Hey, Slik I hope we can be cool again. I just got pissed at you after what you said about my forging. O yea I will most likely be putting this map on Bungie favorites soon, Along with my map.
This map is stunning, breathtaking, insert awesome adjective here, etc. The turns are so curvy and wild. It looks like a must download so I will. Please though fix the horrible grammar and it will be perfect.
Thought it was a cool looking track. Very smooth. Not hard to do a lap, fell off once. Only negative i can think of is its really short.
I must agree that is very long for a racetrack. Especially if the track is double wide. Hey Slik I just want to start off by saying sorry for the way I acted with a while ago and I hope we can be cool again. As for the map, My hat is off to you. Congratulations on making one of the best tracks I have ever seen. The only thing I do not like is the part where theres all the grav lifts. No big deal I just like going fast . 5/5 Nice Job!
This map is CRAZY !! Epic and i enjoy to race, and play any BattleTracks Gamevariant on this !! ON NO OCCASION. Do i think this deserves less than a feature ! Forging = Phenominal * if thats how you spell it LOL * Me = SLIK's #1 FAN !!
My favorite new track of all time, nice curves! I think that this map would deserve no lower than a 11/10. Keep forging, FOREVER.
I downloaded and played with a few of my friends and they loved is so much they made me put it on my file share so they could get it. beleive me i dont think much of racing on halo 3 but after i played this map it just blew my mind how much fun it was. thanks!
Wow this is amazing... definitely feature worthy. A download from me. I'll post a review later after I've played a couple of games. Anyway keep up the amazing forging!
HOLY CRAP! ive seen HUNDREDS of sandbox racetracks but this one is THE BEST by so far! you have all the right qualities of a good track like the huge hills, banked turns, and a tunnel (I love that part). You definetly got a DL from me. 10/10
Holy Crap! Ive seen hundreds of sandbox racetracks but his is the BEST by far!!!! You have all the right qualities: huge hills, banked turns, and a TUNNEL! You definetly got a DL from me. Great Job. 10/10.
this is like the best race map ive ever seen its not hard to ride its smooth it has nice aesthetics and its not boring not a simple 8 figure racetrack or something like that
This is a nice map its big and smooth and I like the idea about a rollercoaster but I don't like the start I mean u turn at first and that stinks. I like it that it has weapons on it so u could play slayer or something like that. Nice job.
the weapons are for battletracks not slayer lol... you are never supposed to play slayer on it... battletracks normally either have a BR, Laser, Sniper, or Assault rifle. The weapons placed are so you can pick them up if you want to (the trip mine here is very useful). I loved this map... Oh and the start is becuase it takes more skill so it isn't just like oh i'm in the front that means I win lol =P
I DL'ed this map and played it immediately, this racetrack is EPIC. I give it a 9.9/10. this is b/c the only thing i dont like about it are the grav lifts slowing you down. i understand why to have the second set b/c that way you dont fly off the track, but the first set i dont like b/c it slows you down too soon. It would be even better if you could float them above the drop so that if you are going to fall off, it pushes you back down onto the track. otherwise, this is the best racetrack i've every played on, very nice job!