This is a logo I have made in Microsoft paint. I did not have any program to edit it (like gimp) to my liking. This is as good as it will get with the original program I used. I will let anyone use it if they would like.
The logo is far from fantastic (sorry but i have to be honest here) and you could certainly make something that looks a good deal more professional in GIMP or PS. And btw, how did you get the image to embed so it can be enlarged like that?
Post it with coding like your sig.... img here insert slash here. ^
Well I am glad you are honest with me. I was going to take it, or remake it in gimp because I have just downloaded it. But, because I am new to gimp, it may make it harder.
You;d be surprised at what people can do in paint. Seriously, the majority of pixel art is done on MSPaint. Anyway, It's very undershaded. Myabe dithering the grey or adding another shade would solve this. Also, your modelling is good, but the lines are quite obviously drawn with the line tool in places. This is always a problem in paint, but you could fiddle with the lines to see if you can get them looking any smoother.