I rip off my fingernails... Of course, not the whole thing, but the front. I play with pencils, draw, rub my neck, do something with my hands all the time.
I think Freud would have something to say about that.... And yeah, I do the nail biting thing as well, same as Nemi (and apparently Tex) also with the skin around the nails. Used to do the toes when I was younger but not really anymore. And yeah, it is pretty gross..
I bite the skin off my fingers. I really don't know how it started but it's annoying. You know that spec of dirt on car windows that's always there? I pretend that that is a game character and I change my line of vision to make it jump over trees, other cars or signs. I always turn on my 360 and T'V when I'm in the room. I have to, it's soothing. I do the weird sitting thing. Anything involving my glasses has to be done with my middle finger and thumb. When I zone out, I play with my hair. Whenever there is a slight beat, I have to move my leg with the rythm. Whenever I have an idle moment, I play with whatever is in my pocket. I take off the battery part of the phone and click it back into place constantly, I put my keyring on my middle finger and twirl it. I do the same thing as Frag Man with pens and pencils. Whenever I'm going to do work, I tap a solid surface with a pen 3 times. I crack any of my knuckles whenever I can. I have to sort my games in some order but everything else can be a mess.
I can be sitting anywhere and I'll just randomly start bouncing my leg up and down subconciously (for example, at dinner, my dad looks at me and asks out of nowhere, "Why's our table shaking so badly?" and it stops lol). I have the ability to crack my right ankle by extending and flexing my calf muscle with my foot and I do it a lot. When I'm reading to myself, I have the knack to start mouthing groups of words to my self. In school, or at home even, if I have a pen or pencil in my hand, I'll just start spinning it around my fingers like nobody's business. And when I was little, I used to put both palms together and spread my fingers out (like when you draw a handprint) with my thumbs pointing at my head, and proceed to bang my fingers on my forehead because I like the sound of my knuckles hitting eachother.
I have an oral fixation. I just chew on stuff. Like pen lids and tassles on hoodies and stuff. Also, I crack my knuckles. I found a new way to crack them today. Hurts a lot, but it always does when you first start doing it
Yep...Except the toes. I can never sit in the same spot for more than 45 minutes. I don't sleep against pillows, I lay against the sheets I chew on allll pens and alllll pencils, even ones I borrow by accident. Yeah... that's pretty much it.
I do that spec of dirt thing that Telrad said, and I count. I count anything. Not physical things like the number of cars, or trees, but things like my heartbeat, the beat in a song, and pretty much anything else. I also start counting for no reason at all. Like the other day I was counting for about two hours straight. DON'T ask me how high I got.
How high? I always have to keep my hands busy. Whether they're curled together, or i'm holding my xbox controller in a weird way.
Ok to tell the truth it was something like 4 or 5 thousand. I was meant to be working, but I'd done it all, so... I started counting.
Anywhere i am i sit in the oddest positions, at school im usually laying on my desk with my feet on the back of my chair, same on th computer, when im on the chair in mr living room, i put my head on the cushin(<idk how to spell)and my legs stretched half way across the room to the table and my arms on top op the chair and stuff. i cant stay still anywere
when i'm alone at my house walking through hallways i pretend i'm james bond and jump around corners with a hand pistol
I blink when the lines on the road are in line with the dashboard in my car. I also try to do it to the beat of music, which results in my moving up and down quite often. It disturbs my mum.
whenever there is a ceiling fan on, i look up and turn my head at the same speed as the fan to give it the appearance for a split second that it isn't moving.
Sometimes when I'm in the car and its raining i'll notice the formation the rain droplets take with the windshield wipers and I'll wait until one of the droplets can get past the wiper.
I tend to think of a song in my head, then bang on a desk or table to the beat of that song...It annoys the **** of out the people around me, but I don't care... Dunno if you'd call it a quirk, but I always try to get others to do things I'm supposed to do, probably because I'm lazy.
Ever since I tried using that ped-egg thing, I've been doing that, but not as much. I also pick and tear at my nails, the skin on the sides of my nails, and press my fingers, usually my index or thumb, against those pointy shaped teeth (whatever they are called), or my braces. I also think a lot, maybe even too much, because I'm often zoning out, and my thoughts wander from thought to thought. I could start thinking about my homework, and end up thinking about evil plans to take over a country or something.