yes, they are mixed together amazingly well. great job. i am kinda feeling like the tank should be a slight bit more blurred though, to give it the sense of depth that you were aiming for.
Looks really cool. If you could change the perspective of the tank to look like it is coming more in his direction that would make it even better IMO. But it is great combining of stocks.
Idk i think you need to mess with contrasts, sharpening and blurring a bit more. The contrast is too great imo. As in, there is pretty much only color on the right, the right is much darker and the right is much sharper. It looks almost like the sig is cut in half. Great job meshing things though. I always love doing that.
I like it. The only bad thing is where the tank tracks and ground meet -it looks a little off. maybe its the shadow or something. Good job.