I don't really care what people do with their lives. But if it is legalized, I say tax the living crap out of it because the government could get a lot of money bey over taxing drugs.
NEUTRAL QUESTION TIME!!! If marijuana was made legal, what age would you believe it to be purchased legally at? Don't just say "omfg age 12 cuz im 13", but really think about it.
Alcohol Yeah, 21 with out a doubt. You can smoke cigarettes at 18 in Illinois, but they don't make you intoxicated. When coming up with these ages you always should think about driving implications. It's best not to sell anything that impairs your ability to drive to people with only a couple of years of driving experience.
I'm 19 years old, but I say it should be 21. Humans aren't fully developed until then, and to use things which **** with your liver and/or your lungs, even in the slightest, can take a toll throughout your whole life.
For cigs in Georgia it 16 to smoke 18 to buy(bumb I know). For boose it is 21 no if and or buts. I think it would probably be 21 that sounds reasonable.
I say 18. It's got all the same carcinogens as a cigarette. Why treat it differently? /sarcasm, not really.
Well if someone had lung cancer I think smoking something would be the last thing on their mind, ya know?
Then again...If you can get sent out to get shot at in Kazmeekazstan, then you should be able to smoke, drink, etc. I retract my previous statement.
-________- Being in the military is an honor. If a member of the Army legitimately asked me to join, I wouldn't go, "NOT UNTIL I HAVE A SHOT OF TEQUILA FIRST!!!1!#!"
Just a hypothetical: You're 19 years old, in the military. You're fighting for our country. One day, out on a routine patrol, you get shot in the leg, arm, and ass (just for kicks). Now, you're immediately rushed to the medic. The doctor is slowly working to remove the bullets, and all the while, you're going through agonizing pain. Yet, because you're 19, and not of the legal drinking age, you can't take a great psychological anesthesia, such as Marijuana or Alcohol. You're left with Morphine, yet, the morphine is making you extremely nauseated. So, instead of using the morphine, and puking your guts out, you trudge through the pain, but puke your guts out anyways, because it's just so damn painful. Oh, and the random passing out & waking back up from the excruciating pain. It doesn't even have to be so extreme for that scenario to make sense, I just decided to have fun with it.
After being in economics i understand why marijuana isn't legal. There's a great social cost that comes with marijuana. yes we could get rid of the deficit and all but at what greater, future cost? What happens when people smoke? They become lazy, the get the munchies, and some even hallucinate. This leads to poor performance at work (which if happens with enough people will actually decrease our country's GDP). People overeating would lead to increased obsecity or deaths due to malnutrition (a taco bell diet will only last for so long lol). And hallucinating can be dangerous. More accidents on the road due to poor reaction time and other crazy stuff. For example in my home state of wisconsin, one guy hallucinated after smoking weed and shot 3 people who he thought was attacking him. I personally think it should be legalized, but I'm just saying this is the opposing argument.
The only argument that I've ever heard for legalizing marijuana is that because so many people do it, and so many people get arrested for it, why not just legalize it? It would get rid of the hassle, right? Wrong. Just because you do something, doesn't mean it's okay. Marijuana is damaging to the brain, and studies show that chemicals inhaled when you smoke a joint tend to stay in your body (most notably your genitals) for years. Not only are the obvious physical consequences bad, but so are the social ones. Marijuana is a gateway drug. People who smoke marijuana tend to move on to more serious drugs, such as cocaine, heroine, and LSD. Not to mention the fact that it's just gross. Why should anything that harmful ever be legal just because so many people do it?
all I can say is that i totally disagree with marajuana no matter how strong it is. though it wont kill u it CAN cause anti social behavior and it reeks. though im quite opposed to drugs overall. it never will get legalized though so u are all under this large banner of false hope. im sure someone like Obama would hate this idea. wake up, it wont happen in the US or the UK.
Anyway, it's already been moved from illegal to decriminalized to medical use in certain states. Wrong. Loser.