holy ****! the first one was amazing. must have taken like 1 hr to get that pic man 5/5 overall awesome campaign shot dude +rep
sure man, but taking a stab at it, you got out of campaign on Halo level and just went to many places? amirite tell me on my profile plz
you dont have to get out of it. on that mission, the theater camera can go pretty far, far enough to get that. but cool shot, great angle. everything comes together nicely.
...Almost Chilli, one of the parts on the final race i failed on, fell through the floor (like glitched) and was down way way down and could still walk around, till i randomly died. From there i went to theater and got some screenshots, this pic takes place like 5000 miles below the main level. The first one is just in the sky =)
hmmm yeah i knew the overvision one, but i wouldnt have guessed about the second one. it just looked like the area around that one place that looks like an "empty pool" (did you post that? i thought might have been you). or one of those places like that. cool find all the way down there though.
Yeap, empty pool was mine, i also want to post another one, but i dont think its that great, Its a bunch of shadows in the shape of blocks making up a face (sorta)