Well, if you've noticed, every Human vehicle has it's own Covenant equivalent. Like the Spectre in Halo 2, the Prowler is the equivalent for the Warthog.
well, if you think about it, the prowler could be thought of as superior to a machine-gun hog; it has more carrying space, less vulnerability for the gunner, and i believe plasma slows you down.
In my opinion the prowler is essentially a warthog except altered for a more specific task. The most obvious being to counter a chopper, something a warthog can have a hard time doing, as well as its stability can be useful. If necessary the open side seats can be improved by only having one passenger, that way a quick turn will make them near impossible to hit. Another tradeoff is the increased armor on the gunner and decreased cover for the driver, completely opposite the hog's setup. Following the same idea it is great if you need to move your entire team, such as at the beginning of the game. For general use however, the warthog usually prevails.
i find that the prowler can be like a tank if you equip your passenger's with rocket launchers,trip mines,splasers,sticky spike and fire bomb grenades. Any other good ideas?
The really good part about the Prowler is that the driver is in the back of the vehicle. It makes it a very good battering ram, especially against bases, when you just need to transport yourself and a gunner. The gunner gets a good vantage point, as well as a good defense and angle of attack.
give the side seaters rockets and lazers and you have a pwn vehicle... i haven't really used it in mm lol it is harder to kill the driver unless they r running away.
If you are rushing the other base for say, flag, the fact that you can get your entire team to the base in a matter of seconds greatly increases chances of a successful grab. Essentially the prowler is the minivan of objective games. Take this reference from "The 40 Year Old Virgin" Cal: Listen, when I was growing pot, I realized that the more seeds I planted, the more pot I could ultimately smoke. More people means more grab attempts and with more force.
I don't like the prowler personally because I don't like driving them just because of their sliding control capibilities. Other than that they're a pretty good Vehicle especially if you get some rocket guys on the sides. Or Splazers. Or snipers! That would be fun.
I have to agree that the Prowler is one of Bungie's worst ideas ever. Why replace the Spectre with a flying sled??? The turret is horrible and is only good for tansportation. In total I have two EVER Prowler turret kills, and only FIVE prowler wheelmens. this vehicle is an abomination.
Like the Chopper, it DESTROYS any vehicles it runs into, and the turret is good close range, I am still waiting for a map that incorporates a prowler into it perfectly.
wow i can't believe how bad the mongoose is! it has NO weapons. it has no cover. it flips easily. it is very weak. it is very hard to splatter anyone in. if it's lasered or rocketed it's an instant double kill for anyone. what we need is moar tanks. if every vehicle was a tank we'd have no problems. /sarcasm the point of the prowler is that it is a support vehicle that brings balance to the game. if it was more power/had more cover/was faster/etc. etc. it wouldn't be balanced and would be overpowered.
A map built to support a prowler well would be interesting for anyone who's stuck for ideas. I might design one myself! What do you think about having the prowler as the neutral vehicle like the ghosts on Isolation of Rat's Nest, Ascension's banshee or Turf's warthog? Perhaps if Valhalla was set up without the warthogs and a a prowler at the Wall instead. Just a thought.
The prowler isn't in many maps, especially not MM maps. That's why so little people have many kills with it. Is it even in ANY MM map? (I don't have Legendary, so if it's in there.. That explains something)
Funny, I was just watching that movie last night. Anywho, the prowler , like the specter, can scale hills that has an a angle of 80 degrees, in other words, there is a big sand dune you can just drive up instead of go around. If it was the specter, the turret would be at the back, and the prowler makes it different. The prowler is like the chopper, except that it has a bigger front area, and by that I mean anti you except if you were in a tank splatter ability.