Foundry MLG Encephal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Transactionzero, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    MLG Encephal Created by Transactionzero
    Recommended Gametypes: MLG Ball, MLG Team Slayer, MLG KOTH, and MLG Flag.
    Recommended Players: 4-8

    MLG Encephal was inspired by Midship, Halo 1 Damnation, and The Pit. Utilizing high and low ground efficiently MLG Encephal's tiered gameplay creates an exciting player atmosphere. MLG Encephal shines as an asymmetrical symmetrical two-base map, because of the complexity of the bases and their accompanying high and low ground areas respectfully. Power weapon spawns are trafficked frequently adding considerable risk in obtaining them. Multiple routes allow players to move from side to side quickly and efficiently. For fast paced in your face action download MLG Encephal now!

    A word from Tz:
    I wanted to create an environment that was fun and enjoyable yet hectic, fast paced competitive machine that is MLG.
    I made this map for myself and not for anyone else. I love to be creative and this has been my project for many moons. Hope you all enjoy!

    Weapon Set

    All weapons are MLG weapon spawn times.

    • Battle Rifles x 4
    • Carbines x 2
    • Rockets x 1
    • Snipers x 2
    • Custom Overshield x 1
    • Plasma Pistol x 1

    Top Center:


    Closer look at base geometry:


    Front of the one base:


    Shows sniper spawn and Line of Sight to other side:

    Yellow side ramp:

    Download MLG Encephal here!

    I want to give a shout out to all the Tester's Guild members that helped test this map out! Chrstpherbrnnn for always giving me critical feedback, even though I wouldn't listen to him.

    Shad0w Viper
    for always joining and then going AFC more times than I can count.

    Thanks to Kidbomber for all of his fruitless hours of just me and him jumping around the bases. KidBomber gave me loads of feedback, laughs, and much more.

    Scope thank you for your time spent playing around on my map and giving me some intuitive designs for parts of the map. Most importantly you're a cat. Thank you to the Tester's Guild for testing this out for me. I couldn't have done it without you guys!
    #1 Transactionzero, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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  3. Landon Dao

    Landon Dao Ancient
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    When I first saw the map, I was like looks okay. But when I took a closer look, many things were geomerged and it was merged nicely.

    My favorite part of this map is the second picture. The wall and stairs are nicely merged.

    I love the originality and creativity of this map. There is nothing really wrong about this map so I'll give it a 5/5.
  4. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This looks nice. It's very pretty. It doesn't feel like an MLG map to me for some reason. I do like it though. The merging in this is very clean. It looks like it took a good amount of time to make. You have got my download. i personally don't like MLG very much, but a friend of mine is Pro MLG and I give him maps to practice on with his team. Good Job.
  5. Titan Gamer

    Titan Gamer Ancient
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    The geometry is very clean and has a great aesthetic feel to it. Next time don't take the pictures in forge. Otherwise it is a great map. 5/5
  6. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I nice to know that my aesthetics work well. I haven't heard a bit about gameplay and such. I'm looking for lengthy feedback regarding how well it plays. MLG maps are based on how well the gameplay is. Not how good the aesthetics are. Any other comments?
  7. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    This isn't directed toward you, but I'm just baffled on how many looks clean, geomerging, interlocking comments I've receive. Honestly, it would bring me great joy if someone commented on how the gameplay was. That's all I want. I do not care about the interlocking, geomerging, how the map looks. What I do care about how it is played.
  8. F2P Gametypes

    F2P Gametypes Ancient
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    KK, i will test it and give you feedback then how it is played.
  9. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Thats the main problem with these forums, most of the people look at the pictures to see how cool a map is as apposed to actually looking for gameplay elements or playing games on it. If you want some serious feedback, post on The people there can be kind of dicks, but you can also get some very good feedback.

    On to the map, I have not looked at it in game yet, but I will get back to you when I do. From the screenshots though, it seems like there is a little too much jumping involved. Try to make it so that you can sort of "flow" around the map without really having to think and not have to jump anywhere. The more fluid the movement is and the less people have to really think about where they are going, the better the gameplay will be.

    Also, it seems that you have a few locations,. such as rocket spawn, that you can only get to from one direction. Try to eliminate these areas as they greatly detract from map flow because once you make it up there, you must either jump down or turn completely around.

    I really like how you used the map geometry as apposed to "lazy cover" to block LOS though. It really enhances gameplay and makes the map feel more like a map.

