Sandbox Parthenon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mearm, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Map made by Mearm and Parune.
    4-10 players.
    Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, Team KOTH.​

    Our newest map is Parthenon, and I based the middle structure off of the actual Parthenon. Basically, This is a medium sized map made for long range combat, but with some close quarters areas mixed in. However, there are not many close quarters areas, and as such, there are quite a few BRs and Carbines on the map. You will need to have one of these, or at least some long range weapon in order to survive. ​

    8 Battle Rifles, 2 extra clips, 45 second respawn.
    2 Carbines, 2 extra clips, 45 second respawn.
    2 Snipers, 1 extra clip, 150 second respawn.
    2 Spikers, 2 extra clips, 45 second respawn.
    2 Plasma Rifles, 45 second respawn.
    2 Plasma Pistols, 60 second respawn.
    2 Needlers, 2 extra clips, 60 second respawn.
    1 Energy Sword, 150 second respawn.​

    4 Frag grenades, 20 second respawn.
    6 Plasma grenades, 20 second respawn.
    1 Bubble Shield, 90 second respawn.
    1 Power Drain, 90 second respawn.
    1 Regenerator, 90 second respawn.
    2 Trip Mines, 90 second respawn.
    1 Overshield, 180 second respawn.​

    Overview Pictures
    This is the Defender's Base. It doesn't need much explaining, but each base is the exact same, and the map is completely symmetrical. There are three floors in each base, the bottom is the bunker floor, with a low ceiling and walls around it, it has one weapon, a trip mine and some grenades. The middle floor is the main floor, and it has some cover and a couple weapons on it. Lastly, the top floor has the needler on it, and can be used as a vantage point against enemys coming from the Garden.​

    You should already pretty much know everything about the bases, so I'll explain the area in front of the bases. It has a little cover, and the corner stone has the sniper next to it. Each base gets a sniper. We had originally planned for the sniper to be where the needler is now, but it was too easily reached and became a camping hazard, so we swapped the sniper and neelder locations. Now people have to work a little bit to get their sniper.​

    This is the Parthenon. It was what I first built on the map, and will be the site of the rush for the sword. It is somewhat long range if you shoot down the middle, but there is alot of cover in here, making it also a good close quarters battle zone. Lucky you, the sword is right there waiting.​

    Remember how I said you could attack oncoming enemies from the Garden while on the top floor of the base? Well this is the Garden, and it houses the Overshield, as well as a Carbine and some stickies. This is also a close quarters zone, so a sword would also be effective in here. In the beginning, this will be a rush to get the Overshield, so you will have to choose whether or not to go for the sword or Overshield. Both are useful, so this might make for a difficult choice.​

    Action Shots
    Like I said earlier, this will be a war zone in the beginning of the game, as well as being a good long range battle.​

    The sword can be useful in some areas of the map, and you can allow it to be useful in other with corret use of a bubble shield. Another lucky situation, the bubble shield spawns next to the Parthenon. Just make sure not to get shot as soon as you grab it.​

    The needler is best suited for dispatching anyone who has the overshield. You could also use one of the plasma pistols or rifles, they work just as well.​

    There is a height advantage when you fight on the stairs to the Parthenon, make good use of it for some easy wins.​

    Trip mines in the base can make for a good distraction, while they can also be used to halt advancing enemies from the Garden.​

    The bases have some cover, but not too much as to make them camping hazards or not too little as to make them too easy to be shot from all directions.​

    This map is actually really fun to play on, and is especially good for doubles games. Even if you think it doesnt have enough cover, it will often prove you wrong, especially in the Parthenon. We have not been able to test the map very much, but from how much we did test, I can assure you this is a pretty fun map to play on. Parune and I are proud of this map, and I am especially proud of the Parthenon, no matter what anyone thinks, I think it is what sells the map. I hope you like the map and try not to fall off. :) Have fun!​

  2. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, some of the sections don't look very smooth, like the garden joining the regular walkway. I love the stairs with the ramps beside them, to bad you have to jump up them. If you have any objects/budget left you should put more railings in, doubt you do though. Looks sweet for shotty snipes. 4/5
  3. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Very nice map it looks really well done and fun to play on... The temple looks pretty sick too and it will be alot of fun going for that sword and having a snipe fight in there... The interlocking looks good too, but the only thing I don't like is that you can see the flags of the tin cups lol.. Otherwise great map i'll have to test this with some friends later =)
  4. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Sorry no more objects, I had to use the rest of the object space for cover and spawn points, and at that there aren't many.
    EDIT: Almost forgot, the area where the grass of the Garden meets the wall floors does make you jump, but it is very little, and for some reason people always jump over it anyway...

    It doesn't affect gameplay, but it does affect the effect, if that makes any sense. I do agree though, but there isnt much to be done, seeing as im out of object space and I dont know of any way that I could cover up the flags.
    #4 Mearm, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  5. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    I love the aesthetics on this map. The garden, lighting, and parthenon area are all very well done. You could smoothen out the floors and walkways, but I know it is tough with the glitch. I like your weapon decisions, they work well with the geometry of the map. The garden is very nice, it has that sort of majestic (lame, I know) feel to it. A little fixing up and it could be a 5, but I'll give it a 4/5 for now. Keep it up.

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