Retrieval This is my second map that i made. "tell me what you think". This map was just created for Mlg Gametypes, but it works for most gametypes Download here <----- Also Rate if you Download Gametypes: King of the hill [x] Slayer [x] Team Slayer [x] Mlg [x] Infection [x] Assualt [x] Weapon List: Br x8 Bruteshot x1 Needler x2 Rocket x1 Smg x2 Sniper x1 Equipment: BubbleSheild x1 Map Overhead View Blue Base Red Base Sniper Tower Rocket Spawn Fill free to leave a comment but plz no spam, just give your opinion and dont be rude. thanks and Enjoy
Um... Sorry for off-topic but I just don't want you to get in trouble. If this is MLG, shouldn't it be in the MLG section? And if it's not, then why is it called MLG? Or are those allowed in competitive section? Sorry if they are allowed.
Umm im not sure either but i dont think that the name of the map is a big deal. If i have to change it then i will. no biggy.
Hmmm, you say this, but you spammed yourself by double posting. You can't post the same map twice unless it is a version two with new pictures and clearly stated changes. Even then, you should wait to do that, as well. Reported NO ONE ELSE POST CONCERNING THE DOUBLE POST
That wouldnt make sense though cause this map could be considered in more than just one category. Its mainly an MLG map and also a Competitive map. I dont see anything wrong with that. Chill out man