    All and all though, the map doesnt look too bad. Hate to say it, but it may be obsolete due to Sandbox and now that Sandbox is out, all of the sheep dont realize that there is still things we can do in Foundry. Just take my ideas into consideration and I think you could have a pretty good map here.
  10. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I would definitely look at the map in-game. There are two ways up to rockets and pretty much everywhere on the map is accessible via ramps. There are three jump that allow players to access areas from lower levels. Take a in-game look and tell me what you think. If possible play with a few friends and check out how the map plays. I have a few maps in the works on sandbox. I wouldn't count Foundry down and out. I'll have to post the map on to see what they think.
    #10 Transactionzero, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Having tested this with the TG twice(I believe that was both of the 2 scheduled tests?) I give this my thumbs up. Excellent map for Slayer and Oddball, but some spawn issues in CTF during testing means I haven't had any games on that gametype yet, so I'll have to get a custom going(you fixed the spawn issue yes?).

    What were the other major changes since the last test, if any?
  12. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    • Added some respawn zones for various gametypes.
    • Moved some minor geometry around.
    • Reworked disorienting spawns.
    • Fixed the CTF spawn bug.
    • Reworked yellow side of the bases.
    • Added more spawn points.
    • Reworked geometry above Custom OS.
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I've seen this map in very stages. I've given feedback that was almost never accepted without a fight, and yet I was still unsure of how it would play (damn middle).

    I was pleasantly surprised though, in those final test games. It had great balance for slayer. Some very strong sightlines, and great overall flow. There were a few areas that felt a tad crowded (under the bases, sniper area), but all in all, you map foundry feel pretty complex. King was very fun, though I hope you had expanded the bases a bit (removed that block), and king would have been absolutely perfect. I was also glad you chose to mix up the typical weapon layout of Foundry MLG and add in rockets and the snipers. All in all, for me not being a very big fan of MLG, this map played great and I had a great time.

    Can't wait to see your more competitive based stuff ;)
  14. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Alright, so after you showing me this tons of times it really is how i thought it would be in my mind.

    At a Glance:

    From the amount of time spent just on how the map flows and how it looks very interesting. Now after attempting to fight off the paper thin hill in King of the Hill, to jumping out of the map so TZ could fix it. However, now when looking at it, all those problems have been fixed. All geometry is perfectly merged and the flow is perfect to the point.


    After play testing it several times on all game types, the game play (from memory) was very fair, clean, and fun. Personally CTF and Team Slayer work the best, however that's from memory. I at the moment cant say to much because i dont remember to much. Tho like i said its an amazing map, by an amazing man.
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I can assure you that I am NO hardcore MULGE er.. MLJ errrr MLG player. Right. I am more of a lol-about kinda guy! However I had the fullest enjoyment a casual player could have.

    I remember when this map was just a babe. It a matured a great deal over the years um months? Anyway,

    The map layout felt very nice. There were easy transitions between each area, and the different elevations bring in some freshness. each one was balanced. Never did I feel that I was stuck getting owned or vice-versa. The teles brought some controversial fun into the mix. They were laced perfectly towards the res of the map. I really enjoy bottom mid. Simple yet elegant, who helped you get ideas with that. I also feel like the non-flipped bridges show TZ's rebel side.

    The weapons are expertly placed. Great job on those! The rockets work perfectly and are in a very well done RvR situation. Also, I love how OS is set up. That is a great asset to gameplay. I usually dislike those, but in this map it works well. Snipers? <3

    Aesthetics, You say? This map is a great example of using your objects only when needed, besides powerups for callouts, there are only 2 aesthetically pleasing touches.

    Overall, great MLG map TZ.
  16. Xx iTz ShIne DoWn xX

    Senior Member

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    the map looks ok, but foundry maps are kinda getting old i think. looks
    good but make a sweet mythic map =]
  17. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    This map is crazy!I love the spawn postions and great place to perch the rockets i love the interlocking the only thing i will say is i think you could do better but i meant that in a good way!
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Just because Sandbox is out it means that Foundry maps are no good? That is preposterous. I have seen more well made Foundry maps than Sandbox maps thus far. You could at least play his map before demanding other maps.

    I agree that the rockets are in a perfect place. It creates a good risk versus reward style of gameplay. It makes the rocket launcher a prize rather than a freebie.

    I think Tz would appreciate it if you elaborated on your ideas. I have played this many times and it is hard for me to construct solutions to problems.
  19. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    this map is great and flows really well, a problem though is the teleporters , a lot of people camp by them for easy kills and such.
  20. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    One thing I can say is that the teleport boxes proved to be somewhat bigger than I wished. MLG Encephal is a very fast paced map and players can traverse from side to side quickly. Depending on the gametype camping the teleport can be beneficial. Shutting down the teleports in KOTH is key to keeping the enemy under control. If you don't they will overwhelm you quickly by using the teleports. In any gametype ruling over the teleports is key to allowing your team to be in the right place for the assist. If you noticed one side of the teleports is open this prevents players from somewhat abusing the teleports as they can easily be naded from a variety of angles. This balances out the closed teleports near the much trafficked Customer overshield. The added protection to the teleports allows players to control that teleport and at other times safely exit. In addition players camping the teleports can easily be naded in the the teleport boxes. Thank you for your feedback! Keep it coming.

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