The next sig that contains smudging I will not CnC anymore. Colors are off. Even though they may be "cool," they ruin the potential of the signature.
The funny thing is, i tried to use as minimal effects as i could in this. I had no smuging or c4d. And i added a gradient for the color of the guy and when i was changing the bg color, it wouldnt effect the guy. I wanted a lighter effect to it that was also red or blue.
The graphics and arts section do not pertain to halo, although there is many sigs and creations that are halo, more are not. And trust me, i think call of duty is a whole lot worse then halo. just sayin'. Ive been here since january last year ( password troubles made me get a new account) So much stuff is not halo 3 here, theres a set section for that.