Foundry Oracles toybox

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sorrinrp, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Sorrinrp

    Sorrinrp Ancient
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    This is a fun map that's good for swat, slayer, juggernaut and infection.

    This map is basically a room filled with interlocked objects weapons and two special sniper platforms. Its a huge maze or depending on how you think of it, a huge mess. But its fun to play on none the less. Almost every weapon is included in this map most are hidden but others are quite obvious.

    There aren't really any checkpoints to label

    Some good views of the map

    Sniper spot....great for taking out those pesky zombies...

    The best game type for this is definitely cooler game [download below.]
    So you know I don't make pretty maps cause I don't have the time or patience, I make fun maps that are generally good for big parties.

    Oracle's Toybox: download
    Best game type for it [Not made by me]:download

    If there is anything wrong with the post/map please tell me. This is my first post.
    #1 Sorrinrp, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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  3. halo warrior95

    halo warrior95 Ancient
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    nobody else post until after he has met thread expectations, 1. pictures 2. a brief summary of your map including weapons list and player stats. 3. download link for the map that is not linked to a fileshare. you have 24 hours before your thread is locked.
  4. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Don't be an ass man. Not everyone notices stickied topics. They are stickied so they won't get lost but people skim over them more often than not.
  5. Sorrinrp

    Sorrinrp Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. fixed
    2. there is a brief summary, no weapons list because it should not matter and it ain't in the rules and no player stats cause I don't know what you're gonna play now do I?
    3. Dunno how to post my maps in a Bungie forum and it seems like every other map maker has it leading to a fileshare.
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Rule of thumb when joining forums is to read rules before posting. He's obviously been viewing any other threads before he joined... common sense would indicate that maybe my post is lacking compared to everyone else's thread.

    If you can't read, why join a forum... where the sole purpose is to read what others type? If you can't be bothered to read the rules, then deal with the consequences.

    Generally, if you want people to download your map... you should provide that info as a common courtesy and maybe to entice people that are on the fence about downloading it.

    Anyways, now that you have the map posted...
    What is it? Did you actually place all those pieces like that?

    Sorry, but this map isn't for me.
    #6 MaxSterling, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Don't worry new guy. All the spam above me has been reported.

    TBH, this looks more like a big mess to me, but if it plays well I guess it won't matter. Did you consider the lines of sight (i.e. can one team see the other teams' spawn areas from where they spawn)? The only problem I can see with this slightly eccentric map is the possible problem of jumping from one object to another and failing the jump. This really kills the map flow. I don't think you should have made floating double boxes because of the lip at the top.

    So it could be good, but these maps are really hit and miss. If one part of the map is bad, it could mean correcting half the map to fix it.
    Still though, pretty good map post. Glad you got your pictures up. I'll try your gametype with the map.
  8. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    It does look like a mess, actually, but I don't believe that'll stop it from being good.
    Hell, my first map looked like a mess (well, not in the way this one does), but that didn't stop it from being good. Hmm, I might even remake it on sandbox, although I think it'll feel very different with the sandy textures...

    Anyway, ehh, yeah. I don't like SWAT, I hate it, but it does look like this map could bring some interesting chaotic slayer matches, and I'll give it a download.
    But I don't think this is a keeper.
    Make your next map (I'm sure you'll make more) a little more solid, if you catch my drift.
  9. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    that seems kind of hard to do since you can no longer post your map on the Bungie forums.
  10. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    well, if you had weapon list and player stats (that means stats for recommended gametypes, even if it doesnt matter which gametype you play) and a weapons list, i would know this isnt a bad in terms of 1-shot kills and a huge mass of weapons.

    Looks good for a first try, but try reading the "forging 101" section
  11. Sorrinrp

    Sorrinrp Ancient
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    I have made more maps that are a lot more solid than this I just put this one on first cause all my friends said it was their favorite for swat and infection [we play them a lot]

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