Sandbox Towers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by k1ngk00ba, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. k1ngk00ba

    k1ngk00ba Ancient
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    Towers (v2)

    Towers is a symmetrical map built for slayer, updates for objective based games will come at a later time. supports 16 players but 12 (6v6) recommended. There is a center structure with a rocket spawn up top. There are two bases (red and blue) that each have a ghost, shotgun(out back), some grenade and br ammo spawns. There are two towers each has a power drain(back area), needler(surounded by fusion coils in front area), mauler (just outside back area), plasmas (on middle level), a sniper spawn (on top), and a gravity lift (on mid-level). There are spikers in between each colors two structures and some mongoose spawns around the perimiter.

    UPDATES:v2: moved ghost to warthog spawn warthog deleted, blocks on 2nd lvl of base area deleted to make way for better ways to get up to 3rd level (tower things on back and ramp on outside front) shotgun spawn moved to backside of bases, tower stairs changed to ramp, pillars added next to towers outside playability, spawns added/changed, carbines added in between base/tower of opposite color, tower tops changed(not in pictures) for better appearance and better line of fire, ctf playability added
    Inside of base

    Outside of base

    Center structure


    Overview V2

    Tower inside view

    Tower outside view
    #1 k1ngk00ba, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  2. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Fix spawn near power weapons and vehicles

    Your map looks fairly good. The one thing that I noticed right away is that you have no spawns on the ground. This wouldnt be all bad but you have most power weapons and ghosts in the towers as well. this halts map travel required and keeps game stationary wich isn't awful but it could be improved. I do however enjoy your unique architechture. I may download if I get bored this week end but i will look for a v2 with more efficient spawn placing.

    Edit: I'm also not a big fan of the rockets, and TWO shotguns all in the same place you should but them on the middle ground sides of your map
    #2 Canadians360, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  3. redpox28

    redpox28 Ancient
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    Over all, this map is a pretty good start. You need a lot more work on the outside, especially if there is a warthog in the map. Also, the tower looks like it could use more cleaning. On top of cleaning, the tower, you could possibly move the warthog out, and add a way up to the second floor of the tower
  4. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    the last picture looks like the wraith. (the building does)
  5. k1ngk00ba

    k1ngk00ba Ancient
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    okay i get the map flow im planning on taking out the ghosts and possibly the hog, the reason i have no ground spawns was i ran into the total item limit, this will be fixed on the removal of some objects more than likely including the bubble sheild and the hog, ghosts will probably be moved to hog area and a better way to base top and tower top will be in place along with spawn changes.... and in reply to they guy who said all weapons in one spot, dl the map its two shotguns at 90 sec spawn and 1 rocket at 3 min spawn, snipers are in a different spot(the top of the thing that looks like wraith)
    #5 k1ngk00ba, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  6. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    I'm sry I mistaked a shadow for a sniper but about your changes. Your changes sound impressive and I will take a look this week end since you were so willing to take advice. I would get new pics up or even post ur map as a v2. In response to the shotgun point though..most maps shotguns are at 90 second or more so it still wouldn't be the greatest idea to place them in the middle like that. I won't argue any more since you already changed them. Bravo for the improovements if I had time I'd check it out today. Good luck in the future Canadians360

    Edit: I would keep a ghost in if you could find a way for it to be an even distance or just a mongoose on each base I know ur at object limits though so i'm not sure how easy that task would be i'll say more after trying

    Sounds good Ill check it out when i get my halo back this friday and I'll comment on your v2 thread when you put it up. I also see the mongooses...suprised I missed that earlier, oh well. As a suggestion i would add a nice weapon list with the v2 or maybe comment their locations under your pictures. Be as detailed as possable and make sure you explain the improovements and how they improve gameplay. Presentation of your thread is everything. My best post was probably Tetra Junction you could check it for some format idea's or check out Contortion V2 for a good example of how to do a good weapon list, do something like these and it will probably get you at least 20 extra DL's nice looks show effort and many think effort in post = effort in map which is sorta true.

    Don't beat yourself up there are people far worse and your taking advice and on the right track. Don't give up!
    #6 Canadians360, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  7. k1ngk00ba

    k1ngk00ba Ancient
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    mongoose and ghost

    if you take a look at edit and such the ghosts were not deleted but moved to the warthog spawn(i took this picture but somehow did not show on bungie so i could take and edit) and a note on the mongooses there are 2 next to each base and 1 next to each tower. the base mongooses are on the outside side.. so the farthest area from the center structure, and the tower mongoose is outside at the back.... looking at the sideview it would be to the left outside the area with the power drain..... i will completely revamp all of the pics tonight with a version 2 edit and at that time i will pm all who commented on my map

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