This thread is not about Columbine, Hitler's B-day, or any other random coincidences. It's about 420! For those of you who don't know, 420 is a Jamaican holiday dedicated to smoking pot'420' began its sub-rosa linguistic career in 1971 as a bit of slang casually used by a group of high school kids at San Rafael High School in California. '420' (always pronounced "four-twenty," never "four hundred and twenty") came Marijuana to be an accepted part of the argot within that group of about a dozen pot smokers, beginning as a reminder of the time they planned to meet to light up, 4:20 p.m. Keep in mind this wasn't a general call to all dope smokers everywhere to toke up at twenty past four every day; it was twelve kids who'd made a date to meet near a certain statue.! Best holiday ever! What's a favorite holiday that has other events occur on the same day, or what's your favorite 420 story? fix'd
I have participated in this holiday in the past, but this year I won't be, trying to grow up a little. But yeah I don't really think talking of these things is really appropriate considering there are small children that go on this forum.
LOL. That is just epic fail. Seriously. Do your research before you make yourself look like a total ignoramus please. Here's what it's all about:
We had a bomb threat at our school today (I live in Colorado so the whole 10 years past Columbine freaked everyone the **** out), but it was fine, there was no bomb and we got out early. Anyways, this is a really terrible holiday. As much fun as it would be to partake in an illegal activity that authorities are aware of, I'd rather do it at a less conspicuous time.
If there was ever a day to light, up, it would be 420. I mean, it's only the best known day for smoking dope to police officials.
Well I thought I should celebrate it early and I did last night at a party, woke up outside, on a bench, with a big head ache, with my new J's stolen. When I lifted my head, my neck killed. Then some lady started yelling at me from the door and a dog started to run at me (JK about this part). Well today, nothing too out of the ordinary. It was raining and my and 4 others just stayed inside smoking blunt after blunt watching Friday and How High (How fitting)
A couple weeks ago I left a bag of weed in my school locker. Turns out my school's doing locker checks tomorrow, since I have a late start anyway, due to rumor of a student having a weapon. Being myself, I spaced out the locker check and left the bag there and now it's too late to retrieve the bag. Fortunately the bag is inside of the inside pocket of my coat. With luck I will not get caught. I was originally going to save my bag for today, but I forgot about that as well. There were two reasons why I should have brought the bag home and I couldn't remember either. Wow.
I actually started dating a chick just yesterday...I didn't realize we were officially dating on 420 until two hours later, when I was with some buddies...We were blazing (fosho), and I was like "Wait..." - then started giggling like a school girl... But not about the whole girl/420 thing, but just because we were that ripped ^^) I have experienced quite a few 420's so far, no telling which one has been the best... ...I think next year's 420 celebration will be to not smoke all day long... ...Then get faced on 421.
I was sittin around at my house yesterday, after posting this, and I called my friend up and was all "Dude......." And he starts laughing like crazy, so I'm all "WTF?" And he's all "Woah man, no need to yell" So I'm all "You smoked all my fungus?" And he just starts laughing. =)
-_- Mary Jane you say? No Way! That's a new one... But seriously, Fungus = Mushrooms. The second you start calling marijuana a mushroom, is the second you've lost me.
And then you shortened it through conversation, I'm sure y'all have said the term on more then one occasion. Fair enough.
I skipped school on 4/20 Smoked out of a vaporizer Tried to roll a J' (i suck) Smoked out of a gravity Went home Failed a drug test Got myself grounded =D
You just gave me the best idea. I could steal so much property from stoned kids. They'd never know and I would make a ton on ebay.