
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Apr 28, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Created By DeathToll77 and Zombievillan

    Recommended Players: 6-10
    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, One Flag, Multi-Flag, Neutral Bomb

    The U shape, a map design which few are strangers to, has shown much promise to objective gametypes on the Foundry canvas. Many maps have displayed it, yet few honestly successfully capture intriguing gameplay. Wishbone does not succumb to past issues of it's U-shaped brethren. Often, maps of this style suffer from from an immovable tug-of-war, creating very stale gameplay. Wishbone allows players to mix up the pathways by implementing elements, such as one way doors, yet refrains from negatively decreasing the flag running time. These said doors also promote great teamwork, as having a teammate destroy the spawn side door will speed up the homestretch.

    Not only does Wishbone play wonderfully for an array of objective gametypes, it also accomplishes solid games of Team Slayer. A main element in the success of slayer is the smooth incorporation of the ghost, which is very useful while remaining not overpowering. Wishbone is a very solid rendition of Foundry's most known design concept, not lost in the sea of Sandbox.
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    good to know not all is lost even though the new maps are out still yet there are good maps like these still on foundry.
    i havn't seen this map for almost a month. still yet its my faverate. good map cant wait to try it out.

    by the way this map looks kinda well... out there it just goes every where doesn't it? veary nice cat walks and menny level looks grate.

    EDIT: from the origanal forum this is a grate looking map i like how it sorta resembles the back side of foundry by yet is on the other side of foundry.

    #2 redeyesmaster, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  3. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Congratulations to Deathtoll and ZombieVillan for making a great map worthy for a feature, I downloaded it when it was released and I certainly won't be deleting it!

    Congrats again guys.
    #3 Chron, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  4. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    That was pretty fast... anyway I really liked the map, it played very well and congrats on the feature guys. Cool that it's not on Sandbox too.
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    As I always knew it would be, congratulations on your second feature buddy! I don't know how many times I have to say this, but this map is the best objective map I have ever played. Gameplay is perfectly balanced, ghosts are implemented well, the gates are great gameplay mechanics for symmetric games, games never grow tiring, even as they reach the 30 minute mark, ascetics are perfect, not overpowering, not underdeveloped...

    Great Job! Congrats on Premium!
    #5 Sotha Sil156, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  6. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    ahh, i didn't really think this worthy of a feature, but i did have a fun time playing it
    actually i would piss everyone off by driving the vehicles to the shield doors/grav lifts haha that was funny, everyone had to go the long way
  7. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Congratulations to both Deathtoll and zombievillan as both of you have done a truly outstanding job with Wishbone. When playing on Wishbone various times I didn't see anything wrong with it what so ever and the game play was flawless.This is definitely a keeper for me as I'll definitely get a plethora of truly outstanding games to come in the future. All of my thoughts and ideas were already inputted into your original post, so congrats on the feature guys, for as Wishbone truly deserves it.
    #7 Agamer, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  8. Riku

    Riku Ancient
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    Congrats to Deathtoll and Zombievillan on this well deserved feature! (And a special congrats to Deathtoll's new shiny rank of premium).

    One of my favorite maps of all time; if it hadn't had been featured I would have freaked out. =P
    Fantastic gameplay combined with great forging as well as some original elements including the one-sided doors, this map just never seemed to get old. Every game that I played provided awesome battles – it was just so much fun. The weapons and vehicles were perfectly balanced, and I remember how much fun it was to see how far you could get with a mongoose and a passenger with the bomb in Neutral Bomb. Usually you'd get destroyed before even making it half way, but when your teammates provided enough distractions, those bomb arms sure were epic (not to mention that epic music provided by Deathtoll and Cheesepuffs :p).

    Once again, congratulations on this truly amazing feature.
  9. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    :D Ive had the original thread for this map saved in my url favourites for like 2months now, I absolutely knew it was going to be a feature. Good work on the feature guys, you bloody well deserved it
  10. JufelT

    JufelT Ancient
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    The Interlocking is Legitimate and Smooth, No wonder it got Feature. Good work.
  11. The Violence Within

    Senior Member

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    Played this with 1 vs 1, and no matter how often my friend got in that bloody ghost, it was still even. Not sure how but i managed to get two shotgun kills on a ghost without hitting the driver :S Anyways congrats on the feature and Congrats especially to Deathtoll for Premium!
  12. n0vaflar3

    n0vaflar3 Ancient
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    Way to go you guys! First off it isn't on sandbox, and I find that surprising. It really deserves it though, I dled when it first came out and it still remains on my hard drive, the gameplay is flawless, and I really like the wishbone shape. Congrats!
  13. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Eh Eh Ehm. NO NO NO NO NO NO. This proves utterly that it is extremely easy for a wel known user to get a map featured. This map has horrible gameplay and the center piece with the one way doors is perfect proof of this. During a game, Arbacca and I were just throwing mongooses and ghosts into it, blocking it off, and stopping the flag carrier (which the map was designed for by the looks of it) duing 2 flag. I really cannot see anything good about this map. The wall structure on the bottom towward the fans is never used, and the top part is completely open from LOS if you are in front of it (not including the box sticking out abaout half way from the base, which doenst even help much anyway. I am dissapoint =/. No offense to zombievillan or deathtoll, i just don't think this deserves a feature AT ALL.
  14. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Congratulations to Deathtoll on premium! It is a very well deserved one at that. Deathtoll and Zombievillan did an amazing job on Wishbone, I would know, I was the leader of the first party to test it in "Calling All Testers 2." It plays slendidly with all objective gametypes, and although it could use a little tweaking, it's about as good as it's going to get. The layout is very unique, with a new twist on gravity lifts in the middle. I love the gravity lift doors, but not so much in slayer gametypes.

