I have decided to do up at least one custom map for my SvS game mode. Please check out the game mode before voting! Please also download the game mode and provide feedback if you can!
I can't believe someone voted guardian. Honestly, guardian is my favorite map in halo. But, its only good for just snipers or just shotguns. Both is terrible.
If you're going just snipes vs just shotguns, the clear winner out of those options is narrows, with guardian a close 2nd. Especially if the shotgunners have nades. A good shotgun team would stand a chance with nades, especially if you forged in boxes in certain spots to block key LOS from the snipers. Hell, MLG team Final Boss was able to win a game of Guardian oddball online without firing a single bullet. Against people of about level 44-47 in the MLG playlist. Nades and beatdowns were all they used. Game.---H3 Game Video.---Video on MLGpro.com
I was stuck in between narrows and the pit, but I would definitely like to see what happens on the pit and how the shotgunners will fin a way to dominate the snipers. I think they will try to take advantage of the camouflage, the two sniper towers, and the green room. Narrows seems to be a map that gives to much of an advantage for the snipers.
I was thinking guardian because me and my friends occasionally play shotty snipers FFA and it's almost always fun. My second choice would be The Pit due to it's views and how balanced the map is, it's always a fun map for me to play.
Easily the most useless comment I've ever seen posted anywhere on ForgeHub. Thanks for the feed guys, I really like peoples thoughts here, and remember when I say the map will be customized I will add plenty of new gameplay elements that will give both teams fair advantages. So far Narrows and The Pit are neck and neck for the win.
It's so useless, I might even put it on my sig. I'm stumped between Narrows and The Pit, because they suit both snipers and shotguns nicely. But...The Pit has overshields and camouflage, so I'm voting for it to give shotgunners the upper hand.
Um... it has more votes? Guardian is now at eleven votes guys. Don't want guardian? vote! Update: I will be closing the poll sometime next week. Guardian currently has 11 votes, Narrows and The Pit - 8, Isolation - 1, and Last Resort 5. Hate Guardian? Then vote!
Ladies and gentlemen the polls will be closing this Monday at... whenever I get up. That means you have FOUR DAYS left to vote! (this doesn't count Monday). Guardian is currently four steps ahead of Narrows with a 14 - 10 vote, The Pit trailing by one vote at 9! Cast your votes now.
Guardian would be a great map because it has good lines and good CQB. Last Resort the snipers would dominate. The pit would be my second choice (although I think the snipers would have the upper hand) because it has good lines and many paths from on side to the other, meaning snipers can't just watch a general area. Narrows I think the snipers would have to much of an advantage. Isolation would just be horrible. This is just my opinion, also I think you should do the top two maps to satisfy more people.
I'm probably going to do the top two, which so far is Guardian and Narrows. Want to change up the results? Be sure to vote! EDIT: The polls are officially closed with the score being a total vote of 46 Guardian - 17 Narrows - 13 The Pit - 10 Last Resort - 5 Isolation - 1 With those totals, Guardian and Narrows will receive modifications. Guardian is at approximately 60% complete and is currently in the early Alpha testing stages.