T-h-c. T-H-C: A huge coaster/race map. Created by me (Stars n Strapz) and tested by Open Mike. SnS Inc. Download Map Description: A giant figure 8. After playing so many race maps on here i thought maybe ill try and make a map myself so i hope u like it. Its not the smoothest track out there but it is one of the biggest. It may take a little bit of skillfull drivng but thats what makes it fun. Its best if you race it with one other person otherwise the track gets to crowded but if you do have more than that then you'll just have to make room for yourself. PLAY ON SLAYER. First half of the map Second half Drop in You Choose First S turns Spiral Stairs Shield door jump Final Stretch SnS Inc. I don't show the whole map so you'll just have to play it to see all the turns and jumps. Enjoy. please comment.
Awesome idea, I'm pretty sure you'll feel mighty fine if you full-speeded through the entire map. But the roads are skinny and long, and a mongoose might just fall off a couple of times before they make that perfect lap. I haven't tried it out yet but it looks like not alot of people could play on this map. 4.5/5.
Looks pretty fun! Im gonna give it a download and see how good the stuff is that you didnt show us. also I give the map 4/5
lol, this track has something special, like you put aesthetics (which most people do not do) that hoop thing, the middle intersection (it happens rarely) and the staircase, this looks like what the next mario karts bowsers castle will look like 5/5 P.S. I do not blame you for not making it double wide
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is supposed to be more of a rollercoaster. (rollercoasters are usually harder than racetracks)