The End is Near 12.21.12

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Asthetik, Apr 30, 2009.



  1. This is Bull

    53 vote(s)
  2. Im Not Convinced

    6 vote(s)
  3. This is Interesting

    12 vote(s)
  4. OMG totall believer

    7 vote(s)
  1. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *Note - Please... before you say anything or give opinions... watch the whole thing. I know its a hastle but please... the 1st ten seconds of the 1st part of the divided video isnt going to give you so much as an introduction. KK and for those who think this is only about the mayan calendar... they r wrong... half of you dont even know how it worked... so If you dont mind, dont type any bullsh!t like they died so they couldnt finish the calendar. wtf. kk first of all , the mayans predicted the date of their own death... second they have 4 cycles in their calendar, and that the end of each cycle is in peril and destruction. that the earth was destroyed 3 times before. December 21, 2012 is the end of the fourth cycle, and the final cycle which was the end of the world. SO PLEASE WHATCH ALL 5 VIDEOS BEFORE POSTING THAT KIND OF SH!T. IM SICK AND TIRED OF IT.

    Good Evening Forgehubers, I know I havent posted something in a long time, but THIS IS SRS!!! Life as we know it is coming to an end. This is going to be a shock for most of you, so please... if you r one of those ppl who tries to block out the negatives (as in stuff that haunt you and makes you think of it instead of what you r trying to think of or concentrate on) to keep your life stable then please listen to what Im about to say... DONT DO IT, IT MAKES YOU MENTALLY WEAK(ER). YOU MUST ACCEPT IT TO BECOME MENTALLY HEALTHY. Im not a phsycologist so back to teh topic. I am so totally srs about this so i hope u can understand and try to cope... WE R ALL GOING TO DIE.

    The next set of information I did not write, this was copied strait from December 21 2012, The official Website for 122112 Information here we go.


    Doomsday 2012: The End of Days
    There is a long history of "Failed Doomsdays" so reflect on the disturbingly accurate track-record of many oracles of doom throughout history. As year 2012 draws near, a surprising number of sources, both ancient & modern, agree when the world ends. On-site investigations & revealing dramatizations flash out sobering prophecy. Respected scholars offer an analysis of doomsday predictions.
    Our logical wisdom is we prepare for our future by understanding the past. But did ancient prophets already know the future? Are we living now in the world they predicted? In this enlighted & often unsettling series, THE HISTORY CHANNEL® revisits prophecies & divinations of the Ancients & traces them to modern events they may have been predicting.
    But what if we have no future? What if life on Earth is destined to end in a few years?
    A surprising number of prophets from ancient oracles to complex internet-crawling software "bots" point to Dec 21st, 2012. Is this date coincidence, or is something deeper behind it?
    DOOMSDAY 2012: examins these fateful forecasts. During this hour, consider the ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, Book of Revelation & Chinese oracle of I Ching, all highlight the same date & learn of new technology - a web-bot crawling the internet to predict the future, shockingly concludes there's no need to plan a New Years 2013 Party.
    Hear skeptic views to a history of "Failed Doomsdays" & reflect on a disturbingly accurate track-record of many oracles of doom throughout history. The year 2012 grows closer is there any reason to believe these doomsayers?

    Part 1 of 5 2 of 5 3 of 5 4 of 5 5 of 5
    #1 Asthetik, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    46 believe this?
    The only evidence is that the Mayan Calendar ends.
  3. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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  5. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    April 2009. Swine flu, occurrences begin.
    july 2009. Swine flu pandemic reaches all parts of the world.
    December 18th 2009, Swine flu pandemic reaches critical changing point. 20% of world population dead. The rest either ill or immune.
    March 2010. Swine flu mutates.
    April 2010. Swine flu is no longer air borne, but can only be transferable by saliva and blood.
    December 2010. 30% of worlds population is dead, those now infected by the mutated strain of swine flu expreince zombie like behaviors.

    December 2011, a year later. 80% of the world is dead.. Living dead that is. Survivors live in small protective colonys.. Each day is a battle to live.

    November 2012. Last colony is taken over by the infected.

    December 12, 2012, last known living uninfected human commits suicide.

    December 12, 2040. last infected dies. Animals still live.

    December 12, 2200. All traces of human life buried under the earth...

  6. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    how long ago did the mayans write their calander?

    THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO, would they have expected the world to last this long. Probs not, lets not get to crazy here

    Also Penguinish, if you need funding for the movie, call me!
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That would be a **** film.
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is so stupid.

    Honestly. What a myth.
  9. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, I know a lot about science but this is stupid.
    Nobody kniows when this is going to happen.
    One person said it was going to happen, so then all the scientists started looking for ways to make people believe there theory.
    I mean, if they wanted to, they could look back and probally find facts and visions of the world supposedlly ending every day.

    Go live your life and forget about this.

    And to hottpokkaminny, there actually is a lot more evidense than that.
    #9 Star iz Legiit, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest


    Really, stop with the paranoia. No one knows when the world is going to end. Stop living your life by idiotic codes.
  11. DarkestofAngels

    DarkestofAngels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, I really think this is a load of bull. 2000 Repeat anyone? Seriously. If the Mayan Calender ended in 2012, A) They thought that's how long the world would last, B) All the Mayans died, what if they built there calender farther and farther each day (Not just the date they were on), and that was the day the died, (Not 2012, but 2012 was the last date they put on there calender)
  12. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    Have you ever heard someone who is a professional, not just some *** hired on the history channel, actually confirm this? The mayan calendar will hit 0, sure, but it RESETS. Jesus christ this seem to be another plot by Alex Jones... WHY WOULD THE WORLD END? BECAUSE THE OUTER PLANETS ALEIGN? THE GRAVITY IS GONNA MAEK DA EARF WATER GOES ALL OVER TEH LANDZORZ.
    Yeah, no. The gravity is barely enough to to make some tides. There is no set time for the end. only the end knows when it's coming, not us, not the mayans, not nostradomis ( or whatever his name is.) not anybody. Just get over it. Every other dooms day theory failed. They said THEY had evidence. This is just another hoax. Seriously.

    Also, to penguinish, I Am Legend. All ready been made. darn.
  13. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    December 21 2012 is the end of the third Mayan calendar, and at the end of each cycle they would celebrate. At the end of the great cycle, they would probably celebrate the most. Then the world would end? Doesn't make sense, IMO. Oh, and there's a thread in debates for this.
  14. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There's already a thread in the debate section that's 10+ pages long, so this thread is irrelevant.
  15. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quit calling it pig flu or swine flu, you sound like idiots when you do that. The name of the virus is N1H1 influenza A, or just H1N1, if you call it swine flu it means you approve the meaningless slaughter of 300,000 pigs. Are you a pig slaughterer?
    #15 Darkastic, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  16. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG. I know this is a little stab in the dark but im guessing that most of you who say this is bs didnt watch the all 5 parts of the video. IDK how many times I have stressed this. I was a Non believer because All I knew was that stuff about the mayan calender. After seeing it I was immediatly intrested and spooked by the fact that so many of Prophecies and so called "pshycics" from all over the world all set a date that was "The End", December 21st 2012... and some of these were so accurate it still has scientists puzzled at the accuracy and that the predictions could be more then a thousand years away.
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Mayans also did not use the wheel.

    They are not as smart as you all think.
  18. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think personally the guy doing the calendar for the mayan realized he had already gone several hundred years in the future so he called it a day and went outside to get a life. Just a theory mind you.
  19. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nostradamus doesn't count.
  20. Fluffball Gato

    Fluffball Gato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would love to watch your world fall.

    This is interesting.

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