Half-Portal Hub: Beta

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by redeyesmaster, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    Okay every one I was talking to a few of my friends and a few of the staff and admins they told me to start up a forum about Portal and Half-Life 2. they said that if this was a hit that they would make an add on to the site and make a halflife/portal hub type as they had doen with farcry. any way with out delay, here you are aloud to post ANY thing that has to do with Portal or Half-Life 2. maps, skins, weapons, tuts, any thing you want. By the way this is for the PC not for the PS2 or X-Box 360 versions. show me what you got!

    1)There will be now counter strike!
    2)any thing about half life will do even Death Match.
    3)do not talk about how this forum will never work out as long as we dont have haters like you then it just might.
    4)if you need a tut on how to make a map i will gladly help you out, just comment

    PS: orange box is on sale for only $10 get it while its hot! only this month.
    #1 redeyesmaster, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    I would just like to say Portal and the Half-Life series kick major ass.

    Valve will go down in videogame history
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    To be honest Valve games have never done that much for me. The only Orange Box game I really enjoy is Portal, and even then it doesn't steal my heart. It's damn cool, idk, just doesn't grab me that much. L4D is pretty cool, but yeah, not really the place for that I guess.

    I think the best thing about Valve in general is their attitude as a developer. They seem to really love giving back to their community and also appear to fight MS every step of the way to get great content out there for free, which is something I seriously support in a developer. They may not make my favourite games, but in terms of attitude towards their community they are definitely my favourite developer. The community sites could do with a boost, most of the official ones for each Valve game are pretty sucky in comparison to things like Bungie.net, but the intention to do the right thing by their fans and avoid screwing them over at all costs despite MS pushing the other way is definitely there.
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    The problem with your idea is that people come to this site because they play Halo 3. A game made solely for the X-box 360. And since the Far Cry 2 board didn't take off, at all, this will probably not work. Also considering that you can make maps in FC2 on the X-box 360, PC, and PS3, and your idea only works on the PC.

    On a side note, this thread seems to be serving well as a Valve/Valve products discussion thread.
  5. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    yeah i think a general Valve games discussion for all games on all platforms would be be better.
    Valve games for discussion outside of Portal and Half-life would include L4D,Team-Fortress and Counter Strike
  6. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    well i geuss you guys are right but i would just like to find a grate map posting site for portal maps and halflife2 maps, there seems to be none that i can find. by the way if you only have portal you could download some halflife2 maps and put them into the portal folder and be able to play it. with a bit of console help you may be able to get a portal gun in half life 2.
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I too understand your concern and enthusiasm, for I love Valve products also. I've made a Half-Life series discussion thread, which has gotten little attention. Just to show that this site's main prerogative is to publicize Halo 3 Forge Maps. We've seen the Far Cry section fail, and I wouldn't have high hopes if your forum was implemented either. The reason being, as Security77 stated, this forum is a Forge Orientated site. It's how it's received most of it's attention, and how it will continue to. I would honestly love to see this happen, just I feel in certain circumstances it wouldn't.

    A recommendation to you and your future staff would just to create a forum for the specific theory in mind. Having it be Portal/Half Life maps,etc. Extending it off of Forgehub could create possible popularity, but not enough for it actually to be considered a mainstream site. If you do consider this idea, make a free forum first and make a foreground of the future site in mind. If you actually do enjoy this idea I'd love to be a part of said community, so add me on skype;username is Playerhata27.
  8. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    thanks a lot that is a good idea i thought of something like that to because this site obviusly isn't the place to have it. so i beleive that if i could get some sites to sponcer me i may be able to creat a desent site. although it may be a bit hard to get started but i shall only get started if the forum becomes a hit, i have found out a site fairly good but you cant search for ****,
    FPSBANANA > The FPS Customization Community
    i think i typed that right any way what is skype by the way?
    did you mabey some how mean steam? i think not though.
  9. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Valve is one of my favorite developers, next to Bungie of course. Modern shooters still rarely reach the level of HL2, which contained dozens of memorable moments. I like the multiplayer part of Team Fortress 2 much more than Halo 3's MM (I play Halo for Forge and custom games), and Portal was just...brilliant!

    So, I'm happy these games get a little more attention on my favorite site: forgehub.
    #9 TheRayzerTag, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  10. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    thank you you're welcome
  11. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    i think this site will help in this discussion.... its a website for a new half-life 2 machinima... also it has some Hammer mapping tutorials check it out!

  12. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    i gotta say it has potantal but nothing to big because the set up of the site is so off. also the tuts suck. and why does it have halo 3 forums in it? oh well.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Do I see half-portal hall for forgehub rpg? :)

    I think its a pretty good idea, you should try keep it active tough, maybe even set up a server for forgehub on it?
    #13 B3NW, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  14. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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  15. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    how is the site setup so off?
    how do the tuts suck?
    why do you care?

    and did your read any of what you said... its for a HL2 machinima, not so that you can get Half-Life on forgehub, i just figured it'd help since

    a.) Im a mod there
    b.) We tried to affiliate with forgehub but they needed more of a reason... if we affiliate then the chances of you getting a Half-Life section is much greater....
  16. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    it doesn't madder if you are a mod i posted this in the right area and i was told to test this out just to see if it works out fine. any way the bad tuts are because there is nothing there usefull.

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