Hammer n' Anvil

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ghost G45, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
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    Logo courtesy of "A jacal" from Bungie.net.

    Have you ever seen a really nice looking map someone made, or a really mind-blowing machinima, here on the forums or anywhere else on the Internet (that was Halo-related, mind you)?

    I go to the Bungie.net forums every once in a while, and I see a great map or really good machinima, but they'll never get anywhere because no one ever pays attention in the hum-drum of these forums. Everything decent gets pushed off the page by "zomg Sandbox111!!!" or "MLG iz pro!" threads all the time.

    So, myself and a few others over at Halo 3 Mythbusters and Kill Joy Incorporated will soon be setting up our very own critic show, where we will critique and discuss new machinimas and maps that look promising and are worth the community's attention. We've currently dubbed the project "Hammer and Anvil," because of the original symbol of the Forger community that it's named after, and for a few obvious word play reasons.

    A basic idea of this show would be that we will create tours of new maps and walk around and show you all the different aspects of them while discussing them, and do a different method we have not yet determined for machinima. We would also, in most cases, bring along the map creator and interview him about the map as well. We would then post these videos up on YouTube and other places for your viewing entertainment.

    Below, if you are a mapmaker who wishes to possibly get his map reviewed, then read this about map/gametype submissions.

    So, you want to submit a map or machinima?
    If your answer was "Yes," then that's great. All you need to do to submit your map or machinima is to post a link to the video or map, and give us a detailed (not an essay, but a few paragraphs) summary or description of the video or map. For example, if you would like to give us a few screenshots of your map(s), or a "weapons list" (a list of all the weapons and their quantities on the map), etc., that would increase your chances of making it onto the show. Just give us enough information to entice us to check out your submitted content to possibly be reviewed. So do you want your map or machinima to be reviewed? Great! Just post it up now!

    All original, innovative, and generally awesome machinimas and maps are being accepted. Sandbox and other Mythic maps are also being accepted, as well as any other custom maps from other map packs or the original maps.

    UPDATE: The official group for this project has just opened up, and that will be (when the project starts up, and we begin releasing episodes) where people will be submitting their maps. For now, however, you may submit maps via this thread, but I will make a notice here when you will need to submit your maps and/or gametypes at the group, which can be found here.

    I wanted to post this up here to see what other people had to say about the idea for the show. If you have any comments, thoughts, questions, etc, feel free to post them up, and I'll be glad to help.


    Original Bungie.net thread here. NOTE:The thread was locked and I was banned, because the thread apparently did not "promote discussion about Halo 3." I'm not too sure what that means, since the project was Halo 3 related, but hey, no problem.
    #1 Ghost G45, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  2. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Sounds like a good idea, it'll be nice to see some quality maps without browsing through featured maps or the forums. It'll be a good way for mapmakers to get extra exposure to. Just to warn you, you're obviously going to be rather flooded with maps.
    A few questions though:
    Will the maps be focused on Infection? Or just quality maps?
    If a map got a feature here, will it be any more or less likely to make it into the show?
    Where do we submit or maps?
  3. abandoned heretic

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    yea i have seen some good maps that get no attention while half the maps on bungie favorites suck sometimes theres good ones disstortion was on it once and i do like to watch machinima sometimes
  4. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    This sounds spectacular.
    I'm not an ultimate Photoshop Pro, but I have enough time, and I'll look into the symbol.
    I might also submit a map, and maybe some more later.

    If you cancel this show, I will track you down and kill you personally. (no, I can't and won't).

    Some questions:
    -Can you submit your own maps, or only others' maps?
    -How big do you want the symbol to be?

    .. Yup, that's it.
    #4 Spirit798, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  5. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
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    You may submit your own maps and gametypes.
    Also, the symbol doesn't really matter (size-wise), but I'm thinking that I've already found the logo I wanted, unless you can do better.
    Any map that is of good quality. Mini-games, aesthetics, regular maps you could even find in Matchmaking, Infection, anything. As long as it's good, original, and awesome, it's worthy of being on the show.
    Possibly, it just depends on the map.
    I need to update the thread, because a group just opened where you can begin submitting maps. The group is still in its "beta phase," and so submitting maps may be a little basic right now, but should improve as we get more into the project.

    Alternatively, you can just submit them here with a little bit of detail about them, as well as a link to the map and/or gametype (of course, screenshots and gameplay videos won't hurt either).

    Thread updated.
    #5 Ghost G45, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I don't understand how you submit maps or machinimas. I joined the group on b.net, but I didn't see anywhere to do it.
  7. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
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    Did you read the stickied topics off to the side? They should have an outline on how to make threads on submitting your map/gametype (the thread about how to submit machinima will be up soon).

    If you can't find it, it's right here.
    #7 Ghost G45, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  8. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Interesting this idea would get you banned lol. I personally think it's a great idea, and the problem is real.
  9. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    There was an old machinima on youtube dedicated to this and it sucked. I hope you do better.

    And make sure someone doesn't steal a map and enter it... How will you prove it is their's?
  10. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Well, if someone posts a map that is not creditted to the original maker (you can post other people's maps) and someone figures it out, they could report said person, whom then can't post any maps or machinimas ever again.
    So if you decide to post a map, maybe try to figure out if it's not stolen.

    Of course, I'm not part of the Hammer 'n Anvil group, so they might as well have a better system to prevent this.
  11. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
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    We actually do not have a "system" developed for that. Your idea seems plausible, but I'm not sure if it could work every (or most) of the time, because truly checking for a map's credibility and original creator would be hard, unless the actual mapmaker could provide means of a link of having posted about it here on ForgeHub at a certain date, or something like that.
  12. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
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    Sorry to be late and all, but the first episode is being filmed tomorrow (or at least filming is beginning), but we'll still be taking submissions for future episodes and such.
  13. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    Here's the DL link-Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    Description: Solar Plexus is my reimagining of the map Assembly. Everything in the original map has been rethought. Aesthetic touches have been added, and Lines of sight changed. Clever weapon changes alter the flow of the map, and make it more action oriented. Rockets have been moved across the map to a self-created platform. The gravity hammer has been replaced with an energy sword, and a wrap around behind the tower houses a beam rifle. The spawns work very well, as I used Assemblys default spawns as a guide.

    Forgehub thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/73306-solar-plexus.html

    *It should be noted that changes have been made since creation of that thread. Screenshots are also in this simple to follow link, but they're not up to date.
    #13 siberian w0lf, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009

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