music: "Undead" by: Hollywood Undead(EXPLICIT LYRICS)
thanks Thanks, The gameplays not all that great tho just old clips, Not sure what wrong with the song, I'm going to update the info to include "explicit lyrics"..... Again thanx, KNIGH7MARE
Choice of music is very important when it comes to montages, as it becomes the first point of immersion; if your viewer recognized the song, and can enjoy it, then he'll find it difficult not to enjoy the video. However if you choose something that is of a narrow or unpopular genre, even if it's your favourite song, then your going to have a slim chance. The trick is to find a song with some hybridity; something which blends genres together, and is easy to listen to, easy to become immersed in and easy to enjoy. You will find that almost every half-decent artist of the modern era has atleast 1 song that fits in this category, and it tends to be their most successful, even if not the most fan-popular, merely because it has that sense of hybridity and can attract a greater audience. Now go do it.
I actually think that the songis pretty good... I really likexd the video and it looks like you did a very good job.
Thanks for all the comments.... Thanks to all who've commented and enjoyed the vid, I tried to find a song that wasn't overly popular/used in montages, something that wasn't solely rock and I'm not a huge fan of rap or even Hollywood undead, My littler bro bought the CD and this was the only song that I really liked, it fits perfectly and I happy with the results...I submitted this to bungie so hopefully it will make front page, if not then I don't know what I did wrong...
Tip: Don't use more than one clip from a game. It looks very unprofessional. You had double kills which were two snipes on guys who didn't see you as well.