map. Proof: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
By far my FAVORITE kill of all time has to be when I was playing social BTB. Basically I grabbed the spiker near beach spawn, I went through the cave up to mongoose / radio tower area. I had been trying to avoid a banshee, but he came again and I couldn't escape due to being out in the open. So I pull out my spiker, and keep shooting the banshee while it tries to kill me. The banshee is destroyed by my spiker (mind you, it had full health, I checked). There's even a video in my file share.