Sandbox Egypt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by de AiRiK, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. de AiRiK

    de AiRiK Ancient
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    0 Egypt
    Created by: de AiRiK, zgriffin22, rmc97

    Cairo...that' Egypt.

    Hey guys...our fifth posting on forgehub.

    If you haven't downloaded our other maps, Derkaderkastan or Bakalakadaka St.

    then here's a brief description of these maps.

    We've been modeling these maps after towns in the middle east, more specifically from Black Hawk Down, and Team America. These maps are meant to be confusing and look like towns being mostly asymmetrical much like COD maps.

    This map Egypt is more specifically meant to be thought of as a town, with a main street running down the middle. There are two main bases, each with a mongoose and transport hornet. It is meant to mimic a COD map keeping the same sort of gameplay but with our Halo twist.

    Teams: Recommend 4v4, but possible to play anywhere from 1v1 - 8v8

    Our favorite gametypes to play on this map: Team Slayer, Swat, Infection, Oddball, One Bomb, KOTH, Territories, VIP, Juggernaught

    Preface to the weapons list: While this list may look daunting. The map as well as the gameplay amplifies the placement and scarceness of the kinda hit the object limit...

    Weapons List:
    BR's x 6
    Sniper Rifles x 2
    Needlers x 2
    Brute Shots x 2
    Rockets x 2
    Carbines x 2
    Maulers x 2
    Machine-gun Turrets x 2
    Plasma grenades x 8
    Frag grenades x 20

    Vehicles and Equipment:
    Warthogs x 2
    Hornets x 2
    Mongooses x4
    Bubble shield x 1
    Regenerators x 2
    Powerdrains x 1
    Tripmines x 2
    Flare x 1

    Believe us guys, give this map a try and get back to us. We had a ton of fun making and playing this map, and we know you will too.

    Halo 3 Download


    The Street:

    View from what we've christened the "COD building":

    Snipe Balcony:


    Looking down on your domain:

    Run baby run:

    The "Black Hawks":

    Again guys, give it a try, it's a bit different gameplay than most are used to, but it's literally a blast.

    Download Here: Halo 3 File
  2. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Wow. This looks like a great urban map. Great job pulling this off. No doubt it will be good for SWAT and im sure ill enjoy some CTF on here amidst me yelling at my xbox for not letting me leap over buildings to kill the flag carrier. But seriously well done.

    You have officially been awarded 1 Moshin Joshn download. Redeemable now.
  3. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This map is astounding. It just has a great fell of running through streets and alleyways. Reminds me of COD 4 and 5. This is a great urban map and the fact that it's so crowded is what makes it great. This would be amazing for a full party of team slayer or CTF. I'm downloading this one. You should get the guild to test this out. Also, if you ever get a big party, invite me and play this. Very good job.
  4. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    Im downloading....

    Is it a buddget glitched map? becuase I think you would have gone over limit.... Overall great job so many buildings that flow nicely. I think should be played with 5+ people on each team though since it is so big.
  5. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, I just dled this and I am gonna check it out. The looks of it are awesome but that doesnt tell us the gameplay. We shall see. I really like your COD style maps, the layouts and structures have definitly improved in this one I just hope that your weapon placement and respawn times, etc... are better this time around. I will most definitly get back to you with my thoughts after I check this out. No lie, I did it on your last map. But I definitly like the looks of this.
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Wow. I love the scale of this map, it makes it look like you're fighting inside the limits of an entire city. It reminds me of Star Wars Battlefront II, and that's a good thing. I can't imagine how this would play with a large group, or even with a small group. There looks like there are alot of hiding places, and that it would be a very suspenseful SWAT map. This looks incredible on all gametypes, Download! I think this map deserves no lower than a 9 out of 10, but personally I'd rate it a 10.
  7. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    I certainly will download this map and do a forge through. From what I can tell, it's not the smoothest map, but that's not such a big deal. It looks like a fine urban map, and I love urban maps. So, no official criticism or comments yet, I will edit this post or post again when I have forged through.
  8. de AiRiK

    de AiRiK Ancient
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    Yes we used a budget-oln clean map as canvas to make this...started out not using that, then ran out of stuff extremely fast.

    Thanks for all the positive comments so far guys, keep em comin!