    Great job you guys, this is the most well deserved feature since Utah Mambo.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Funny, you even state the flaw in your own argument at the end of your post, yet you still don't seem to see it. Whether a map plays well or not (once basic issues such as functional spawning etc are overcome) is subjective, and if you'd taken the time to read the wealth of incredibly positive responses in this thread then maybe you'd realise that you not liking this map is not the be-all-and-end-all of judgement on a map. "Oh no, ONE SINGLE USER in a userbase of over 30,000 thinks that this doesn't deserve Feature, we'd better avoid Featuring it like the plague!". Seriously? I'm not asking you not to have an opinion, but please see this for what it is: an opinion, no more or no less valid than anyone else's, and by no means a reason to jump to the oh-so tired accusations of corruption and favouritism like you seem to have done.

    I don't know how many times it's been said, but here's one more just for you. Even though the truly fair way to decide upon Features would be to disregard the maker in any discussion, thus leaving the map itself as the only point of consideration, we do actually take extra care when discussing Features for well known members, making utterly sure that the map is deserving in the eyes of as many as possible before Featuring (once again, a map that literally everyone agreed on as awesome is a lost cause, please realise that your opinion is not the only one here, much less the most important). Tbh I think we shouldn't feel compelled to do this, but the fact is that many on FH seem to think that corruption automatically infects anyone along with gaining a coloured rank, and so we take the time to assure people that this is not the case and be extra stringent with maps from well known members. So please, just think for one second about your points before you go off accusing us of corruption. I mean obviously we don't give a damn about Forge and maps themselves, and obviously all we care about is forming little cliques and patting each other on the back when it's not deserved. I'm one step away from throwing my hands up in the air and going on an extended and vindictive killing spree here, much as it may be against every one of my logical and moral standpoints, I'm just at a loss, no amount of logical points and arguments seem to get the message across.
    #15 Pegasi, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  16. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I saw this coming, it was a great map during testing, I really enjoyed it, Great for Flag, and Team Slayer, well it was my Favorite. Congratz Deathtoll and ZombieVillian
  17. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    congrats on the feature this map was well deserved for a feature good job
  18. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    You are absolutely right. It is much easier for well known members to get their maps featured. Why is that? Because we play with them, have them on our friends lists, test their maps, give them feedback, help them improve it. Yeah, it sucks we can't do it for everyone, but have you seen how many maps are posted a day now? Competitive alone? You don't see music execs running around to every local pub fixing local bands sounds and giving them a contract. It's all about getting recognized for something. Yeah there is a bit of politics involved, making friends or hell, it could be just making an awesome map we're attracted to. The ratio of staff:community is not high enough for us to fix the problems with every map. Hell, we don't always know what needs to be fixed.

    Honestly, this accusation is tired. So you know what? Yeah it's true, if you are friends with us you have a better shot. Doesn't mean because you are friends with a staff, your map gets autofeatured. If it's not good, we aren't afraid to tell our friends that. There are quite a few staff maps that have been rejected in the last few months.

    So is it corruption? Not at all, it's just plain, straight up recognition. You are going to have a harder time if we don't know you, sorry. We browse the map forums, check out a lot of maps (I've already look at, and played some of the forgotten treasures), but we can't get em all. There is the feature recommendation thread, if you want something up, go post it there.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'd just like to clarify my view on this. I basically agree with you here chrs, but I would like to point out one thing. You're right that we're going to be more exposed to maps made by those we know, that's just obvious as you say. The Staff/Loyals/Premiums do indeed try to counter this, taking care to browse the map forums and try to give lesser known members a good chance at getting their maps seen by those who make the decisions.

    BUT, and this is a big but (have that one on me), this does not mean any preference is given to well known members when we are actually discussing a potential Feature. There is no aspect of preference when it comes to analysing a map's gameplay/design etc, quite the opposite. As I said before, discussions are in fact extra critical for maps made by well known members, specifically because the Staff are very mindful of the concerns over favouritism and so on.

    I think this is basically what you were getting at chrs, but I just wanted to make the point that there are two distinct aspects of likelihood to be Featured, and it's not just a case of more or less likely, regardless of how good the map actually is. What we really care about is getting the highest calibre maps in the Featured section, and whilst there are obviously going to be inequalities in, quite simply, which maps we are exposed too, we do try to counter this, honestly we do. But, as well as this, the standards for Feature are NOT, I repeat NOT, lower when looking at maps made by well known members, if anything they are higher.

    I also think your point about the 'Want to see a map featured?" thread cannot be made enough, much as some people just won't listen. But some people just like to complain and point the finger, and when actually given a chance to get their own opinions out there and balance the 'corruption' that they see round every turn, they're all too happy to just sit back and do nothing. Do this if you please, but remember that no one is going to take your views seriously if all you do is basically complain but put no effort in when given a chance to do your part. I dunno if you've noticed, Dow, but this site is friggin' huge. If you think you could take up the challenge of searching through, downloading, and properly playtesting every single map round here then I think you need to reconsider your stance on this, you're living in a fairy-tale world.
    #19 Pegasi, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  20. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    Looks like we got 2 new premiums. congrats guys.

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