"I pity the fool who forgets to turn off his flashlight around a witch." "I pity the fool who uses a Z-table for a distribution of means."
"Where is your God now!?!??!" "Guys, read this for Zombie Information 101. I was traveling through the old warehouse about 50 miles past Redwook. I ran into a bunch non-infected, but caught up in sudden adrenaline, I accidentally shot three rounds, killing two people. Then my Mom got scared and said your moving with your Auntie and Uncle and Bel-Air!......"
"No ***** is safe from Chicago Ted" or [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]we were fighting infected all across the square the scent of their blood was in the air a witch in the courtyard gave us quite a scare and things only got worse from there when a hunter grabbed bill and thrashed him in twain francis was hung by a smoker as he howled in pain zoey with her pistol and took careful aim she fired 2 shots, but it was all in vain just then, when all hope had been burned and bled the infected all scream and turned and fled clothed in a flannel shirt blue black and red came an angel of Badass, named Chicago Ted with corpses piled as high as can be Ol ted lit a smoke, and howled with glee as he used his knife to carve notches you see into his belt, a thousand times 53 as a tank rounded the corner, we filled up with dread but he just laughed an shock his head with a powerful holler the wild savior said "NO ZOMBIE IS SAFE FROM CHICAGO TED[/FONT][FONT="]!"[/FONT]
"In Before 404" "It's only called the safe room because it's only merely a room, you got a long way to go." "Every time you punks write on this wall it's only more the janitor has to clean up."
"We can really ue the admin stone right now...." "The Admin doesn't exist you twit, it was invented by someone when Insane54 got his promotion to an Admin." "You're a ****in idiot, of course it exist! As stated in the book of Lulz it clearly stated that when Insane54 Shanonned the Shanon he made a wish in less than five seonds after he Shannoned the Shanon. He wished for the mightest weapon upon which he can ban all teh nooBz for life. Forged from the blood of Shock Theta and shined with the knowledge of Nitrous the Admin Stone was created." "I stopped after the mention of Shanon, she's a real d-bag." "**** you! No I'm not! And I'm not even a chick either......" "Hey look it's Shanon! You smelly mexican girl " "And you are a big bananafaice Aaronfaice (2)" "Don't make me ban you again Shanon." "hey look Rochey Pochey Ochey has come with his Irishness." "Yeah, all I had to defend against the zombies was this bucket of potatoes. " "Quick Insane! Turn into a vampire like you do on Saturday nights!" "I haZ TeH Admin STONNEE!" "O shet! It's Tsquared! RUN!" "Free Dr.Pepper for everyone!" "Who left all this Dr.Pepper laying around?" "Tspuared, his team lost to BtH." "Dayum, I saw that, they got raaaped." "I'm still here guys." " Ohhh......rite." "I thought the hurricane season wuz ova!" "It's not." "Nou." "Go get your 45 back Insane." "And stop playing Peggle." "I still can't believe you didn't know who Led Zeppilin was." "So-Cal man....it does shet to you here." "Plus in Detroit it's hella cold. And has Jewish Vampires who eat people at night." "Indeed." "This can fit a lot." "That's what she said." "I don't think it's the time for such conversations guys." "stfu. I need a new sharpie. "Mix piss and some rubber. It does the job." "Ohhh I see."
So if Insane is Jesus. Shock is the Holy Ghost. Nitrous is God. What is TDF and DQ? Lucifer and Judas.
^ Epic win Agamer. Epic win for that picture. "I think the witches are all toochie" " How the **** does a smokers tongue get so long" "I heard that he used to lick his cigarettes a lot" "No dumbass, he used to lick ***** duh" "Both of you are wrong. He licked the boomers butthole."
Epic win my good sir. Epic. "I can haz zombieburger?" "Guys, I found a gun. I think it shoots stuff."
"Hey you. Yeah you The only dude reading this. I have a cure for the infection You just got to make it to my hideout Don't bring anybody else Bring lots of guns though What you do is go out of this room Take a left Shoot you shotgun five times Go back for more ammo Repeat 3 more times Go to that creepy hill on the house Door on the knock, but don't try to have all your bases belongin to me, because that's dumb. Ask for Fred Come down to the basement and I will give you the cure And one more thing RICK ROLL'D!!!!" "Doesn't that Boomer look kinda like your mom?" "You know that witch that spawns outside the building? I'd tap that"
Hmm. The only long response that I actually liked was Lawful Chili's. It was original. The others (particularly Xanon's,) just fail. Try to make 'em short and sweet, guys!
You don't understand the insiders I left in those. Me Roche and insane know what they are. Relatively, from our perspective, it makes sense.
Why would you put inside jokes on a safe room wall? No one would get it. They'd walk in, all covered in zombie gore, and be like, "WTF? There's no Admin Stone here!!"
"If you are reading this message, then I have been eaten by the zombies. To any that may need it, I have stashed all of my weapons, ammo, and provisions in a secret compartment undernieth this message. In order to unlock it, you must press and hold these keys in perfect combination: ctrl + alt + delete." or "I stumbled upon a tank while it was sleeping. I thought it would be funny to strap several flak jackets onto it. Was this a bad idea?"