Criminal Justice - Legalize Marijuana Criminal Justice - Legalize Marijuana Okay, so I'm sure y'all are tired of these threads, or even tired of hearing about it in general. Though, this is your chance to end the massive debate, once and for all. If you're one of those people who doesn't give a **** about whether or not someone smokes it, just as long as you don't hear about it, then sign the petition! If you're one of those people who is completely against marijuana legalization, feel free to explain your reasoning. I'll see to it, that you get a better understanding from me about why it needs to be legalized. Though, the video does a pretty stand-up job, in only about 50 seconds. Lastly, if you support marijuana, don't be lazy! Sign the ****in' petition! Otherwise, I won't feel sorry for you behind bars.
You reeeeally want weed legalised, don't you? Won't happen. Here in Britain, it got upgraded to a Class B drug. Stupid decision, and you're preaching to the choir, but if it were legalised then it could only cause problems. EDIT: I signed your petition anyway. I'm the 4030th guy. Woo!
Forgive me for standing up for what I believe in. This is something that can only help our country, and I won't stand by while other innocents are prosecuted, unjustly. edit: much love.
I personally prefer it to not happen, but if it does, then they had better not allow abuse of the drug.
What I said: I probably could have written that better, but is still what I believe. If people are given the choice to smoke tobacco, or drink alcohol, they should have the choice to smoke cannabis.
I personally don't care weather you smoke weed or not and don't care if it is legalized as long as you don't blow the stuff in my face I'm fine.
So, then did you vote? Or are you both just coming in here to spam up the thread with uselessness? edit: Sorry, this is GC, and I'm a mod again. You've got to up the quality of posts.
Support I would support the cause, but something about listing your name and address to petition an illegal drug is stopping me from signing. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I would bet that many others are swayed against contributing to the cause for that same reason.
I didn't vote for it, because, like I said, I don't support it. However, if it is legalized, my opinion is that it should not be overused and should not be used near public areas where there are children for example.
Children Of course it shouldn't be overused or used in public areas. That is how we treat alcohol and it should be viewed the same way. Although, if I had a child I would much rather have it surrounded by stoners than drunk people any day.
I think if it is legalized I almost gaurantee that it will not be allowed be allowed to be smoked in public places. If it is smoked at place where children are i.e. playground but schools espically will probably carry a hefty fine with it.
How can you abuse weed? Its not like you can overdose on it, you would just pass out from being so tired. I read an essay once that said it would take 4,000 times the amount of weed to get stoned before it had any lethal effects on you. FOUR THOUSAND. It takes me about a $20 sack to get really high and thats if i'm by myself. Besides its not like being high is terrible. All it really does is slow you down. If alcohol is legal (which is waaaaay worse) then marijuana should be legal. But thats just my opinion. =D
ohhh ok Well thats kinda common sense If it is ever legalized then there would be certain places to smoke it at. Perhaps a bar maybe or some other place like that.
I understand the logic of legalization. No more shady drug dealers (just shady tobacco companies. They had a whole campaign prepared if it was going to be legalized years ago). No more not know what might be mixed with it. But I believe with legalization the use will be more wide spread and I really wouldn't want to see that.
Actually, if it were legalized I don't think usage would increase, it would only appear that way because people will not be so secretive about it. I can't say I look forward to people waving it around in people's faces, because I think it smells like ****, but that is something I can live with. The detriment I do see behind legalization is it would become a corporate thing, and the government would not hesitate to cash in on potential tax collection from marijuana sales. With regulated production weed, the quality will probably greatly decline, and those who still want to smoke the "good ****" would have to turn to private growers, which could lead to some laws preventing such. Now you have a legal drug but illegal distribution.
I mean is the drug pure, grown in good conditions, not mixed with something to make it seem like more. With this its not as big a problem as with other drugs.
Sorry, but I'm going with this Grif fellow. Also, I'm afraid I found a teen-see hole in your logic. If you, the pot enthusiast, gets your wish of legalizing pot also using the tactic "vote for us to stop hearing about it if you don't care", then won't I have to listen to the other side as much as you legalize-pot heads? I hate these unescapable, equally sided arguments. It's like arguing with my extremely stubborn grandma. This, too.