I recently bought halo 2 for the PC. Needless to say, the map editor is five times better than forge. Why? Because it allows custom textures. So I was thinking, if Bungie could make a awesome map editor why not allow people to do it with halo 3? The only logical explanation is no-one would buy there maps. Honestly, almost EVERY single shooting game on the computer allows you to make custom maps with your own textures and polygons. I would love to see halo 3 do this, regardless, even without this feature forge is pretty damn good. One way they could accomplish this is by allowing people to make a map using a program similar to halo 2's. Allow people to make maps then send it to the 360 by uploading it to the Bungie website. They could also have like a virus scan that detects any mods in the game coding. I do NOT support modding, AT ALL! The map editor I am talking about CAME WITH halo 2. Modding halo 2 is still COMPLETELY against Bungie's rules.
you do realize that it is soooooo much easier to make a map editor on the computer than a console right? thats the reason why it has a full on map editor.
I updated my post with how this could be accomplished, just allow people to do it on the computer then upload it.
current form We will have what you are asking for, with a little time. For now I think what we have is pretty incredible. The game Far Cry gave me everything I was looking for on a map editor but I never play it. They spent way too much time and money focusing on the editor and the gameplay suffered for it. How many people do you see on your friends list playing Far Cry? Bungie has always focused much more on story and gameplay. Without a doubt the next Halo game will have a much more involved forging system, but until then, I have plenty to experiment with in Forge's current form.
i have halo 2 vista, and honestly, i cannot for the life of me figure out the map editor. it is way too complicated. i think an Age of Empires-/Empire Earth-like map editor would be much more useful. it would allow you to choose from lots of different terrains, buildings, etc. plus you could place A.I. with that kind of map editor along with A.I. anything would be possible. imagine, if you will, this map: A perfect recreation of the Pillar of Autumn level from Halo 1, with A.I. and everything. but now it has a twist: you must navigate through many, many more hallways, stairways, cramped service corridors, and bulkheads before you reach the end. now how epic would that be? with that kind of map editor, you could literally do anything provided they increased/destroyed the budget/item limit. and P.S.: halo 2 vista was mainly published/edited/ported by Hired Gun, not bungie. Hired Gun created the map editor/maker.
Im thinking like halo-ce and halo 2 a pc version of halo 3 might come out next year or maybe be announced at this summers e3. Its been what 2 years since halo has been out? maybe another year idk. itll probably add a map editor like halo 2 or keep forge. who knows
Map editing on computers is a given, the games have to come with all the tools anyways. Forge was just supposed to be moving guns around, etc. but they have given us great things like sandbox, and foundry. PS, on a console, full map editing would be quite hard, and there would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many complete garbage maps out there, it would be terrible. I can see giving us different textures for items, but a full map editor would suck. (see FarCry2) EDIT: afraid no one would buy their maps. no offense but that is kind of pants on head retarded
ummm....there are already millions of garbage maps out there, and thats just with forge........ map editing on a console would be easy if it was like age of empires, albeit a little stripped down(not as many textures, brush, useless crap) see above i agree. people would still bu ynew maps anyways; what are the odds you will be happy with just your freinds who join playing on a few custom maps of questionable quality?
I think a TS2 map editor (Expanded though) would be great and then you can go in and forge objects. I can wait for the next halo or bungie game for this to happen, or something better.
Now, I'm not much of a PC gamer, I only really played Halo: Custom Edition on my PC online for a notable amount of time, but still not very long, so in other words, I may be wrong about some things. A lot of PC games have a map editors because most PC games don't receive downloadable maps. Besides, I'm sure the map content with a cost could easily be pirated just like the game itself, that's why I believe console gaming is more mainstream, the lack of knowledge about illegal game piracy. Also, mouse and keyboard is ultimately easier for any map editor compared to controller, just like RTSs. And remember, Map creator > Forge because Forge was initially intended as a map editor, not a full 'create-a-map' feature.
Assuming you're talking about Time Splitters 2, and not some obscure game that I've never heard of, like Train Spotting 2, YES. A fusion of that and forge would be...amazing.
I think I should just point out a few things myself here. Firstly, yes that would be bloody awesome. But there are some concerns. Processing AI activity takes up power, as does generating and rendering textures and objects, The more intense and full a map becomes the more power is needed to run it, and the less likely it is to run smoothly online (though single player may be seemless). This is the obvious reason for the existence of the budget/item limit in Halo 3. it's to prevent the overhauling of the processor of the xbox and the connection capabilities the game is intended for. We suffer enough with lag on live as it is, could you imagine going into a custom game that used 3000 double boxes 400 doors 100 fusion coils and 30 banshees? Yeah I know that's exaggerated, and might be fun system link. But that would bog live. Hard. However I do agree that a PC editor with console load would be wicked nice, forge -is- still fun, though mildly frustrating at times.
How can you be a fan and not know what the abbreviation meant? First thing I do when I get gold membership again, remake the map inside a canyon.
Your wish will be granted with the release of H3 pc and on the note of modding, um Bungie said we could just not to sell the maps for profit and i was and still am an avid h2 modder, alot of the maps we created went into halo 3 believe it or not, Narrows was created using the elevator deals from the library level and Delta halo, it is the same layout two bases with a big bridge connecting them. It made me laugh that the disign was exactly the same. But hey its there content they can take our maps cause we made it using thier stuff. A full fleged map creator for console is hard to do, the Havoc engine used in h2 was alot easier to manipulate than the H3 version, they made it harder due to the people who hacked DLC maps and used cheat mods to keep what happend to H2 MM from happing to H3. Farcry has an awsome map maker but they have used the same one in all games just added new stuff. Kinda like Forge.
This is where the confusion sets in. Modding is COMPLETELY different than making a map. Making a map in halo 2 would not be considered "Modding" because it comes with the game. The main thing is a am an AVID PC gamer. I love PC games, giving up modding for the sake of one company thinking it is "bad" is very hard to do. Because honestly, play any computer game, Counter strike, wolfenstien enemy territory, battlefield 2, unreal tournament 1, 2 and 3 Ect... In every single one of those games modding is allowed and encouraged. In halo it is neglected and frowned upon. Examples of mods being encouraged by companies. 1: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/43687.html At 3:00 he tells you why you can't mod this game. 2: N4G.com : Epic struggling to bring Unreal Tournament III mods to Xbox 360 Sadly, bungie does not go by the general rule. Regardless it is there rule and they have every right to enforce it; and we must listen.
because if you allow mods, the same thing will happen to halo 2 matchmaking. I take you remember what that was like. Sure there were the good modders though, but there were just as many bad ones.
Do I need honestly to point out that in your post you mentioned CS allows modding... CS originated as a mod. Just a note.
Okay, I've never had an original xbox. I assumed bungie wanted to just be a jerk and not allow mods to be a killjoy... Now it all makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. DEATH TO ALL BAD MODDERS RUINING IT FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO HAVE FUN!
Now you know why we at Halomods hate people who post AA with fully auto shot guns etc. There have been sick skin mods for halo 3 already that make high ground into a swamp, and makes Snow bound into a desert via switching shaders, bitmaps etc. I would be awesome for this in an halo console game but bungie won't do it, and if you think about it it makes people buy the pc games for that fact alone.