*Click picture to download* Gametype: FFA: Slay, oddball, Juggernaut, and KOTH. Team: Slay, CTF, multi, and infection. Players: 2-10 players (or more). Description: ------This map is a small, symmetrical, octogon shaped map with 3 levels. The map has been completely bordered so this map is unescapable even using a grav lift. There are two identical bases with a bunker like shelter that you can only shoot by crouching with two carbine, and a grav lift. In the bases is a plamsa cannon that you have detach it in order to kill your opponent. In the middle of the 1st level (bases floor), are bridges forming a X shape with a brute shot on the top of it and a shotgun on the bottom in the middle of the octogon. ------On the left and right side of the bases are two elevator that are quick to get up to the 2nd level of the map and next to it a non-lift hole to fall to the 1st floor. The on the 2nd level, there will be a overshield in the middle and a plasma pistol in front of you on the ground. Either the left or right of the elevators will be a small vent with a power drainer that leads to the bases. ------In the lowest level of the map, are doors with 2 sticky gernades behind each one. Also two dumpsters with two SMGs and helps you to get to the 1st level on the map.There are four holes on the 2nd floor for you or your teammates to jump to the 2nd floor using either a grav lift or a brute shot. Weapons: BR x4 Carbine x4 SMG x4 Spiker x2 Brute Shot x1 Shotgun x1 Needler x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Cannon x2 Equipments: Frag gernade x4 Plasma gernade x4 Spike gernade x4 Bubble Shield x2 Power Drainer x2 Grav Lift x2 Overshield x1 Screenshot: Base view 1 / Carbine and Grav lift spawn...and power drainer Base View 2 / Plasma Cannon spawn 1st Floor Overview(1) (Objects were deleted for SS) 1st Floor View (2) / Brute shot spawn 1st Floor View (3) / Bubble shield Bottom Floor Overview(1) (Objects were deleted for SS) Bottom View(2) / Shotgun and SMG spawn 2nd Floor Overview(1) (Objects were deleted for SS) 2nd Floor View(2) / Overshield spawn Elevator Exit / Plasma Pistol Spawn Ramp and ledge / Spiker, BR, Spike gernade, and Needler spawn Vent enterance Vent Exit / Power Drainer spawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach turrent to carry weapon around the map Use grav lift to jump to the 2nd floor through the hole... ...like so ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Despair Here
I agree. Cut down on the fusion coils a little bit, its a smaller map and we dont want ti to blow to kingdom come. The interlocking looks nice and its a fairly unique layout, atleast compared to the maps lately it is. It could be fixed up a little bit, but then again i havent played it yet so i cant criticize. Also, despair was the guild i was in for WoW like a year ago lol. Number one on our server.
the only problem i see with this map is the weapon layout & fusion coils. you definitely don't need turrets, shotguns, bruteshots, overshields, and powerdrains all on this small of a map. especially when every 3 feet there is another pair of powerdrains. the actual layout is pretty nice, its just the weapons / items
This looks really great, but is very confusing. The aesthetics are good, but some parts are a little sloppy. Like the doors. they could have been merged into the signs, but it isn't important. I do like your choice of weapons. The vent seems interesting too. I really like this map. The layout of this map is great too. Good job.
Yep. this is right. I think there are to many fusion coils. besides that the map looks exceptional. Hope to see more good things from you. 4/5
If you can't see it in the pics very well, there are two fusion coils in front of the fence box (inside the map) and two in the back which doesn't do damage to players. I did that for a lil bit of effects. I guest the two fusion coils at the vent enterance were not neccessary. Thanks for the comments.