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
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    i have no clue why but this map reminds me of a video i just watched in resident evil 5 i like the hornets in the back seems cool and i like the cod pic classic
  10. Ice Wolf 212

    Ice Wolf 212 Ancient
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    I love these urban like maps that are coming out... great asthetics and a good mix of close quarters and distant fights. This is a great map and I'm attempting to make an Urban City map as well... but mine is gonna be in the crypt so noone can stray off into the desert sand dunes, avoiding all the beautiful architecture we spend so much time and effort into making. 5/5 This map FTW.
  11. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, I checked it out and I like it more than any of your other maps. I really like the Hornet spawns and the street with the Mongooses seem like cars in COD except now you can drive them. My only real complaint now is the spawn points. There are a few that seem just randomly placed, and you shouldnt have a spwn point that when you spawn, you either run into a wall or fall off of a structure. Set them up facing openess, but still in cover. Always remember to have some grouped up in 2 or 3 spawn points. Its ok to have some single spawn points through the map, but you need some grouped together in safe areas closer to the bases, and use those respawn areas wisely. Other than that, I liked this layout, seems random yet thought out. Asymetrical yet it seems symmetrical. Good job.
  12. de AiRiK

    de AiRiK Ancient
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    thanks for all the feedback man, honestly still working on figuring out exactly how respawn areas and points correlate to gametypes and everything about that...any info you might have on that would be useful, plust i'll probably actually look up some stuff on that for once before finishing up another map. and thanks for noticing the semi-symmetry and pseudo-randomness, it's exactly what we were going for.
  13. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Yeah I like these ones modeled after real cities. Sometimes you just want to feel like you could be in a real place. My friend is doing this as well. So this looks great in some ways, but others not so much. I like the counters, but I don't like how that one building is separated between the second and third floor. Also I think that if you are making a realistic city, you have to make realistic buildings that can stand without falling over. Some of the buildings you made wouldn't work in real life, but I think it would be too much of a drastic change for this map. Just a heads up for next city you make.

    Also, if you are interested in getting together with a couple more people and making an awesome map like this, message me.

    The good things are the hornet, the mongooses and the creative ideas (e.g. the construction.) Thanks for a cool map/

    IVIAJIK Ancient
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    this definately has a very COD feel to it. its very urban and that is something different for halo but all in all i like it and you got DL from me. very original. my only concern is the amount of vehicles on the map unless you were making a BTB then it woulld definately be appropriate
  15. lolzstuff

    lolzstuff Ancient
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    Incredible urban map. I would love to see this in matchmaking via Atlas if it wasn't budget-glitched. Reminds me a lot of Call of duty maps (The street in the middle conjures up Crossfire). I love how, if you're determined, you can go from one side of the map via rooftops to the other.
    One thin that kind of bothered me was the top of the big 4-pillared building near one of the hornet spawns. You get all the way up there and... there's two grenades and a regen waiting for you. It seems like some weapon should spawn there, even if it's just a BR. Also the trip mine spawning next to the hornet seems strange, i assume it's meant to be thrown by a rider in the hornet?
    Also i noticed that when you fly around the hornet spawn everything seems to flicker like the textures are out of whack or something. I don't know if this a problem with the map or something else. Great integration of the hornet though, if you don't watch it it's pretty easy to get jacked from someone on a rooftop.
    5/5, unique and well-forged urban map.
  16. lolzstuff

    lolzstuff Ancient
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    One more thing, the weapons seem to be out of the way in some places, maybe make the spawns more obvious? I didn't even see the rocket spawn on top of the building with all the fins for a while. I've yet to find a brute shot too. Just a suggestion for weapon spawns, in some places it's better to put it on a ramp because it's the first thing to you see. An example of this is like one of the mauler spawns, instead of being in the corner it would go better halfway up the ramp to it's right.
  17. JAC Overlord

    JAC Overlord Ancient
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    Dude, this instantly reminded me of a CoD4 map. This looks sick, and is one of the coolest urban maps I've seen yet! And that includes Turf!! Honestly, I can't think of a single thing to say other than WOW!!!!
  18. de AiRiK

    de AiRiK Ancient
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    Yeah we kinda placed the weapons semi-sparatically, there actually is a brute shot, it's on the outskirts of town, and the rockets and things are purposely "hidden" so if you do happen to chance upon them, then kudos to you!

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