Yes, he is In the brochure for the movie, they listed Adrian Grenier as Vincent Chase instead too. Now, I am not sure entirely, but I think character Ari Gold was named after the actual Ari Gold, since the real Ari Gold has been long-time friends with Adrian Grenier. Can't say for sure though.
no, the guy hes based on is named "Ari Emmanuel" I think the movie you saw is another one of the reality-blending things that HBO does. When Vinny Chase was sposedta be making that movie about Pablo Escobar, they released the full trailer on a website tailored for it, and had all the "credits" be characters from entourage. edit: nevermind, there is a real ari gold, but he isnt the guy Ari from Entourage is based on.
Well that's why I said name, because I know he was modeled after Ari Emmanuel, but I think they got the "Gold" from Ari Gold who was friends with Adrian. And Adventures of Power was a movie written, directed, and starred Ari Gold. During the Q and A ( he couldn't make it, but he had his actress Shoshanna Stern, who was in the first season of Weeds) they said how Ari had this character ever since high school named "Power" and had done many shorts about this character. This, combined with the oddities of air drumming resulted in Adventures of Power.
Natali Two more Sci-fi films that I enjoy are by the same director, Vincenzo Natali. The first one is called Cube. It is a look at a group of people who suddenly wake up in some sort of a prison/puzzle made of 1,000's of separate square rooms and follows them as their fear and claustrophobia take over. The other film is called Nothing and it is a look at a near opposite type of theme. Two men wrestling with the claustrophobia of the absolute freedom of an apparently endless world devoid of anything except themselves, their house, and their own minds.
Has anybody seen A Clockwork Orange? A great movie, I highly recommend it.
I enjoyed Snatch, and I've read Clockwork Orange and it was a rather good book. I didn't know there was a movie for it. I personally love the Dark Knight, solely because of Heath Ledger's acting as the Joker. Oh and Grandma's Boy and Anchorman have to be my two most favorite comedies. Grandma's Boy is literally mindless humor based around weed, sexual innuendo, and video games and I always find myself laughing hysterically when I watch it. Anchorman is Will Farrel's best movie. Ever. BAR NONE. Oh and Hot Rod is another pointless comedy that I loved.
I think 28 Days Later is also a great movie. It was completely different that I had expected, in a good way. I've always been one for the whole zombie/infection thing. Shaun of the Dead is probably my favorite movie. Its hilarious and its a GREAT zombie movie. My top 5 favorite zombie movies. 1. Shaun of the Dead 2. Dawn of the Dead (original version, not the remake.) 3. 28 Days Later (not really a zombie movie but i think it still fits in the genre.) 4. Dawn of the Dead (the remake that came out a few years ago, not the original.) 5. Night of the Living Dead (original version, not the 1990 remake. That one was good too though)
I rented and saw The league of Extraordinary gentlemen, for the first time, and I must say it was really good for a '03 film!
Just saw Wolverine. If you like the characters of: Deadpool or Gambit, you may want to aviod this ( I as a fane of deadpool am slightly depressed now )
Anyone else looking forward to Transformers 2 or Terminator: Salvation. They both look like they are going to be amazing especially Terminator. Oh yah and Megan Fox is in Transformers again, she is a babe, nuf said.