This is a thread about games you played that you thought would never end. It can be a single match or an entire Campaign. I'll start. When I was playing Half Life:2 I wasn't really paying attention to the story, therefore I had no clue what was going so while I was playing it there must have been like 3 times after a Climatic moment that I thought it would end but it didn't making it one of the longest games I've played. Others: Doom 3 Pariah F.E.A.R
Farcry 2. I thought I was one the last mission, and I got knocked out, and shipped to a whole new ****ing section of Africa.
I sorta stopped playing Farcry 2. I'll go on it now and again but usually that's for the Multiplayer which I really like.
Fallout 3 in the first playthrough, but it was in a goodway, and I was lucky enough to be on the last quest in a party and one of my friends said don't do it. Halo on the PC had some long matches for CTF on death island with people hiding with the flags, 1 team has all the banshees then that switches when they all somehow get killed or quit and another thing people come in and out of servers. Blood Gulch games last a long ass time too.
As soon as Broken Steel comes out for Fallout 3, then it will be endless, but since it is a free roam RPG, does it really count? Anyway, the first DOOM game, I was about two weeks into the game, when I realized I was only barely done with the second map! I was all WTF doodz? So DOOM is the longest game in my opinion.
Far Cry I had no idea how far I was in the story ever. So I quit. Me and my friends played super smash bros. (original) where each person had 99 lives and we only used jigglypuff. That took a loooooong time lol. Same with 50 rounds in the original mario party.
I would probably have to say Halo. "What?" you say? What I mean is when I played the games I sort of never thought that eventually the covenant and the flood would be finished. I always thought, can't wait for the next one! Well it has ended... it saddens me... I know this might be different than the rest of the thread but...
agreed. Half-Life. Both of them. So. ****ing. Long. I was on the last like 15 minutes of playing the first one, which I know because I saw my brother do it months earlier, then I stopped. Then my dad got rid of Half Life because eh thought no one played it. I was angryface.
Guild Wars... and it never does. However, Suikoden 3 is PERFECT for the question. This is my favorite RPG of all time, but the story made you think its 15 hours long, but its only 15 hours long for each character, and there's 3 of them. Then there's like more hours where you use all of them. Such an awesome RPG I swear.
Deus Ex seemed to last forever, in a good way. I was used to FPS-type games being about 10 hours max. Deus Ex was like 40 hours RARGH!
Errr... Guild Wars, ye you can do al the quests and missions, but then there's PvP (Player vs Player), also all wrestling games Ahh the wrestling games, back in the PS1 days, I had WWF Smackdown 2 and me and my mates used to play it for hours, we also used to play Crash Bash (best game ever.. until Halo 3).
cod 4 and bioshock. cod4: i kept thinking the game was over(like 3 or 4 times). and then just when i think "oh awesome, this is going to take all summer to beat and now i wont be bored! this is liek the best campaign ever!!!!" it ended. i was so ****ing pissed off when, rather than defeating the russians on the bridge and continuing on into other terrorist-controlled territories, i got some shitty ending and an extra level with a time limit. yeah. real ****ing great. bioshock: i am still doing bioshock, and ive had it for like since january. its sorta like a "im gonna clear this area, then wait like an hour, come back, and kick some more ass so i can buy more ****" sorta thing.
Ya doing the all the missions (For each of the 4 campaigns) take forever and sometimes you might have to start over if you have a bad team line up. I just go with henchies and heroes with good monk, sf, and mm builds. But that was lonely. After the first crash game, you know you are getting 5 levels per stage. Still fun as hell though.
Bioshock was the other one I was thinking of. This seemed like it would never end. And a match of Submission on Gears of War 2 on the map Blood Drive, I played it with a full game and it lasted 45 minutes.