Welcome to the competition. This morning we have a great match. We've got WHALESxTHExSAVE in one roof. And the Stooooooj in the floor. Who will win? You decide! Vote and give a reason. :] Whales Stoj
Whales Better colour placement and nice flow. Great work to you too Stoj but Whales got my vote this time around.
I prefer Stoj's. The colors on Whales' sig don't match with the theme. Stoj's looks a lot more like GoW.
Woah, Whale's sig looks a lot like one i made with the same stock. ANyway, i vote for Whales because his has good flow, and good colors.
Stoj Good Blending. Great choice/use of colors. Whale's is cool, but the lighting seems wrong, the size of the sig is too big leaving the left empty and too blurry.
Whales His, as said by others, has more flow to it while the other one remains steady looking. Also his has more feeling to it because Stoj's sig is kinda monotone.
I like Stoj's best. It captures the GOW feel much better. Which is what the sig SHOULD do. **** the flow, you guys are missing what G & A is about.
I'd vote for "Whales". His has more action and such. Apology Stoj, but it looks like that black line is a wall.
Wow, they are both very good. I think I like the colors in whales a little bit more. The depth and flow of the sig is amazing Whales
I vote for Stoj The sig has much more action to it, and doesn't look so low quality. The background almost looks like it was painted on.
I prefer Whales' one, as said by others, the flow is more natural seeming, it flows nicely from left to right without feeling horizontal or flat, and the render fits nicely in to the background. I dislike the pink, but it does work quite well as an overall theme considering. But the left side of the image does feel to flat and smooth compared to the right, something a tad sharper, to give that side some definition and depth, would be a nice addition. But yeah, I still prefer it overall to Stoj's, which lacks flow and unity, some areas looking overly sharp and nothing really bringing the whole image together. It's beautiful in it's own way, and demonstrates skill even to my untrained eye, but it doesn't feel like a coherent piece.
thats not even close to true gears is all about flow, without its suble hand the game would be so much more slag in the chumbucket that are shooters
Gears isn't all flow. It's a brutal gratuitously violent game, based on hectic close quarter combat and ruthless **** man.